Custom Box Art Hero - Ravvis the Ranger [Maze of the Drakon]

By AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Topic moved to BoardGameGeek!

en_ravvis_front.jpg?pub_secret=ef40446f12 en_ravvis_back.jpg?pub_secret=7e6f1ee8c3

Czech version:
ravvis_front.jpg?pub_secret=cec5dec9e1 ravvis_back.jpg?pub_secret=0c622a643d


This hero (2/5) is part of the custom expansion Maze of the Drakon
this hero is finished , read about the play-tests here


ravvis.jpg?pub_secret=ca259d581f _1.jpg?pub_secret=92bcba1656


Do I replace brown defense die with gray one when I am adjacent to a familiar?
Familiars treated as figures ( Reanimate , Wolf , Brightblaze ) are treated as heroes for Hero Abilities, so yes for them.

Does Hero Ability works on Melee attacks?
Yes, it works exactly same as Stealthy , which means that Melee attacks requires to roll at least 3 range to hit.

Does Hero Ability affect attack when I am affected by the AOE attack like Fire Breath or Blast ?
No, you must be the target of the attack.

Can I use Heroic Feat when I am affected by the AOE attack like Fire Breath or Blast ?
No, you must be the target of the attack.

How does Heroic Feat exactly work?
After first step of Combat, "Declare Weapon and Target", you may move up to 3 spaces - changing the space figure is attacking. If the new space cannot be target of the declared attack, because it's not in the line of sight or Melee attack is out of range, attack is considered a miss.

Can I enter water spaces with Heroic Feat?
Yes. Distance moved is determined by counting spaces not by spending movement points, entering water spaces has no additional cost.


I am integrating heroes from FFG Drakon 4th , which includes two heroes from the Descent box & rules art - Knight and Ranger and also great proxy for Tyrus . I wrap them under custom expansion "Maze of the Drakon" . Goal here is to make them interesting as much as possible, bringing something new to the game - I would rather have them weak with something new than overpowered.

Ocvist the Dragonslayer is done and now let's continue with the Ranger, scout archetype. Idea is to make different play-style hero via huge mobility and squishy statistics with interesting defensive abilities.

It would be much appreciated, if you leave any feedback, suggestion, find typo, fix bad wording, anything.


We have box artwork from Belibr with just legs missing and then we have art from Drakon 4th .

I decided to use box art, I improved colors a bit and painted missing legs - final used result .


FFG didn't name him, Belibr, artist of the of box art didn't name him, however in DeviantArt discussion user TheLastIronMan wrote:

"'Let's raid the lost citadel', you said. 'It'll be a walk in the park!' you said." "Ravvis, shut your mouth and find us a way out of here!"

and Belibr reacted with the smiley face. Community named him " Oblivious, the Paranoid Ranger ", therefore combining both and excluding the joke and this is what we have:

Ravvis the Ranger

Fluff text:

“Did you hear that?”

This is quote made by Erick Burigo on funny custom hero sheets for box art heroes.


We have nothing from FFG - nothing in Descent and nothing in Drakon.

Idea is to write some stories with the group and include reason to explain why some people call him a paranoid ranger.

Yet to be written.


To bring something new to the game this is only Hero with 6 speed:

6 Speed, 8 Health, 3 Stamina, 1 Brown defense.

These stats are reversed stats of Serena ( 3 8 6 brown - only Hero with 6 stamina) and they are 'one off' in comparison to heroes like Jain Fairwood with 5 8 5 gray (-1 speed, +2 stamina and better defense die).


It's common for Scouts to have 4-5 awareness and Ravvis shouldn't be exception.
I decided to go with 4 awareness instead of 5, because it feels like 5 awareness heroes should be focusing on traps - like Raythen .

2 Might, 3 Willpower, 2 Knowledge, 4 Awareness.

Quite common attributes, exactly same as Bogran the Shadow (CK), Grey Ker has 3 3 2 4, highly mobile Jain Fairwood has 2 2 3 4, Logan Lashley has 3 2 2 4.

Hero Ability:

With 8 health and brown defense die Hero Ability requires to be defensive one. His high mobility might be great, but he still should be careful when going alone and also consider to stick with the group. Same way Tomble Burrowell adds defense pool of adjacent hero.

