Huge Ship Builds

By AegisAngel, in X-Wing Epic Play

C-ROC for Separatists

Separatist Privateers (58)
Targeting Battery (9)
Tactical Officer (6)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Kraken (10)
Veteran Turret Gunner (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corsair Refit (15)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Concussion Missiles (6)

Expensive, but you get a lot as it is a support ship and fights fairly well. For actions you Reinforce > Calculate, then either Coordinate or Focus for two if you need it. Engagement you get a primary attack, Targeting battery attack to get a lock, spend an energy to fire a Concussion missile at your locked target (Corsair refit), then Ion cannon turret (Vet turret gunner) final blow. Four attacks (can be split among three targets), one energy and one charge spent.

2 hours ago, Ikka said:

C-ROC for Separatists

Separatist Privateers (58)
Targeting Battery (9)
Tactical Officer (6)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Kraken (10)
Veteran Turret Gunner (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corsair Refit (15)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Concussion Missiles (6)

Expensive, but you get a lot as it is a support ship and fights fairly well. For actions you Reinforce > Calculate, then either Coordinate or Focus for two if you need it. Engagement you get a primary attack, Targeting battery attack to get a lock, spend an energy to fire a Concussion missile at your locked target (Corsair refit), then Ion cannon turret (Vet turret gunner) final blow. Four attacks (can be split among three targets), one energy and one charge spent.

😲 If my calculations are correct, that's 73 points in upgrades alone! If I were you, I'd definitely cut it back. Looks cool, though. It's just a matter of whether it can do enough to make it worth the points. Right now, I think it will be blown up too fast.

17 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

😲 If my calculations are correct, that's 73 points in upgrades alone! If I were you, I'd definitely cut it back. Looks cool, though. It's just a matter of whether it can do enough to make it worth the points. Right now, I think it will be blown up too fast.

True, but I don't have a whole lot of CIS anyway (2 Nantex, 2 Infiltrators, 1 BB, 1 Hyena, 2 Vultures), so it actually works out fairly well for me. The one turn it gets to shoot will be nasty.

19 hours ago, Parakitor said:

Woops! Pretend it's not there for now.

This made me laugh so hard 😆

Tarkin seems very good on an epic ship with Boosted Scanners or just bring Jendon I guess lol

Edited by Quack Shot

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Ion Cannon Battery (6)
IG-88D (3)
Informant (5)
IG-RM Droids (2)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Deadman's Switch (2)
Merchant One (8)
Ion Cannon Turret (5)
Bombardment Specialists (6)

Ship total: 98 Half Points: 49 Threshold: 8

IG-88B (64)
Crack Shot (1)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Ion Cannon (5)
IG-2000 (1)

Ship total: 75 Half Points: 38 Threshold: 4

IG-88A (68)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Ion Cannon (5)
IG-2000 (1)

Ship total: 78 Half Points: 39 Threshold: 4

Tansarii Point Veteran (32)
Juke (7)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 43 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Serissu (40)
Juke (7)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 2

Tansarii Point Veteran (32)
Juke (7)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 43 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Tansarii Point Veteran (32)
Juke (7)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 43 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Graz (46)
Marksmanship (1)
Cloaking Device (5)
Contraband Cybernetics (3)
Dreadnought Hunter (10)

Ship total: 65 Half Points: 33 Threshold: 3

Total: 498

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: and Villainy&d=v8ZeZ500Z376XW269W36W37W279W285WW93W306WW138W275WY82X116WW10W11WWWW151WY81XWW10W11WWWW151WY136X123WW10WY132X123WW10W259Y136X123WW10WY136X123WW10WY120X125WW91W92WWW260&sn=Unnamed Squadron&obs=

This assumes that any opponent will be running a Huge ship, which given it's Epic should happen. Merchant One will get up to three attacks per round, at least one of which will be double-modded, while also being reinforced. A nice Wing of HLC-equipped doom-skates (Scyks), a cloaked flanking Dreadnought Hunter, and a pair of IG's to round things out. It feels rather awfully like I'm tripling down on the anti-Huge ship tech here. And the Merchant One build will in all likelihood just melt. Hrm. I just don't know if it's worth it to go out of the way to make any of the "small" Huge ships tankier, rather than punchier?

edit: Also wanting to look at Saboteur's Map, except that I don't have enough cheap Payload carriers (Y-Wings) to make that feel like a valid strategy, ha ha. Especially as Bombs and Mines have been nerfed into the ground in 2.0. But still. Shenanigans!

