D2e Card Templates & Assets

By any2cards, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

As many of you may already know, I am the author of the D2e Card Viewer extension for Chrome. In addition, I recently went through and re-generated all of the cards that are used by the viewer.

After this work was done, I was contacted by several people asking if I would share the card templates and assets I used to make the cards, so that those individuals could create custom content of their own. I took some time to gather all of the assets, and have placed them into my DropBox. I will update this if I ever get even better (or original digital assets) for any of the cards.

Note that there are folders for each type of card, as well as a folder called "general" and a folder called "fonts". The "general" folder contains assets that are used across many cards, and the "fonts" folder contains all of the fonts used for the text and symbols on cards. Even if you only need one type of card (say you want to create a new monster), make sure you look in the "general" folder, as it may contain items you may need (such as the dice assets, etc.).

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via PM, or via e-mail at: [email protected]

Enjoy !

D2e Card Templates & Assets