Each attack that targets you must roll 3 additional range beyond the normally required amount or the attack is a miss. If you are adjacent to any other hero, replace your brown defense die with gray defense die.
If you are not adjacent to any other hero, each attack that targets you must roll 3 additional range beyond the normally required amount or the attack is a miss.
- changed that you always have Stealthy
- changed that you get gray defense die when you are with others

This is integration of Stealthy keyword which adds some survivability, but it's still weaker then Ravaella Lightfoot with Black defense die and no blanks defense. Keep in mind that blue die does start with 2 range if you do not roll X.

Defense abilities:
Tomble Burrowell : If you are attacked while adjacent to at least one other hero, you may choose an adjacent hero and add the defense pool of that hero to your own.
Kirga (CK) : A monster may only target you with an attack if there are no other heroes closer to that monster and in it's line of sight.
Serena : Each time you are targeted by an attack,a hero adjacent to you may suffer 1 Fatigue to declare himself as the target of the attack instead. Range and line of sight are still measured to your space.

Heroic Feat:

Use when you are attacked targeted by an attack, before dice are rolled, you may move up to 3 spaces. After the movement, if you cannot be declared as the target of the attack, that attack is considered a miss.
- changed from "move up to your speed" to "move up to 3 spaces", so heroic is used defensively and not for objective run forward
- changed "attacked" to "targeted by an attack" to prevent usage when you are affected by an attack

This is save button from " I am too far from the group and going to die ". Against Melee attackers it's basically guaranteed wasted action of the attacker. Against ranged attacks you must try to hide yourself from the LOS or hope that Stealthy and distance will save you.

Defensive Heroics:
Thaiden Mistpeak : Use when a monster enters an empty space adjacent to you. The monster is Immobilized , and you immediately move up to 3 spaces.
Nanok of the Blade (CK) : Use when you are attacked, after the dice are rolled. You are not affected by this attack.
Ravaella Lightfoot : Use when you are attacked, after you roll defense dice, to test Knowledge and Awareness. For each test you pass, add 3 Shield to your defense results.
Corbin : Use when attacked, before rolling defense dice. Instead of rolling defense dice, place them showing any face you choose.
Kirga (CK) : Use during another figure's activation to immediately perform a move action. You may not interrupt another player's action unless it is a move action.

Move Heroics:
Jain Fairwood : Action: You may move double your Speed and perform an attack. This attack may be performed before, after, or during this movement.

Tinashi the Wanderer : Use during your turn to choose an empty space within 3 spaces of your figure. Remove your figure from the map and place it in the chosen space.
Tomble Burrowell : Action: Remove your figure from the map and place a hero token in your space. At the start of your next turn, place your figure in any empty space within 4 spaces of your hero token.

Thank you for your time reading this ❤️ .

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

Sealthy is a strange ability : on act 1 can avoid some attacks from range and few times from melee basically going from 1 chance on 6 to miss to 2 chances to 6. On act 2, it becomes almost useless with the add of yellow die. Si I'm note sure it how tout balance stats around this

21 hours ago, rugal said:

Sealthy is a strange ability : on act 1 can avoid some attacks from range and few times from melee basically going from 1 chance on 6 to miss to 2 chances to 6. On act 2, it becomes almost useless with the add of yellow die. Si I'm note sure it how tout balance stats around this


With Stealthy integration it feels necessary to change Gray die to Brown die. Brown + Stealthy is better in some situations then Gray die, but not in all of them and that should be ok. In ACT 2 you will need some armor. I like that idea, because it requires slightly different playstyle, position placement matters a lot. I understand that there are heroes like Ravaella Lightfoot with Black defense die, but that seems like power house to me.
Stats might be to harsh in comparison to Jain Fairwood which have 5 8 5 gray (-1 speed, +2 stamina and better die) and survival ability. I think it's possible to buff his health from 8 to 10 or buff his stamina from 3 to 4. In power level, 6 stamina feels more powerful then 6 speed, so he doesn't need exactly reversed stats as Serena (3 8 6 brown).

