Huge Ship Builds

By AegisAngel, in X-Wing Epic Play

PSA: Ordnance Tubes does not give you a slot. Only the Raider or C-ROC (yo yo) with title can use it.

On 11/3/2019 at 7:33 AM, Ccwebb said:

No matter the faction, I think keeping Huge ships light is the key. Let them shine with their support roles and just massive sizes. These will be stalled to my Huge ships:

Targeting Battery (9)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)

Then add a flight of powerful hitters, such as Z’s or A’s with Prockets; Scyks with HLC, Y’s with pro-torps or just naked B’s will be dangerous.

Finally add a small squad of escort ships.

Absolutely agree with this. It will take a while for people to figure this out and you can really punish them for it. Some friends won an Epic Team Tournament and they went with a Gozanti filles with Tie Bombers and a slew of Punishers and Tie Fighters.

Most Huge ships will be loaded to fight enemy Huge ships. Going with wings will mess with them.

1 hour ago, heychadwick said:

Only the Raider or C-ROC (yo yo) with title can use it.

Configuration... Merchant One is a Title, Corsair refit is a Config...

Tossed this together and now I'm drooling even hard over Mag Pulses.

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Stalwart Captain (6)
Ordnance Tubes (2)
Ordnance Team (4)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Merchant One (8)
Corsair Refit (15)
Concussion Missiles (6)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Total: 114

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Edited by Hiemfire

Captain Jonus (43)
Barrage Rockets (8)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

"Howlrunner" (40)
Swarm Tactics (4)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 46 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 2

Iden Versio (40)
Ship total: 40 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 2

Del Meeko (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Gideon Hask (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

"Wampa" (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Academy Pilot (23)
Ship total: 23 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Outer Rim Garrison (60)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Fifth Brother (9)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Blood Crow (5)

Ship total: 95 Half Points: 48 Threshold: 8

Total: 495

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My 12 ship Gozanti Gunship list. 5 Barrage Bomber wing and a full 6 Howlrunner Tie wing being self sufficient I decided to try and turn the Gozanti into a gunship (and I think I succedes). With the title giving an extra focus result for EVERY attack performed at range 1-2 and and 3 tokens to modify focus results this thing can pump out 4 attacks a turn without too much trouble. Just Focus and Tibanna Gas every turn and you can maintain a withering barrage (until you are out of gas chages). Forgot to put swarm tactics on Meeko but that's only 3 or 4 points so it will still fit.

Edited by AegisAngel

@AegisAngel I think you might find going with a mix of Plasma and Proton Torpedoes to be a better mix. You can use it against enemy small ships approaching or against the enemy Huge. You will do more direct damage with Torpedoes to ensure destruction instead of more shots before reload Barrage. Cluster would work better against enemy small ships, too.

If you are worried about TL, you can go with Comms Team. Another option is Targeting Battery and Tarkin. Not sure how many enemy ships will live to get close enough for you to use Point Defense Battery either as many ships as you have.

On 10/30/2019 at 12:30 PM, Parakitor said:

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Admiral Sloane (9)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corvus (3)

Total: 178

I made some changes now that we've seen the new titles.

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Admiral Sloane (9)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Assailer (7)
Fifth Brother (9)

Total: 191

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Empire&d=v8ZeZ500Z369XWWW272WW14W277WW285W297W82&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

It's quite a bit more expensive, but if I'm diving into range 1 for the Point Defense Battery, I might as well roll an extra die on defense. I like the original because of its cost, but Assailer was one of my favorite titles in 1.0, so I'm happy to see it back in the game.


