Huge Ship Builds

By AegisAngel, in X-Wing Epic Play

Now that we know price and harpoint selection how is everybody planning on outfitting their epic ships? On a side note does anybody else find it bizarre no huge ship has a sensor slot?

Points list:

Epic point pdf

Edited by AegisAngel

I think cost and difficulty of Turbolaser will see them not used often as people initially thought. Oh, I am sure people will try it, but it will fall out of favor for most.

Targeting Battery Turret will be the standard hardpoint. It's affordable, has range, and gives you a TL beyond R3.

Tibanna Gas Reserves will be the standard "must have" cargo at only 3 pts. Who wouldn't take it?

Bombardment Specialists will often be used to mess with range requirements. Not only allow things to shoot farther, but also closer. You will be able to fire at enemy at R0 for the price of 1 Energy.

I expect Damage Control Teams to be used as they are only 3 pts.

Here is my Raider list, but I'm not sure on Ion Cannon and want another Crew slot to get Agent Kallus. Get TL at long range. Fire Plasma and Targetting Battery at target to remove shields, then fire Ion Cannon Battery to get the crits through while shields are down.

Outer Rim Patrol — Raider-class Corvette 150
Plasma Torpedoes 9
Ion Cannon Battery 6
Targeting Battery 9
Grand Moff Tarkin 6
Damage Control Team 3
Tibanna Reserves 3

Ship Total: 186

Ugh! The Raider having only one crew slot cramps my style a bit. Was really hoping to put Snoke on the First Order Collaborators, but there's no room for him. Maybe there will be an FO title that adds a crew slot in the future.

I'll post some builds later today. Cannot wait for my kit!

21 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

I think cost and difficulty of Turbolaser will see them not used often as people initially thought. Oh, I am sure people will try it, but it will fall out of favor for most.

Raider Sniper build:

Raider Corvette-150

Targeting Battery-9

Turbolaser Battery-15

Perceptive Co-Pilot-8

Bombardment Specialist-6

Damage Control Team-3

Tibanna Gas Supplies-3

Corvus title-3


Use the Calculate tokens to push the primary up to range 5 and then you have 3 shot from down town. Targeting Battery for the lock followed by Turbolasers and primary for which you will have a focus for both. Corvus will give you 2 calculate tokens to push the range and use Reinforce linked to calculate and Focus as your actions.

Edited by AegisAngel
7 minutes ago, AegisAngel said:

Raider Sniper build:

You will run out of Energy pretty soon. Also, what if you face an aggressive list? What if they take Wings and don't even use a Huge ship? Lots if close range fighters will swamp you and you won't have the tools for an up close fight.

It makes me think of a Team Epic 1st Ed tournament held local. I couldn't go, but one of my Casual friends did and he knows Epic. Went with a cheap Gozanti and a lot of Tie Fighters, Tie Bombers and Tie Punishers. They melted the competition and easily got first place. I see that danger against this list.

On 10/30/2019 at 8:45 AM, heychadwick said:

I think cost and difficulty of Turbolaser will see them not used often as people initially thought. Oh, I am sure people will try it, but it will fall out of favor for most.

Could be. On the other hand, can you imagine a swarm of TIE fighters trying to chew through an entire wing of B-wings or Y-wings? Turbolasers really have a place against those low-agility, high-health ships (including enemy huge ships).

15 points is steep though. Once it's out in the wild we'll see if it's worth the points. I think it might be. My hunch is that people will need to get used to a more conservative fire duty cycle, saving energy for a better shot instead of a wild range 5 shot through an obstacle, for example. Perhaps a little agro and a little support makes sense so that if enemies are in the wrong range band you can switch to fighter support.

Edited by Parakitor

As a Scum/Separatist player, I am drooling over the possibilities open to the "capital" ships that we do not have. That said, I keep looking at double Corsair Refitted C-ROC's and wondering...will they be as bad as any other double-large-base list?