What do you think?

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

I think that stealthy is over estimated and is not si strong ans qhould ne limited tout blue die only to be effective.

I'm glad Kirga was Never remade since his (her ?) ability is stupid.

Maybe we can imagine something else ?

22 minutes ago, rugal said:

I think that stealthy is over estimated and is not si strong ans qhould ne limited tout blue die only to be effective.

Limiting it to just Blue defense die is not very good idea because:
1) There are monsters like Rat Swarms without Blue die.
2) It would simply mean that you have 1/3 chance that the attack targeting you is a miss - no matter if it's melee attack, ranged attack from the distance or from the space next to you.

That would simply ruin the fun with the position placement.

28 minutes ago, rugal said:

I'm glad Kirga was Never remade since his (her ?) ability is stupid.

I like the idea behind her ability, but in practice this means that you can't attack her until all other heroes are death, which is indeed stupid.

31 minutes ago, rugal said:

Maybe we can imagine something else ?

I quite like the integration of Stealthy, but I will definitely change it if there is better original idea. Do you at least like Heroic Feat?

I like defensive "run away" skills like:
Wildlander - Nimble: Each time a monster moves into spaces adjacent to you, you may use this card to move 1 space; then the monster may continue its activation.
There are similar integration on heroes:
Orkell the Swift : Each time you are attacked by a monster and suffer at least 1 Heart, you may move 1 space after the attack.
Logan Lashley : ... after you perform an attack with an Exotic weapon, you may move 1 space.

Also interesting defensive abilities are:
Shiver : Monsters must spend 1 additional movement point to enter any space adjacent to you.
Saka and Kukto (custom): Monsters have to spend 2 movement points in order to target you for an attack.

I don't want ability to change target of the attack like:
Knight - Defend : When a hero adjacent to you is targeted by an attack, use this card to instead declare yourself as the target of the attack. Range and line of sight are still measured to the targeted hero's space.
Serena : Each time you are targeted by an attack,a hero adjacent to you may suffer 1 Fatigue to declare himself as the target of the attack instead. Range and line of sight are still measured to your space.
Trickster - Now You See Me : Use this card when you are targeted by an attack. 1 hero within 5 spaces of you who is not affected by the attack may choose to switch spaces with you. If he does, he becomes the target of the attack instead.

About Stealthy, the blue die should only be involved with melee attacks, keeping standard mechanic to the ranged attack

I do like the feat, even if it looks like a bit like a "vampire's power" since he "teleport" just right before being striked, but fine to me, yes !

I'm not fond of scouts, except for Tatianna, with her + 1 / - 1 range, which is really fun to me.
I'm searching a fun idea for a "red riding hood" hero, and I was thinking of a hero with this ability
She has 2 in each attribute. "At the start of your turn, choose an attribute. Apply + 3 to this attribute until the start of your next turn"

About you hero, what do you think about "each time you enter a space within 2 spaces of a monster, you may move 1 space toward that monster" ?

3 hours ago, rugal said:

She has 2 in each attribute. "At the start of your turn, choose an attribute. Apply + 3 to this attribute until the start of your next turn"

I have seen literally hundreds of custom ideas for hero abilities, some unimaginative, some solid, some workable, and some would be just completely unbalanced.

This one is amusing and interesting at the same time. I don't know if it is "enough" of a hero ability, but it is certainly unique, and I could see it be very powerful in certain quests, situations, etc. Further, it is one that could be useful not only in the 1v4 world, but in the app world as well.

What "matching" heroic feat would you propose? +3 to all attributes for one turn? Or perhaps providing a guaranteed success (such as one attribute of 7 until the next turn, or simply choosing to automatically pass all tests until the next turn, or?)?

Edited by any2cards

I haven't found heroic feat yet. And since I'm searching real and interresting ideas it takes many time to see when playing what could be fun and great

Edited by rugal
14 hours ago, rugal said:

About Stealthy, the blue die should only be involved with melee attacks, keeping standard mechanic to the ranged attack

Oh I get it now. This change would be nice if it also worked like that for monsters with Stealthy.
I updated first post and changed Brown defense die to Gray. Keeping other stats as they are.