Edited by Kleeg005
11 minutes ago, Kleeg005 said:

This assumes that any opponent will be running a Huge ship, which given it's Epic should happen. Merchant One will get up to three attacks per round, at least one of which will be double-modded, while also being reinforced. A nice Wing of HLC-equipped doom-skates (Scyks), a cloaked flanking Dreadnought Hunter, and a pair of IG's to round things out. It feels rather awfully like I'm tripling down on the anti-Huge ship tech here. And the Merchant One build will in all likelihood just melt. Hrm. I just don't know if it's worth it to go out of the way to make any of the "small" Huge ships tankier, rather than punchier?

Curse you and your doom skates! They look mean!

You have some good points. I think that although it looks like anti-huge ship tech, a lot of your upgrades will do great in epic anyway because more ships means higher chances of looking up bullseye.

Making a tanky "small" huge ship only makes sense if it's an asset to your squad. Usually this means either agro or support, not both (though I don't doubt there are builds that can make that work).

I think the way you have your C-ROC kitted out with IG droids is excellent, and it's good to have an action available to reinforce. Rather than being tanky, your "I dare you to kill me" Switch is a good deterrent. I struggle with scum builds, but this one appeals to me.

When it comes to scum, I really have no idea what I'm doing. I just threw this together, and I don't know what to think of it. I like the 'party croc'.

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
4-LOM (2)
Zuckuss (2)
IG-RM Droids (2)
Proximity Mines (6)
Saboteur's Map (3)
Broken Horn (4)
0-0-0 (5)
Feedback Array (4)

Ship total: 86 Half Points: 43 Threshold: 8

Koshka Frost (70)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Marauder (6)
BT-1 (2)

Ship total: 90 Half Points: 45 Threshold: 5

Emon Azzameen (74)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Proton Bombs (5)
Andrasta (4)
Proximity Mines (6)

Ship total: 101 Half Points: 51 Threshold: 5

Fenn Rau (68)
Fearless (3)

Ship total: 71 Half Points: 36 Threshold: 2

Old Teroch (56)
Fearless (3)
Dreadnought Hunter (10)

Ship total: 69 Half Points: 35 Threshold: 2

Kaa'to Leeachos (29)
Expert Handling (2)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 33 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Binayre Pirate (24)
Ship total: 24 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Binayre Pirate (24)
Ship total: 24 Half Points: 12 Threshold: 2

Total: 498

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0 :

The C-ROC has 28 points of upgrades, which I think is probably a good amount. But as far as attacks, it only has one gun and Proximity Mines. Saboteur's Map will be interesting, but probably shines brightest in scenarios where you can close off lanes to objectives or something. I thought about Inertial Dampeners combined with Feedback Array , so if an enemy accidentally gets too close, the C-ROC stays put and gives them a damage. But because it is i7, Inertial Dampeners is 8 points for one situational damage, so deal breaker. I might drop Feedback Array altogether.

The cool part is 0-0-0 . An enemy ship is either going to take a stress, which activates Koshka Frost 's ability, or let the C-ROC calculate, activating the IG-RM Thug Droids . Zuckuss and 4-LOM do their dirty work to make sure the target of the C-ROC's attack does not have good defense.

I think Old Teroch makes a good Dreadnought Hunter because he can get into range 1 in arc, trigger his Concordia Faceoff for defense, and use his ability to strip reinforce (and focus and calculate) tokens from the huge ship.

The Z-95s are there because I like having more ships, and the Firesprays will be fun to see how often they get Heavy Laser Cannon shots. I don't know. Just trying to discover what scum and villainy ships in my collection can find a place in epic. Haven't given them much thought until now because I just ordered a 1.0 C-ROC.

9 hours ago, Parakitor said:

When it comes to scum, I really have no idea what I'm doing. I just threw this together, and I don't know what to think of it. I like the 'party croc'.