Syndicate Smugglers (58)
Targeting Battery (9)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corsair Refit (15)

Ship total: 91 Half Points: 46 Threshold: 8
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A pair of these, sprinkled with some Crew and maybe toss on a Ion Cannon Turret. Maybe a GONK if you can get some coordinating going on. Having a C-ROC for a Tactical Relay carrier for Separatists seems like a decent idea, too. I mean, sure, it's already got a huge **** target painted on it, but that surely does extend the range of the relay.

That was just an example to get them to work. That build would do so much better on a CR-90 broad siding than a Raider. The Raider I feel is going to be better at brawling the list I would do is as follows.

Raider Corvetter-150

Targeting Battery-9

Ordanace Tubes-2

Advanced Proton Torpedos-6

Perceptive Co-Pilot-8

Damage Control Team-3

Bombardment Specialist-6

Corvus Title-3

Total 187

This build operates at the standard 0-3 range using Bombardment Specialist to push the range of the torps. With the Raider bullseye ability affecting Torp so you can have range 3 6 die torps, 5 or 6 die (range 1 with bullseye for 6) primary which sounds terrifying. Ordanace tubes are on there so Torps can be done as a bonus attack.

1 hour ago, Parakitor said:

Could be. On the other hand, can you imagine a swarm of TIE fighters trying to chew through an entire wing of B-wings or Y-wings? Turbolasers really have a place against those low-agility, high-health ships (including enemy huge ships).

I understand a Wing of Tie Fighters will have a hard time chewing through the others you mentioned, but those guys are expensive. 6 Y-wings with mix of Plasma and Proton are about 300 points! 6 Tie Fighters are half that. You could get 2 wings to take on the one. I also think Cluster Missiles will be popular in Epic.

1 hour ago, Kleeg005 said:

As a Scum/Separatist player, I am drooling over the possibilities open to the "capital" ships that we do not have. That said, I keep looking at double Corsair Refitted C-ROC's and wondering...will they be as bad as any other double-large-base list?

I think 2 are fine. Yes, they won't be as tough as one of the bigger guys, but it also means you can split your focus. One might have long range stuff and the other has short range. That type of combos.

I'm excited to have more Droids on the table. I thought of 2 Hyenas with Trajectory Simulator and proton Bombs flanking a Vulture Swarm. Even if you clip a few of your own, it's probably worth it.

I also thought of a Vulture Wing that uses some Precise Hunters and their bullseye abilities. Also use DFS-081 for once.

1 hour ago, AegisAngel said:

Raider Corvetter-150


Ordanace Tubes-2

Advanced Proton Torpedos-6

You realize the Raider has a Torpedo slot without needing the Ordnance, right? I would think if you went that route, you would want an Ion Battery to ensure they don't get away.

8 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

You realize the Raider has a Torpedo slot without needing the Ordnance, right? I would think if you went that route, you would want an Ion Battery to ensure they don't get away.

True, but @AegisAngel mentioned that you can't fire Torpedoes and Primaries without Ordnance Tubes because the Ordnance Tubes are what allows you to fire torps as a bonus attack. And for only two points, I think it's a fine choice.

If you are banking on getting in R1, I would prefer to have Ion Batteries.

34 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

If you are banking on getting in R1, I would prefer to have Ion Batteries.

I'm not, with Corvus title giving me an extra calculate I can use Bombardment Specialist to push Adv. Proton Torps up to range 3. If I wanted 2 I could spend an extra 6 points and get Ion Torps as well if Ordanace Tubes adds slots.

Edited by AegisAngel

Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Admiral Sloane (9)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corvus (3)

Ship total: 178 Half Points: 89 Threshold: 14

Total: 178

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This is a close up brawler. The key components are Corvus and Admiral Sloane which give you plenty of mods on your many attacks with Point Defense Battery. Damage Control Team lets you Reinforce -> double calculate (thanks Corvus!) and you pick off stressed ships for the rerolls. Tibanna Reserves is cheap enough why not?

Edited by Parakitor

I'm curious how Optimized Power Core is going to work. If it's like 1e Optimized Generator it's going to give extra energy per turn which I think is going to out shine the Tibanna Gas Supplies.If that's the case I'm definitely running that if I chose to run Turbolasers.

