Double Dictor Nose Punch kind of

By ovinomanc3r, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Ok, so I'm planning to fly these at a competitive level.

The idea right now is quite general. 2 dictors equipped with obstacles and speed stuff and a fighter force ready to nose punch (credits to @Drasnighta ).

I'm thinking on adding proximity mines for nastyness and objectives like rift assault for infinite damage, minery for points and not sure about the blue one. The idea is to keep a wide range of objectives manageable.

One of my main concerns are the fighter force. I was planning on a Sloane Strike Force that shreds the enemy fleet all its way through the table but that's a bit expensive if I also want to make the dictors able to put some punch onto the enemy ships. On the other hand I may not experienced with the raid fighter force Dras uses so I'd like to get some info on how use it and how well it performs if there are enemy fighters.

Also, what about deployment? Do you just sit at a corner a wait for your opponent choice between deploying just at range of nose punch or going the opposite corner?

This is just an idea, basically based on Dras' NP4.0

Fleet 780 (100/398/400)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 40: 130)
+ Admiral Motti (24)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Targeting Scrambler (5)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 18: 108)
+ Captain Brunson (5)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54 + 6: 60)
+ Flight Commander (3)
+ Squall (3)
Gar Saxon (23)
Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter (20)
Colonel Jendon (20)
Major Rhymer (16)
Jumpmaster 5000 (12)
Black Squadron (9)
Rift Assault
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits

Not committed yet to a Sloane Strike Force, a Raid Delivery Fleet or a more conventional bombing force.

Also considering on bid for second.

Without Vader or Screed boue crits can be a bit finicky on the Interdictor. If you are worried about damage I'd suggest SW-7s as they make it 3 damage + a red die.

I'd suggest against rift assault, suprise attack would work better IMO as then you block out a huge portion of the deployment zone and say no Navigating on turn one and three. Turn two put something else probably engineering or squadrons. Or since you took a grav shift reroute station assault as then you get two stations to park interdictors on. And you can mine up the paths to the stations.

Yellow you have a lot of options station assault works well when you can piddle around at speed one or zero for a few turns talking points from the station. Also they have to assault through mines and squadrons. Abandoned Mining post is also solid but make sure you don't over commit to the points farming.

For blue Dangerous Territory is a good one, as is Navigation Hazards. Doomed station can also go well. Likewise solar carona can be fun when you have a pair of grav wells. I'm not sure how well any of them work when pared with proximity mines though. Navigation hazards would mean your mines could move, which is an interesting thought.


Here's the Secret of my experience:

You're barely going to kill anything. Full Stop. But you're also not likely to die all that much, other than Squadrons - so as long as you can make up damage with the damage your squadrons deal, and have objective points, you'll pull off wins...

In that light:

You have to recall that you're essentially goading your opponent to either flying through a barrage of obstacles, or starting at speed 0... Occasionally both. So you'll want objectives that are inherently easy to score for a single or limited position for you , but tricky for them to get to through two Interdictors. Which means you'll also want Objectives that score .

In my standard getup, Station Assault is the best Red to begin with for you - Sure, it pays out the least of the 3 at a solid 80 points, but getting through 2 interdictors to put 10 points of damage on a station isn't always easy to begin with, and anyone who has looked at your list will think twice pulling it.

For a Yellow, don't go past Contested Outpost ... Really. Its 120 points for you if you play things right. That's an enemy ISD. With arrogant confidence, you can hear your enemy pick it, and feel like you're starting One Enemy ISD Kill ahead of them already... Leverage that.

Because of the take of the yellow, Doomed Station is these days, the best Pick for the Blue... Because its Contested Outpost Mk II... You just have to consider that the Station and the Rift are tied on a string, but you can affect the path of the Station by changing either the Origin or Destination point with Grav Shift... Then you have the Interdictors to contend with.

The moment you have Navigation Hazards in your list, that is the objective that will be chosen , because its easier to avoid an obstacle (even one thrown at you) than it is to try to contest a station most of the time... You have to funnel the enemy into choosing objectives from your list that you want to play , and that score you points as a virtual guarantee... Dangerous Territory gives too much to the opponent.

9 minutes ago, Drasnighta said:

Here's the Secret of my experience:

You're barely going to kill anything. Full Stop. But you're also not likely to die all that much, other than Squadrons - so as long as you can make up damage with the damage your squadrons deal, and have objective points, you'll pull off wins...

In that light:

You have to recall that you're essentially goading your opponent to either flying through a barrage of obstacles, or starting at speed 0... Occasionally both. So you'll want objectives that are inherently easy to score for a single or limited position for you , but tricky for them to get to through two Interdictors. Which means you'll also want Objectives that score .

In my standard getup, Station Assault is the best Red to begin with for you - Sure, it pays out the least of the 3 at a solid 80 points, but getting through 2 interdictors to put 10 points of damage on a station isn't always easy to begin with, and anyone who has looked at your list will think twice pulling it.