(150) Outer Rim Patrol [Raider-class Corvette]
(11) Emperor Palpatine
(15) Turbolaser Battery
(10) Point Defense Battery
(3) Damage Control Team
(10) Sensor Experts
(3) Corvus
Points: 202

(67) Darth Vader [TIE Advanced x1]
(6) Afterburners
(2) Fire-Control System
Points: 75

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(40) "Howlrunner" [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 40

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
Points: 29

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
Points: 29

Total points: 490

21 minutes ago, pakirby said:


(150) Outer Rim Patrol [Raider-class Corvette]
(11) Emperor Palpatine
(15) Turbolaser Battery
(10) Point Defense Battery
(3) Damage Control Team
(10) Sensor Experts
(3) Corvus
Points: 202

(67) Darth Vader [TIE Advanced x1]
(6) Afterburners
(2) Fire-Control System
Points: 75

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(40) "Howlrunner" [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 40

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
Points: 29

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
Points: 29

Total points: 490

Toss Veteran Wing Leader on Howlrunner. It's only 2 points and the resulting wing'll ease flying the /Lns at range 1 of each other and give Howlrunner a pseudo Iden effect to keep her alive.

52 minutes ago, Hiemfire said:

Toss Veteran Wing Leader on Howlrunner. It's only 2 points and the resulting wing'll ease flying the /Lns at range 1 of each other and give Howlrunner a pseudo Iden effect to keep her alive.

And I could get 3 more academies instead of Vader. I would think that Huge ships/wings would target Vader any chance they get and take hi. off the board right quick. More ships > Aces?

Does this have the potential to be annoying?

First Order Sympathizers (60) (Gozanti)
Petty Officer Thanisson (4)
Captain Phasma (5)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Tibanna Reserves (3)

Ship total: 81 Half Points: 41 Threshold: 8

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It doesn't do a whole lot of damage. The idea is that bigger threats in the squad draw fire because this thing is only shooting once per round. But at the end of the engagement phase Captain Phasma kicks in to deal a stress to each enemy ship at range 0 that isn't stressed. If they are in the Gozanti's forward firing arc, Petty Officer Thanisson says, "I'll double it," taking a stress on the Gozanti to deal a second stress to one of those ships. But wait! Stress takes away energy first on huge ships, so if another ship is in arc range 0-1, Gozanti is not stressed, so Petty Officer Thanisson can do it again. And again. And a FOURTH time! Now that the Gozanti is finally stressed (it only has 3 energy), he can't double up any more stress. But this leaves up to 4 enemy ships double stressed, and really unhappy during the next activation phase.

Optimized Power Core helps recover energy to do the trick again, and Tibanna Reserves , too just in case. Damage Control Team is nice for the reinforce -> calculate because then the Gozanti has defense and some measure of dice mods.

What do you think? Is 81 points worth a double-stressing maniac? Will enemies do everything they can to NOT be in arc at range 1? Is it worth adding a Targeting Battery to make it an even 90 points so this thing can make some longer range attacks?

21 minutes ago, pakirby said:

And I could get 3 more academies instead of Vader. I would think that Huge ships/wings would target Vader any chance they get and take hi. off the board right quick. More ships > Aces?

Or give Vader Agent of the Empire and have 2 of the /Lns in the list join him in a wing (Agent + Veteran Wingleader = 6 points total) to provide some sponginess. :)


(150) Outer Rim Patrol [Raider-class Corvette]
(11) Emperor Palpatine
(15) Turbolaser Battery
(10) Point Defense Battery
(5) Cluster Missiles
(3) Damage Control Team
(10) Sensor Experts
(3) Corvus
(6) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Points: 213

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(40) "Howlrunner" [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 40

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
(5) Proton Bombs
Points: 34

(29) Scimitar Squadron Pilot [TIE/sa Bomber]
(5) Proton Bombs
Points: 34

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

(40) Iden Versio [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 40

(23) Academy Pilot [TIE/ln Fighter]
Points: 23

Total points: 499

8 hours ago, pakirby said:


(150) Outer Rim Patrol [Raider-class Corvette]
(11) Emperor Palpatine
(15) Turbolaser Battery
(10) Point Defense Battery
(5) Cluster Missiles
(3) Damage Control Team
(10) Sensor Experts
(3) Corvus
(6) Adv. Proton Torpedoes
Points: 213

Pretty sure the Raider only has one crew slot. You can't fit Palp. But that's just as well, because you CAN fit Sloane. Given Epic in general and your Academy-spam in particular, I think you want Sloane (for two fewer points, even).

