Shroud (Force Talent)

By CloudyLemonade92, in Game Masters

Anyone have any ideas on how long Shroud should last, or what would pull a character out of it? If he attacked someone would he still remain invisible?

It does say for the remainder of the encounter, but if there's no way for it to be dropped then why not use it every time. Especially if there is only 1 encounter per session.

Seems rather strong to be so cheap to pick up.

Could I require the player to commit a force dice to this endeavor and have him roll discipline checks every minute or so to see if he maintains concentration? I'm assuming it could be used anytime as well, not just in an encounter.


The talent literally says it's up to the GM.

Personally, I'd say that as long as the character reasonably acts like he's trying to remain unseen, it'll work for as long as the scene lasts.

Whispering mind tricks into some guard's ear, sure. immobilising a guard with Bind, okay, but enemies maybe get to roll Perception to spot him. Using Move to to park a speeder bike into somebody's face for 20 damage, I think not.

Mind you, Shroud doesn't turn you invisible. It just makes you undetectable in the Force and makes it so nobody will notice your Force powers.

5 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

Anyone have any ideas on how long Shroud should last, or what would pull a character out of it? If he attacked someone would he still remain invisible?

Shroud does not make you invisible.

It prevents you from being detected by Force users via Sense and similar abilities and from having your powers noticed unless you're being really blatant with them.

It's not psychic invisibility, it's Palpatine standing in front of a Jedi and not being pinged as a Force user while he's rolling Influence into social checks.

Edited by Stan Fresh
35 minutes ago, Stan Fresh said:

Shroud does not make you invisible.

It prevents you from being detected by Force users via Sense and similar abilities and from having your powers noticed unless you're being really blatant with them.

It's not psychic invisibility, it's Palpatine standing in front of a Jedi and not being pinged as a Force user while he's rolling Influence into social checks.


Yeah my bad I was reading it completely wrong. Thanks!

That being said... Is there Force Cloak on the game at all?

Misdirect allows you to create force illusions and can also be used to cloak yourself from notice. Takes a bit of time to get it to work on more people though.

9 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

That being said... Is there Force Cloak on the game at all?

There's the Misdirect power which can create psychic costumes, essentially, and later on in the Shadow spec there's a talent that makes NPCs forget the last couple minutes of your interaction with them.

I would generally default to "the duration of the scene" (encounter) unless the character does something to blow their cover.