This is what I ended up with as an initial concept (rest of the list included for context):


Outer Rim Patrol (150)
Ion Cannon Battery (6)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Agent Kallus (5)
Damage Control Team (3)
Tibanna Reserves (3)
Corvus (3)

Ship total: 180 Half Points: 90 Threshold: 14

"Howlrunner" (40)
Veteran Wing Leader (4)

Ship total: 44 Half Points: 22 Threshold: 2

Del Meeko (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Seyn Marana (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Gideon Hask (30)
Ship total: 30 Half Points: 15 Threshold: 2

Captain Kagi (48)
Electronic Baffle (2)

Ship total: 50 Half Points: 25 Threshold: 5

Major Vynder (41)
Fire-Control System (2)
Plasma Torpedoes (9)
Advanced SLAM (3)
Xg-1 Assault Configuration (0)
Jamming Beam (0)

Ship total: 55 Half Points: 28 Threshold: 4

Nu Squadron Pilot (32)
Advanced SLAM (3)
Xg-1 Assault Configuration (0)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 4

Nu Squadron Pilot (32)
Advanced SLAM (3)
Xg-1 Assault Configuration (0)
Heavy Laser Cannon (4)

Ship total: 39 Half Points: 20 Threshold: 4

Total: 497

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Thought process:

This Raider wants to get in to mid/close range range and slug it out with a Huge ship, bringing the Point Defense Battery with Kallus's unlimited focus > hit to bear for nasty amounts of damage (ideally after stripping any Reinforce with Vynder's Jamming Beam).

Ion Cannon battery is here since it's cheap and energy efficient and has good reach. It's not going to do crazy damage and I wouldn't expect Ion tokens to build up fast enough to matter, but it's pretty much a guaranteed crit each time it fires and shouldn't require spending tokens to be effective.

Kallus, Corvus and Damage Control Team combine to generate a lot of action efficiency. Reinforce > double Calculate with Kallus on attack gets you a solid stack of offensive and defensive mods so you can use your second (or 3rd action from a Kagi Coordinate) to do stuff like regen Energy with Tibanna Reserves, rotate turrets, take a lock for your primary attack, etc.

Kagi is there to coordinate the Raider extra actions as needed and to disrupt up any sort of alpha strike on the Raider or the Howlrunner wing.

The Howlrunner wing should be a durable block of ships with a lot of reliable offense and defense, suitable for grinding away at fighters or Huge ships.

The gunboats are intended to operate independently and use SLAM to get where they need to be. Vynder would be shooting 2nd most of the time and wants to be stripping reinforce from key targets or clearing out newly regenned shields. The HLC Nus are durable big guns that should be able to line up bullseyes on Large and Huge ships or Wings of fighters.

I love how cheap these huge ships are! They're roughly 25% cheaper than first edition! It leaves lots of room for the rest of the squad, or for another huge ship. Here's my next build:

Alderaanian Guard (146)
Raymus Antilles (12)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Nien Nunb (5)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Thunderstrike (4)

Ship total: 192 Half Points: 96 Threshold: 13

Total: 192

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This is another in-your-face gunship. Thunderstrike gives a reroll against any ship you haven't attacked, so it dives in and adopts the spray and pray approach, targeting as many enemies as possible. Bombardment Specialists let you extend the range of either weapon system to target enemies that think they are safely out of range. Damage Control Team is too useful to pass up at this price point. Thunderstrike is sure to die, but Raymus Antilles let's it fire off one last salvo as a parting gift.

Edited by Parakitor
EDIT: I added Optimized Power Core back in. Looks like it combos well with Nien Nunb crew.
51 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

I love how cheap these huge ships are! They're roughly 25% cheaper than first edition! It leaves lots of room for the rest of the squad, or for another huge ship. Here's my next build:

Alderaanian Guard (146)
Raymus Antilles (12)
Point-Defense Battery (10)
Nien Nunb (5)
Bombardment Specialists (6)
Damage Control Team (3)
Optimized Power Core (6)
Thunderstrike (4)

Ship total: 192 Half Points: 96 Threshold: 13

Total: 192

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i would like to ask how you are using optimized power core. I think the text for that card hadn't yet released yet

9 minutes ago, player3719000 said:

i would like to ask how you are using optimized power core. I think the text for that card hadn't yet released yet

Woops! Pretend it's not there for now.