Sniper Croc

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Turbolaser Battery (15)
4-LOM (2)
Zuckuss (2)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Boosted Scanners (8)
Merchant One (8)
Corsair Refit (15)
Ion Cannon (5)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Dorsal Turret (3)
Gunnery Specialists (8)
Optimized Power Core (6)

Ship total: 141 Half Points: 71 Threshold: 8

Total: 141

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Turn 1 lock at range 5 for 2 energy. Can fire turbolaser, but there's more shenanigans if you dont.

Turn 2, recover 2 energy, Turbolaser shot+gunnery experts+focus= up to 2 rerolls and a focus, 4lom gives 2/6 ion to ignore enemy focus token, Zukus gives a stress (or -1 energy) to force a reroll of an enemy evade. A hit does +3 damage.

Turn 3, Recover 2 energy (2 for blue move, 1 for regen,-1 from stress)

Turn 4, Recover 3 energy, fire again.

7 minutes ago, Rakaydos said:

Sniper Croc

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Turbolaser Battery (15)
4-LOM (2)
Zuckuss (2)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Boosted Scanners (8)
Merchant One (8)
Corsair Refit (15)
Ion Cannon (5)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Dorsal Turret (3)
Gunnery Specialists (8)
Optimized Power Core (6)

Ship total: 141 Half Points: 71 Threshold: 8

I am very cool towards Gunnery Specialists. I think they just suck sooo much energy for what they do, especially in cases where I have a lock anyway.

16 minutes ago, ChahDresh said:

I am very cool towards Gunnery Specialists. I think they just suck sooo much energy for what they do, especially in cases where I have a lock anyway.

It might be best to think of them as an energy using FCS. If you're rerolling 2 or less dice, it's the same or better than getting another range 5 lock, without requiring the additional action.

I dunno how the rotate>Calculate will work. might be good against people who try to get out of arc.

2 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

It might be best to think of them as an energy using FCS. If you're rerolling 2 or less dice, it's the same or better than getting another range 5 lock, without requiring the additional action.

I dunno how the rotate>Calculate will work. might be good against people who try to get out of arc.

But that energy savings is assuming you're getting a range 5 lock, which I suspect you'll only need to do once a game. As for saving an action, are you going to be maintaining a lock on a target over two full turns? Without spending it, that ship going out of arc, or that target being destroyed, or you deciding you need to turbolaser something else? While that's theoretically possible, it seems implausible.

Tibanna Reserves gives us a base price of 1 action = 2 energy, with a 3 point cost for the privilege. Gunnery Team does the conversion in reverse for 8 points, minus whatever you think the rotate link is worth, in a MUCH more congested upgrade slot. I'll pass.

Edit: just saw you were already including Bombardment Specialists, which give you lock-calculate! Your build already privileges locking, in that case, AND further makes the Gunnery Team redundant because you can't take a calculate action twice.

Edited by ChahDresh
3 hours ago, Rakaydos said:

Turn 3, Recover 2 energy ( 2 for blue move , 1 for regen,-1 from stress)

🤨 Blue Maneuvers themselves don't recover Energy and you only get 1 from the Optimized Power Core.

I am struggling a little to figure out what to do with the Resistance...but what else is new. Adding (weak) Huge ships to a faction with (generally) weak Large ships? Huh. But just to do *something*, here's my first thoughts. If I pick up a second Transport.