For a Yellow, don't go past Contested Outpost ... Really. Its 120 points for you if you play things right. That's an enemy ISD. With arrogant confidence, you can hear your enemy pick it, and feel like you're starting One Enemy ISD Kill ahead of them already... Leverage that.

Because of the take of the yellow, Doomed Station is these days, the best Pick for the Blue... Because its Contested Outpost Mk II... You just have to consider that the Station and the Rift are tied on a string, but you can affect the path of the Station by changing either the Origin or Destination point with Grav Shift... Then you have the Interdictors to contend with.

The moment you have Navigation Hazards in your list, that is the objective that will be chosen , because its easier to avoid an obstacle (even one thrown at you) than it is to try to contest a station most of the time... You have to funnel the enemy into choosing objectives from your list that you want to play , and that score you points as a virtual guarantee... Dangerous Territory gives too much to the opponent.

I was thinking also on objectives that allows me sum up damage and/or send proximity gifts. Dust clouds allows me a sure delivery. And full control over obstacles deployment is something good too.

Ion storm gives me full control but not much else.

Marked for destruction gives me mine delivery and not much else.

Rift Assault gives me the rift, which deal damage and increase the speed 0 zone somehow. Also I noticed that while my squadrons cannot put objective tokens they can score the victory tokens. Not great farming though, but the power of the Rift is something appealing to me.

Station Assault is the easy one. 80 points right from the start.

Surprise Attacks looks like a really easy kill. Speed 0 flagship removing the station from below and placing some stones on its way. Also speed 0 to reinforcements. Its not a bad start either, depending on the flagship, but no sure I'm gonna see lifeboats around.

Abandoned Mining Facility gives me eng tokens, purrgils for extra damage and mine delivery and dust fields for mine cammo. Also looks like a fair amount of easy points. Better if I go with the raid squadron force to prevent him from doing the same.

Asteroids Tactics gives me just obstacles (not many), AA extra fire and some defens tokens. Not much else.

Capture the VIP exposed 50 points.

Contested Outpost as you say 120 easy points.

Rift Ambush gives me obstacles, mine cammo and the Rift. However this Rift is not as powerful as the other as it allows running away from it if you overlap it. Could be cool with the G8 I'm not gonna equip.

Doomed Station is another Contested Outpost.

If Hyperspace migration allows to do the End of Round effect In any order it may give extra victory points with a lambda. I should calculate but probably more than the Station but more tricky.

Infested Fields gives some extra victory points, but not much and extra AA punch. Also mobile obstacles.

Navigational Hazards gives some extra victory points but not too many. But it allows me to delivery mines more easily.

Volatile deposit gives mine cammo, extra punch not sure to be able to take advantage from, but easy points to get from the asteroids, at least 30 of I manage to negate the third asteroid field by GSR and mines.

What do you think?

Also a couple of questions:

1 how well you squadron force deal with enemy squadron (I don't hope too much against Sloane aces but other forces?)

2 I'm thinking on Maarek instead of the jum and black. I would give up a deployment but maybe he worth it. What do you think?

Just a note about not killing things, SW-7s can help you kill little things like CR-90s and Raiders. But anything larger will take significantly longer.

As @Drasnighta said you need to score points, and you can't trust every fleet will be MSU and in blue range. A SSD will gun you down with some ease, a black dice fleet will also give you trouble and I wouldn't give you good odds against any medium or large starfighter ball. Personally I would toss the Quasar and fighters for a Kuat, or maybe a Gladiator.

Also Konstantin could maybe work, but I doubt the damage output. You would need to practice with mines and obstacles.

You're scaring me. The original idea is to bring something competitive.

Maybe giving up the Nose Punch...

Option 8 (0/400/400)
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (120 + 34: 154)
+ Strategic Adviser (4)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
+ Avenger (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 48: 138)
+ Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Targeting Scrambler (5)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 18: 108)
+ Captain Brunson (5)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Surprise Attack
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits

1 hour ago, ovinomanc3r said:

Maybe giving up the Nose Punch...

Option 8 (0/400/400)
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (120 + 34: 154)
+ Strategic Adviser (4)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ Linked Turbolaser Towers (7)
+ Avenger (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 48: 138)
+ Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Targeting Scrambler (5)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 18: 108)
+ Captain Brunson (5)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Surprise Attack
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits

If squadrons aren’t a thing in your meta, it’s alright. If they are, those Interdictors will be eaten alive. Dropping the mines for Dcaps and Hondo would help a little, but it’s not an answer for a carrier list or a Raddus bomb.

I have a list that I have run several times that is about using the Interdictor For objective manipulation.

