Greetings, brethern.
I think that the combat system "as given" is not optimal to reflect combat against creatures. This is not a flaw special to DH but to almost any RPG-System I know. The combat system is fine to reflect an exchanges of blow between humans or humanoids, but it starts to feel arkward with a lot of creatures (if not all).
Thereby, I am currently working on a set of houserules how to reflect animal combat behaviour in without changing the rules (or at least "that much").
Here is my first take on "constricting snakes", I gonne post more as soon as I come up with some. Constructive critic is always welcome and feel free to add your ideas as well
Animal combat behaviour: Constricting Snakes
A snakelike creatur similiar to a Boa or Phyton (from now on called "Constricta") will always take the All-Out-Attack manouver (as far as I see it, these creatures are unlikely to parry or dodge anyhow). The attacks represents the head of the snake shooting forward in order to bite and "lock" to pull the rest of its body over the creatur. Any successfull attack counts as initiation of a grabble unless the target succeeds on an Agility check (which I would count as a free action instead of a reaction).
Once the grabble is successfully initiated, the following grabble check is +10 (due to the flexibility trait the creature is likely to have). The following might be +20 (your choice) Instead of further damage applied, the target counts as unable to breath and thereby suffocating.
Please take note that while it is a common myth that a constrictior kills by breaking the bones with pressure, the truth is that it simply coils so tightly that after breath leaves the lunges (target body contracts) their is no more room to breath in (the coils keep the target body from expanding). Depending on the strenght, bones might fracture and/or break. But the kill is delivered by "strangling".
For purpose of "breaking the strangle hold", I would count a Constricta to have "unnatural Strengh 2x" (and for that purpose only). The bite might be 1d5-3+STB (no further damage after "locking").
If the creatur sustains damage after constricting prey, it natural behaviour will be to losen the grib and flee (or attack the new target in case of a very aggressive GM-created specis). Please take note that shooting or attacking with non-blunt melee weapons (or chain-/energyweapons) has a high risk of hitting the encoiled target as well.
Final Note: Even a huge pyhton will not be a threat to a group of acolythes. They are armed, they will act as a group. Such an encounter is unlikely to be more then a simple "inccident" for jungle flavour. Unless, the encounter is set up to face the pc unarmed (i.e thrown into an arena) or your xeno-constricta is a really strong and huge beast. Like a 12 meter "Daemon Phyton" from a Deathworld, cabable of constricting one target and "roping it down" while freeing it´s upper part for an attack on a second target.
Constrictas known to us do not have notable venom. While mother natur is not to much a fan of "overkill" but "optimization", you and your deathworld species do not have to be that "hide bound". Deadly venom makes no sense here, but how about a venom that paralyses or leaves the victim unconscious? (see GM-Kit).