New Republic Volunteers (55)
Dorsal Turret (3)
GA-97 (8)
PZ-4CO (6)
Comms Team (8)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Boosted Scanners (8)

Ship total: 91 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 8

Rey (73)
Sense (5)
Korr Sella (6)
Rose Tico (9)
Finn (10)
Contraband Cybernetics (3)
Engine Upgrade (7)
Rey's Millennium Falcon (5)

Ship total: 118 Half Points: 59 Threshold: 6

Cobalt Squadron Bomber (56)
Trajectory Simulator (10)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Veteran Turret Gunner (8)
Proton Bombs (5)
Seismic Charges (3)
Shield Upgrade (4)

Ship total: 99 Half Points: 50 Threshold: 7

Cobalt Squadron Bomber (56)
Trajectory Simulator (10)
Pattern Analyzer (5)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Veteran Turret Gunner (8)
Proton Bombs (5)
Seismic Charges (3)
Shield Upgrade (4)

Ship total: 99 Half Points: 50 Threshold: 7

New Republic Volunteers (55)
Ion Cannon Battery (6)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
C-3PO (Resistance) (6)
Amilyn Holdo (9)
Comms Team (8)
Tibanna Reserves (3)

Ship total: 92 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 8

Total: 499

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Rey gets the "It's the Resistance!", probably with maximum charges, to come in later when something has been softened up. And really, it's just two gunships supported by two Volunteers, with Rey doing all the heavy lifting. Probably not good, but given my limited Resistance collection the best I can come up with. I'm not convinced that three A-Wings and two T-70's will really do much of anything, you know?

33 minutes ago, Kleeg005 said:

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Rey gets the "It's the Resistance!", probably with maximum charges, to come in later when something has been softened up. And really, it's just two gunships supported by two Volunteers, with Rey doing all the heavy lifting. Probably not good, but given my limited Resistance collection the best I can come up with. I'm not convinced that three A-Wings and two T-70's will really do much of anything, you know?

In my opinion a couple starfighters would do better than the second transport. They can help with objectives, and would have higher initiative than the transport.

9 hours ago, ChahDresh said:

Pretty sure the Raider only has one crew slot. You can't fit Palp. But that's just as well, because you CAN fit Sloane. Given Epic in general and your Academy-spam in particular, I think you want Sloane (for two fewer points, even).

Correc. Launch Bay Next app allows you to put Palp on the Raider even though Palp takes up 2 crew slots. They’ll need to fix the app...

4 hours ago, Parakitor said:

In my opinion a couple starfighters would do better than the second transport. They can help with objectives, and would have higher initiative than the transport.

Oh, I'm sure you're right, ha ha. Just wanted to...sort of double-down on the magnificent awfulness of Resistance not-small base ships, ha ha.

Edited by Kleeg005

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Ion Cannon Battery (6)
Maul (12)
GNK "Gonk" Droid (10)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Insatiable Worrt (7)
Adaptive Shields (10)

Ship total: 112 Half Points: 56 Threshold: 9

Zealous Recruit (44)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Zealous Recruit (44)
Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Total: 200

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: and Villainy&d=v8ZeZ500Z376XW269W48W32W277W286WWW307WW282Y102XWY102XW&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

The CROC tries to keep away from the enemy fleet while using the ion turret to chip away at vulnerable targets. The fang fighters try to predict where people will go to outmaneuver the huge ship, and ruin their day. Otherwise they try to stay close to benifit from Adaptive shields.

TL;DR - Suppressor title specializes in jamming, which helps Inferno Squadron's 2-dice attacks. Captain Feroph also likes jamming, because her defense goes up if the enemy has no green tokens. Keep Sloane off the Gozanti and on Captain Feroph to disrupt target priority. Soontir Fel leading a wing might like changing his dial with the help of Captain Needa.


I noticed there hasn't been much talk about the Suppressor title for the Gozanti -class cruiser. It was a beast in First Edition, and in my opinion it was the strongest title. Back then, after acquiring a lock on an enemy ship, you could remove 1 focus, evade, or blue target lock token from the attacker. So you take a lock to maximize offense, and you remove their focus to minimize their defense. It was mean.

In Second Edition it has been slightly adjusted to be (imo) more fair. "After you coordinate a friendly ship, you may spend 1 [energy] to jam an enemy ship at range 0-2 of that ship, ignoring range restrictions." I toyed around with a few ideas, and here is what I came up with for a build.