Assault: Surprise Attack
Defense: Abandoned Mining Facility
Navigation: Hyperspace Migration

Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
• Moff Jerjerrod (23)
• Captain Brunson (5)
• Engineering Team (5)
• Disposable Capacitors (3)
• Grav Shift Reroute (2)
• G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
• Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
• Interdictor (3)
= 138 Points

Arquitens Light Cruiser (54)
• Director Krennic (8)
• Slaved Turrets (6)
= 68 Points

Gladiator I (56)
• Hondo Ohnaka (2)
• Ordnance Experts (4)
• External Racks (3)
• Demolisher (10)
= 75 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Darth Vader (1)
• Comms Net (2)
• Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
= 29 Points

Gozanti Cruisers (23)
• Admiral Ozzel (2)
• Slicer Tools (7)
• Reserve Hangar Deck (3)
= 35 Points

• 2 x TIE Interceptor Squadron (22)
• Valen Rudor (13)
• Ciena Ree (17)
= 52 Points

Total Points: 397

It's a fun list and if you are looking for objective manipulation and dealing damage to ships at speed zero this works really well. I played Abandon Mining Facility twice and score around 200ish points each time. Surprise Attack with G7-X Grav Well is really fun especially with he Ozzel Slicer tools, players can still play around with the right tools and/or commitment to avoid getting hit at speed zero, but its still really punishing, Using G7-X to mess up deployment with Hyperspace migration giving you more time to farm a ton of points, then break off into engagement.

The interdictor provides reliable sustained damage, the Arquitens hits deceptively hard, and Demolisher will also hit quite hard as well. The fighter wing with RHD will really do work for you I have always ether killed outright or severely weakened my opponents fighter wing, and if fighters are not brought against me they can be used to chip in an extra 2 or 3 damage a round without too much fear of losing points.

7 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

If squadrons aren’t a thing in your meta, it’s alright. If they are, those Interdictors will be eaten alive. Dropping the mines for Dcaps and Hondo would help a little, but it’s not an answer for a carrier list or a Raddus bomb.

Maybe exogorths?

2 hours ago, ovinomanc3r said:

Maybe exogorths?

They’ll help if you can make sure they go first and pick them...

Maybe a bid for second, Demolisher and a couple Slicer Tools flotillas instead of the ISD-2?

7 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Maybe a bid for second, Demolisher and a couple Slicer Tools flotillas instead of the ISD-2?


13 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

They’ll help if you can make sure they go first and pick them...

Maybe a bid for second, Demolisher and a couple Slicer Tools flotillas instead of the ISD-2?

Option 9 (0/393/400)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 48: 138)
+ Grand Admiral Thrawn (32)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Targeting Scrambler (5)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 13: 103)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Gladiator I-class Star Destroyer (56 + 32: 88)
+ Captain Brunson (5)
+ Ordnance Experts (4)
+ Engine Techs (8)
+ Assault Proton Torpedoes (5)
+ Demolisher (10)
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 16: 39)
+ Minister Tua (2)
+ Slicer Tools (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 2: 25)
+ Comms Net (2)
Surprise Attack
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits

Maybe adding Projection Experts to one Dictor or double Slicer...

I think 5 activations is a fair amount these days.

Or more proximity mines on the gozantis...

Or upgrade to glad II for AA.

Just now, ovinomanc3r said:

Or upgrade to glad II for AA.

Yeah, flak Demo is a solid choice if you can get good use out of the Slicers. It’s a pity the points aren’t there for Ciena and Valen to support it.

39 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Yeah, flak Demo is a solid choice if you can get good use out of the Slicers. It’s a pity the points aren’t there for Ciena and Valen to support it.

I like Thrawn, not sure if I should go with something cheaper.

Also glad I allows some bid.

I didn't remember how stressful are the pre-tournament days 🤣

I wish I could bring this

SSD Control (0/384/400)
Command Prototype (220 + 61: 281)
+ Moff Jerjerrod (23)
+ Emperor Palpatine (3)
+ Captain Brunson (5)
+ Damage Control Officer (5)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
+ Ravager (4)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 13: 103)
+ Proximity Mines (4)
+ Grav Shift Reroute (2)
+ G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
+ Ion Cannon Batteries (5)
Surprise Attack
Abandoned Mining Facility
Volatile Deposits

A decent bid for second.

Surprise Attack for an easy kill. I didn't see the SSD on the table but I calculate it may start at long range at least from the flagship which will be at speed 0 with a raid token the first turn, so, if not Tarkin/Grint/Hondo and maybe something else, it is gonna take a voley at speed 0 and propably take some mines too.

Abandoned mine facility makes easier to get that enemy dust cloud while I may start gathering points since the very beginning.

Volatile deposit offer extra points and extra damage, while it would be really unlikely that my opponent could get any advantage from the special crit while I could use the three voleys to stack the crit effect amongst enemy ships as both ships will be at distance 1 from the same obstacles. Also extra flak dmg possible.

And the best: there is room for optimization. I really like this on paper.

Edited by ovinomanc3r