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
4-LOM (2)
Zuckuss (2)
IG-RM Droids (2)
Proximity Mines (6)
Saboteur's Map (3)
Broken Horn (4)
0-0-0 (5)
Feedback Array (4)

The C-ROC has 28 points of upgrades, which I think is probably a good amount. But as far as attacks, it only has one gun and Proximity Mines. Saboteur's Map will be interesting, but probably shines brightest in scenarios where you can close off lanes to objectives or something. I thought about Inertial Dampeners combined with Feedback Array , so if an enemy accidentally gets too close, the C-ROC stays put and gives them a damage. But because it is i7, Inertial Dampeners is 8 points for one situational damage, so deal breaker. I might drop Feedback Array altogether.

The cool part is 0-0-0 . An enemy ship is either going to take a stress, which activates Koshka Frost 's ability, or let the C-ROC calculate, activating the IG-RM Thug Droids . Zuckuss and 4-LOM do their dirty work to make sure the target of the C-ROC's attack does not have good defense.

I really like what you've got going on there with 0-0-0. Although I fear that the Range-1 restriction is going to be a little tough. And I think you absolutely need SOME kind of turret weapon on there to take better advantage of the 0-0-0/IG-RM interaction. I'm afraid that Zuckuss and 4-LOM aren't doing much good for you here. There isn't a huge amount of blue of the C-ROC's dial to clear that Zuckuss stress, and doesn't 4-LOM's self-ion reduce your own energy? Put them on a YV escort and let them go to town from there. But yeah, Feedback Array certainly is something I looked at long and hard. If you're looking for ways to cause damage while abusing the Huge base, it's maybe not a bad idea. Oh! Or if you really do want Zuckuss, get you some L3-37 action going on! MOAR blues! Also makes full use of your Broken Horn title.

Actually, take a look at the Quick-release Locks instead of Prox Mines. You get to drop them during the System Phase like a bomb, but it appears that you get to drop with a 2-speed template off any(?) part of your base - much greater flexibility and possibly greater utility. Then in the Payload slot, give yourself some Seismics. Maybe double down on that strategy and give your Firesprays Rigged Cargo Chutes and Seismics also. Target-rich environment, eh? Although perhaps too easy to hit one's self, no? Ha ha.

Getting into Range 1 of a Huge ship is super risky - it's really hard to *not* get run over the following turn unless you are very careful about planning your escape vector. The collision rules in 2.0 aren't as brutal as 1.0 but they are still catastrophically bad for most ships.

@Kleeg005 good call on L3-37, but that's the reason I included Broken Horn title, because once you are damaged it reduces the difficulty of speed 3-5 maneuvers. Zuckuss stress doesn't hurt so bad because it just saps energy, which I'm not using much of.

I chose proximity mines so I could use Saboteurs Map, but if I switch to the locks I can drop the map. Quick Release Locks + Seismic Charges gives me enough points for an Ion Cannon Battery if I ditch the Feedback Array.

Where did we hear that ion tokens remove huge ship energy? I thought they said on stream it was stress tokens that did that, but maybe I'm mistaken.

2 hours ago, Kleeg005 said:

There isn't a huge amount of blue of the C-ROC's dial to clear that Zuckuss stress, and doesn't 4-LOM's self-ion reduce your own energy?...

Actually, take a look at the Quick-release Locks instead of Prox Mines. You get to drop them during the System Phase like a bomb, but it appears that you get to drop with a 2-speed template off any(?) part of your base -

You've got ion and stress backwards. Stress takes energy. Ion does the usual thing, but six is the magic number for it to kick in.

Also, there is nothing in Quick Release Locks to suggest you can drop it from anywhere. It just says to drop it using a 2 straight or bank template. "Drop" means "using rear guides".


looks like it is "placed", not "dropped" and has to be touching your base, with at least some part in your rear arc.

52 minutes ago, Transmogrifier said:


looks like it is "placed", not "dropped" and has to be touching your base, with at least some part in your rear arc.

Ah-ha! YASB has the wrong card text. This is significantly less good. Not bad, but bot as amazing. I was wondering why it was cheaper than Rigged Cargo Chute.