Outer Rim Garrison (60) [Total 105]
Captain Needa (8)
Targeting Battery (9)
ISB Slicer (3)
Comms Team (8)
Boosted Scanners (8)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Suppressor (6)

Soontir Fel (53) [Total 58]
Daredevil (3)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)

"Howlrunner" (40) [Total 46]
Swarm Tactics (4)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Iden Versio (40)

Del Meeko (30)

Gideon Hask (30)

Seyn Marana (30) [Total 31]
Marksmanship (1)

"Wampa" (30)

Captain Feroph (47) [Total 62]
Admiral Sloane (9)
Angled Deflectors (6)
Total: 500

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This squad started out very different. I wanted Inferno Squadron flying in a wing with a Gozanti. I also wanted to try out Soontir Fel leading a wing of TIE interceptors. I had to whittle his wing down and shuffle things around to its current form, but I think I like it. I originally had Admiral Sloane on the Gozanti, but I figured it would be too big of a target, so I swapped some things to make room for Captain Feroph with Admiral Sloane.

I have two options with Feroph & Sloane. Option 1 sends Feroph straight into the enemy's teeth to block up enemy movement, taking the Reinforce action. Suppressor then coordinates Feroph a jam action, removing a token from one of the enemy wingmates (assuming I've successfully blocked the leader). Suppressor spends an energy to jam another enemy ship, and for its second action (after the coordinate) it jams again, linking into a calculate thanks to Comms Team . Now that up to 4 of the enemy ships are lacking green tokens, and Feroph is reinforced, Sloane should survive long enough to get behind their formation to relative safety.

Option 2 consists of Feroph doing 1 straight + coordinate every round to stay stressed, turning off Adaptive Ailerons, and allowing it to stay back out of harms way to support the Gozanti. The two wings should keep things alive for a while by spreading damage around, and when a ship is about to die, it drops from the wing to fight on its own because Admiral Sloane won't trigger if you use Veteran Wing Leader to kill your own ship because it's not defending. This option is honestly probably the safer bet. The Suppressor will be a big target at first, but as soon as Sloane is in range, they may be tempted to switch targets, allowing the cruiser to regain shields and be a general nuisance with its jamming capabilities. Or if they double down on the Gozanti, Sloane survives for that much longer.

Either way, several ships should end up jammed, perhaps even an enemy huge ship, which would make Inferno Squadron very happy with their meager 2-dice attacks.

The last bit of noteworthy tech is Captain Needa because I think he'll be pretty good with Soontir Fel leading a wing. Is Fel's 2-turn about to be blocked? Switch to a 2-straight, and let him Daredevil into position. Or 2-turn the other way and set up for a new attack run. Many good options here. Inferno Squadron might benefit, too, but really only at speed 3 to change a 3-turn to a 3-bank (or vice versa ), or to bug out by 3-turning the opposite way.

I don't think it's fully tuned, but it's good enough to try out on the table. I'm looking forward to playing a game or two with this squad to see what's good and what can go.

Edited by Parakitor

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Turbolaser Battery (15)
IG-88D (3)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Merchant One (8)
Corsair Refit (15)
Jamming Beam (0)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Dorsal Turret (3)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Boosted Scanners (8)

Ship total: 138 Half Points: 69 Threshold: 8

Talonbane Cobra (50)
Predator (2)
Proton Rockets (7)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 61 Half Points: 31 Threshold: 3

Cartel Marauder (38)
Proton Rockets (7)

Ship total: 45 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 3

Cartel Marauder (38)
Ship total: 38 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Cartel Marauder (38)
Ship total: 38 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Cartel Marauder (38)
Ship total: 38 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Serissu (40)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 46 Half Points: 23 Threshold: 2

Cartel Spacer (28)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Cartel Spacer (28)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Cartel Spacer (28)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 32 Half Points: 16 Threshold: 2

Total: 500

Multi-sniper CROC, big block of k-fighter brawlers, and small block of HLC snipers.