3 hours ago, AegisAngel said:

I'm not, with Corvus title giving me an extra calculate I can use Bombardment Specialist to push Adv. Proton Torps up to range 3. If I wanted 2 I could spend an extra 6 points and get Ion Torps as well if Ordanace Tubes adds slots.

Can you bump it up more than once?

11 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

Can you bump it up more than once?

Sadly no. Its wording only permits once.

"While you perform an attack, you may spend 1 calculate token to increase or decrease the range requirement by 1, to a limit of 0-5."

It would need to say "may spend 1 or more...... by 1 per token spent" or "1-2" instead of "1 or more" in my example.


If that's the case I might just have to suck it up and take both normal and Adv. Proton torps.

36 minutes ago, AegisAngel said:


If that's the case I might just have to suck it up and take both normal and Adv. Proton torps.

Check Card Interpretation on page 2 of the Rules Reference, specifically the Once Per Opportunity subsection. For ease:

"Once Per Opportunity

Many abilities are restricted to occur "once per opportunity," which means they can be resolved only one time during the specified timing window. For example, if an ability occurs "At the start of the Engagement Phase," this ability can only be resolved once at the start of each Engagement Phase.

As another example, if a ship has the ability "While you perform an attack, you may reroll 1 attack die," it may resolve that ability once during each of its attacks."

10 hours ago, LagJanson said:

So it took me a while, but I finally realized where you were going with this: a 200 point squad with a huge ship that might reasonably do well in a standard-style match. I like it!


Here's a support GR-75 I came up with:

Echo Base Evacuees (55)
Jan Dodonna (4)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Comms Team (8)
Boosted Scanners (8)
Luminous (12)

Total: 95
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The idea here is simple: Jan Dodonna let's friendly ships at range 0-3 use his ship's evade and focus tokens, so take Perceptive Copilot so 2 nearby ships can lock, and still have a focus for ordnance (or whatever else you want to use the tokens for - the sky's the limit). It has no weapon, so it really doesn't need mods. So every round it's going to focus, but it gets one more action. I would like it to jam, so I gave it Boosted Scanners so it could jam out to range 4 if it spent 3 energy. And with Luminous adding two energy (at the cost of one shield) it has the energy to burn if it wants. Additionally, Luminous can put the GR-75 out in the midfield by deploying at range 0-2 of a friendly ship after all other ships have set up, so it can gum up enemy deployments while friendlies zip right behind it into battle.

On a whim I added Comms Team , not because I plan to coordinate, but because it allows me to jam -> calculate. Not sure if that calculate is worth 8 points; it would depend on how I fill out the rest of the squad. Dropping those points brings the total to 87 which just feels cheaper. (As an aside, all these "action, link into calculate" actions are pretty great for huge ships. I am loving this!)

Eh, on second thought, 12 hull and 2 shields with 0 agility is going to get blown up fast. Maybe instead of jamming I just reinforce?

Echo Base Evacuees (55)
Jan Dodonna (4)
Perceptive Copilot (8)
Luminous (12)

Total: 79

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After all, it can still jam at range 1 if it so chooses, but this way it's supporting really well (don't forget about the ship ability "Resupply Craft") and is durable enough to be a pain to take out.

Edited by Parakitor
33 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

So it took me a while, but I finally realized where you were going with this: a 200 point squad with a huge ship that might reasonably do well in a standard-style match. I like it!

Well, I was mostly playing with Yasb and decided to pile as much obnoxious stuff as I could in a list. Regen, force, stolen TIE fighters in garish paint, Sabine, and everybody’s memories of the colossal space ram that they’re now afraid to get close to...

But yeah, I may have to put this on a map in a couple weeks.