1 hour ago, ChahDresh said:

You've got ion and stress backwards. Stress takes energy. Ion does the usual thing, but six is the magic number for it to kick in.

Rogerroger. Couldn't recall, too lazy to look up, ha ha. So energy clears stress automatically? As well as blue maneuvers?

1 hour ago, Parakitor said:

@Kleeg005 good call on L3-37, but that's the reason I included Broken Horn title, because once you are damaged it reduces the difficulty of speed 3-5 maneuvers. Zuckuss stress doesn't hurt so bad because it just saps energy, which I'm not using much of.

Well, being damaged just makes those red maneuvers white. L3 would then give you a bunch more blue maneuvers. But if stress just eats energy, what good are blue maneuvers? And yeah, there certainly seem to be quite a few builds for C-ROCs that just don't care about energy at all. Huh.

1 hour ago, Kleeg005 said:

But if stress just eats energy, what good are blue maneuvers?

After the ship is out of energy that round, stress tokens are applied. Renewed (from the recurring charge) Energy is applied to remove stress before any is added to the pool. So if the C-ROC has more than 1 stress token at the End Phase (like from Maul's ability if someone decides to equip him to one), a blue will clear a stress.

1 hour ago, Kleeg005 said:

L3 would then give you a bunch more blue maneuvers.

& @Parakitor Um.... L3-37 crew actually doesn't work with C-ROCs other than as a 1 time damage mitigation attempt. Unlike Nien, her difficulty reduction effect from the Config side of her card requires the ship she's equipped to be unshielded. C-ROCs will almost always have a minimum of 1 shield during the Activation Phase when her config side is applied.

swz55_syndicate-smugglers_card.png •L3–37’s Programming •L3–37

Edited by Hiemfire

Yeah, this whole auto-regen thing will take some getting used to, ha ha.

On 11/1/2019 at 3:36 PM, Transmogrifier said:

Getting into Range 1 of a Huge ship is super risky - it's really hard to *not* get run over the following turn unless you are very careful about planning your escape vector. The collision rules in 2.0 aren't as brutal as 1.0 but they are still catastrophically bad for most ships.

One more reason to bring Cpt Jostero! Maybe even with a Kihraxz Wing : P

No matter the faction, I think keeping Huge ships light is the key. Let them shine with their support roles and just massive sizes. These will be stalled to my Huge ships:

Targeting Battery (9)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)

Then add a flight of powerful hitters, such as Z’s or A’s with Prockets; Scyks with HLC, Y’s with pro-torps or just naked B’s will be dangerous.

Finally add a small squad of escort ships.

Edited by Ccwebb
1 hour ago, Ccwebb said:

No matter the faction, I think keeping Huge ships light is the key. Let them shine with their support roles and just massive sizes. These will be stapled to my Huge ships:

Targeting Battery (9)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)

A solid philosophy. Those upgrades on the huge ship are the ones I see as borderline autoinclude, and it concerns me a little. I'm not even sure there is a good way for FFG to get feedback to make points adjustments. We'll see what happens when people get their hands on these packs.

Perceptive Copilot is probably fine, but it does seem really really good for its points compared to its use on standard ships.

Edited by Parakitor

Here's what I settled on that I'm going to run Saturday at my FLGS (if FFG deliver on time and the store does the event like they say they are)

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Targeting Battery (9)
Ordnance Tubes (2)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corvus (3)

Ship total: 197 Half Points: 99 Threshold: 14

Soontir Fel (53)
Predator (2)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Captain Jonus (43)
Barrage Rockets (8)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Captain Kagi (48)
Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 5

Total: 497

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Empire&d=v8ZeZ500Z369XW136WW270W271W54W277W275W285W298Y179X127WWW259Y182XWWY182XWWY203XWWW97WWWWW259Y208XW97WWWWWWY208XW97WWWWWWY165XWWWWWW&sn=Raider with Escorts&obs=

Operates very well (on paper) at ranges 1-4 using the Bombardment Specialists to push the primary and torps up to range 4 or dropping the targeting battery and torps to range 1. Corvus gives you the 2 calculate to spend on 2 separate attacks. Also makes the Raider very energy efficient while the Fel wing play anti fighter and the Bomber wing is multi-role. Kagi is going to be the biggest pain to play against in epic IMHO either rush to kill him or play without locks basically the entire game.

