Difference between "after enemy engages" and "you engage an enemy"?

By AllWingsStandyingBy, in Rules questions & answers

Is engagement asymmetrical? That is, does it matter at all whether a player optionally engages an enemy or an enemy forcibly engages a player? Or is "enemy engages you" synonymous with "you engage an enemy"?

Things like Forest Spider and Hummerhorns have abilities that trigger "after [enemy] engages you," and I assume this happens even if the Player optionally engages the enemy.

On the other hand, some player cards have text that reads "after you engage an enemy" (for instance Mablung , hero). Can these abilities be triggered only when a Player optionally engages an enemy, or can they be triggered regardless of whether or not the enemy is engaged optionally or forced?

My sense is that "enemy engages you" = "you engage enemy" and that these two timing caveats on text are effectively the same thing.

4 minutes ago, AllWingsStandyingBy said:

My sense is that "enemy engages you" = "you engage enemy" and that these two timing caveats on text are effectively the same thing.

You're correct.

Page 7 of the Online Rules Reference:

Engaged: When an enemy enters a player’s play area from another game location, that enemy has engaged that player, and that player has engaged that enemy.