Home Brew Quests

By Willdnd, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

hey im trying out the dungeon maker of descent.

i discoverd it only has the WOD expansion and not the AOD & TOI

i was wondering when these expension were gonna be added to it

or does anyone know when there comming out.


whats the best pollicy on home brew dungeons for 2 players so 1 or 2 Heroes

in the way of numbber of monsters exz exz

Mike Z's editor hasn't been updated in years, and smart money says it never will be again. I recommend using TileSystem and avianfoo's WART tile set .

A party of 2 heroes doesn't have a lot of breathing room even if the dungeon is completely empty and they only need to contend with spawn cards. If you want to balance the game for 2 heroes based purely on the quest, without instituting any other house rules, you'll need to do something pretty extreme.

The rules don't even claim to support a party containing only one hero, and I expect the difference between 1 and 2 heroes to be even bigger than the difference between 2 and 4 heroes, in terms of balance. Don't go there. Really.

If you really want to play with 2 heroes, I recommend my homebrew mod The Enduring Evil , which goes to great lengths to address Descent's player scaling issues and comes with 10 original quests. It also has consistent, formalized guidelines for how much resistance monsters are supposed to put up, which should make it a lot easier to figure out the right number to have if you want to make your own quests. But even under The Enduring Evil, playing with only 1 hero is a bad idea.