Edited by AegisAngel
Messed up the list

We have a spoiler for all the cards now so no more guessing what some will do and we have all the titles.

Definitely making me re-think my raider builds.

Looks like YASB has updated the missing cards, too.

12 hours ago, AegisAngel said:

Here's what I settled on that I'm going to run Saturday at my FLGS (if FFG deliver on time and the store does the event like they say they are)

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Targeting Battery (9)
Ordnance Tubes (2)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Damage Control Team (3)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corvus (3)

Ship total: 197 Half Points: 99 Threshold: 14

Soontir Fel (53)
Predator (2)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Captain Jonus (43)
Barrage Rockets (8)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Captain Kagi (48)
Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 5

Total: 497

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Empire&d=v8ZeZ500Z369XW136WW270W271W54W277W275W285W298Y179X127WWW259Y182XWWY182XWWY203XWWW97WWWWW259Y208XW97WWWWWWY208XW97WWWWWWY165XWWWWWW&sn=Raider with Escorts&obs=

Operates very well (on paper) at ranges 1-4 using the Bombardment Specialists to push the primary and torps up to range 4 or dropping the targeting battery and torps to range 1. Corvus gives you the 2 calculate to spend on 2 separate attacks. Also makes the Raider very energy efficient while the Fel wing play anti fighter and the Bomber wing is multi-role. Kagi is going to be the biggest pain to play against in epic IMHO either rush to kill him or play without locks basically the entire game.

Looks like I’ll need to break down and finally buy a lambda shuttle

Sorry for the wall of text but...

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Proton Torpedoes (13)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Ordnance Tubes (2)
Targeting Battery (9)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Ordnance Team (4)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Corvus (3)

Ship total: 200 Half Points: 100 Threshold: 14

Captain Jonus (43)
Barrage Rockets (8)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 53 Half Points: 27 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Scimitar Squadron Pilot (29)
Barrage Rockets (8)

Ship total: 37 Half Points: 19 Threshold: 3

Captain Kagi (48)
Ship total: 48 Half Points: 24 Threshold: 5

Soontir Fel (53)
Predator (2)
Veteran Wing Leader (2)

Ship total: 57 Half Points: 29 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Alpha Squadron Pilot (34)
Ship total: 34 Half Points: 17 Threshold: 2

Total: 500

View in Yet Another Squad Builder 2.0: Empire&d=v8ZeZ500Z369XW136W98W271W270W54W280W275WW298Y203XWW97WWWWWW259Y208XW97WWWWWWY208XW97WWWWWWY165XWWWWWWY179X127WWW259Y182XWWY182XWW&sn=Raider with Escorts&obs=

Knowing the card texts made me rethink my raider build. Ordanace teams are going to be a must for the reload so my new build can operate from 0-4 pretty effectively and is extremely energy efficient. The most energy you will need to spend in a turn is 3 (1 for battery, 1 to get rid of the disarm token, last is to reload an extra charge if you used both the missiles and torpedoes). It relies on Kagi for a coordinate each turn however so it can reinforce, focus, calculate (from the corvus title) or reload into calculate. Bombardment Specialists allow me to drop primary and cluster to range 0, drop Torps and Battery to range 1 (so all 4 can fire), range 2 is the sweet spot where everything can fire without wasting calculates, range 3 I can spend 1 calculate to push Clusters up to range 3, I can spend 2 calculates to push primary and toros up to range 4, and last Battery is the only thing that can fire at range 5.

Edited by AegisAngel
Put in Sai instead of Kagi on accident

I've been thinking for a multiplayer, all against the Raider scenario, and to make the Raider a reasonable threat to multiple players at once means going pretty hard on the multi-shot weapons, so I was thinking the following.

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Cluster Missiles (5)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Ordnance Tubes (2)
Ordnance Team (4)
Sensor Experts (10)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Impetuous (4)

Ship total: 188 Half Points: 94 Threshold: 13

It's very much short range, you could probably swap Impetuous for Instigator, and there are slots free but I don't think it's a bad base. Thoughts?