14 hours ago, rugal said:

I do like the feat, even if it looks like a bit like a "vampire's power" since he "teleport" just right before being striked, but fine to me, yes !

I am glad you like it. Didn't think about it like that, but you are right :) . I had simply in mind that it's some fast reaction with jump away.

14 hours ago, rugal said:

I'm not fond of scouts, except for Tatianna , with her + 1 / - 1 range, which is really fun to me.

Tatianna is great, I think that Vyrah the Falconer with Skye familiar which adds extra range is also real nice, when we are talking about range modifiers.

14 hours ago, rugal said:

what do you think about "each time you enter a space within 2 spaces of a monster, you may move 1 space toward that monster" ?

That's interesting, but then it would be seriously overpowered with 6 speed. So basically stats would have to be completely different.

13 hours ago, any2cards said:

I have seen literally hundreds of custom ideas for hero abilities, some unimaginative, some solid, some workable, and some would be just completely unbalanced.

This one is amusing and interesting at the same time. I don't know if it is "enough" of a hero ability, but it is certainly unique, and I could see it be very powerful in certain quests, situations, etc. Further, it is one that could be useful not only in the 1v4 world, but in the app world as well.

What "matching" heroic feat would you propose? +3 to all attributes for one turn? Or perhaps providing a guaranteed success (such as one attribute of 7 until the next turn, or simply choosing to automatically pass all tests until the next turn, or?)?

What do you think about Ravvis or Ocvist ? Do you consider those heroes ideas bland / boring / bad / unbalanced / meh / not worth commenting?

Based on Grimstringer idea from bgg , changed his defense die back to brown and modified his ability - now he always have Stealthy and gray defense die when adjacent to a hero.

Also started painting his missing legs.

you do great as recreating missing parts

Done and done! Check his finished hero card in the first post.


Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

My OCD wood-working self wants to refinish the table ... 😂

2 hours ago, any2cards said:

My OCD wood-working self wants to refinish the table ... 😂

Haha 😁 You can come over to my place to fix it, I have cold one ready for you.



I already played multiple games with various people as and against Ravvis.

This hero is not beginners friendly and that's because both his Hero Ability and Heroic Feat is used in the Overlord turn and not in the Hero turn - you need to pay attention a lot and always consider your hero position placement due to a Brown defense die.
Moving 12 spaces without spending single Fatigue is very good and often baits the Overlord to beat this guy in the front down. Also when you are left behind, because you had to finish the last monster and you no longer have an action, you don't have to worry about not catching up with the group.

With Stealthy Hero Ability monsters often miss, but when they don't it's devastating - 8 health is really not a lot. Funny fact is that the Rat Swarms with 1 Green power die are not capable to hit him. Pro tip: Pick him in Shadow of Nerekhall campaign. However Overlord can easily counter his ability with AOE attacking monsters like Shadow Dragons, Hellhounds, etc.
When you are too far in the front and the situation starts to escalate or you are running out of health, Heroic Feat is extremely useful. In most of the time it prevents one big monster attack action and you will get back to the safety and with the group you are usually no longer the primary target.
However beware of AOE attacks which are not affected by the Hero Ability if he is not primary target!

It's recommended to pick class which do not have Fatigue heavy skills and starts with the ranged weapon, since you will not be using fatigue movement very often - rest action to restore 3 Fatigue just feels bad. He is nice as Wildlander , but he truly shines as a Shadow Walker .

His game-play is really different and interesting from all other heroes with careful position planing. Stealthy ability felt right and fun - when he receives damage he usually dies quickly, but he doesn't receive damage that often.
During his turn he shines with mobility, however he can't do any magical 'kill everything' heroic. He is great at search token hunting and objective run, but his weak Fatigue usually prevents him from doing classic "Fatigue move + 2 attacks" turn. He is full-filling scout role nicely.

I am very happy with the multiple play-tests results and I will no longer make changes to this hero - he is finished! He is not strongest guy in the world, but he offers unique and fun game-play.

Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark

So what about the druid ?

I'm really curious and interrested into a healer

bossepainter 🏹


Edited by AwesomeTree_in_the_Dark