I live in Gastonia NC and usually make my way to parker banner Kent and wayne in Cornelius NC. I encountered the mighty meeple right at Concord mills mall area. I am looking for armada players to meet up on a regular basis to play. We can meet at either location or in Matthews NC gamestore
Edited by jedimikeLooking for players around Charlotte NC
On Facebook look up Star Wars: Armada NC. I am down in Columbia sc there is a lot of new players around some travel to the tournaments I host. Also SC Midlands Star Wars Armada
Yeah I finally got on starwars: armada NC and found a few players at the mighty meeple across from Concord mills mall. Do you guys in Columbia SC play any days through the week, Mon. Through Thursday
I have been trying thursday. Normally a game maybe 2
I will let you know ahead of time if I will head your way for Thursday gaming. What time do you normally get there
Sounds great. Let me know we are about to start a rim campaign so let me know so someone is free
Are you available to play December 14th? I will be in Kings Mountain on that day for a family weekend and would play.
I might be up at the mighty meeple at Concord mills if not we can find a place to play. Most times I go to parker banner kent and wayne in Cornelius nc. Are you on Facebook or armada group on Facebook. But I am available on dec. 14th
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Star Wars: armada nc
Also working on setting up our next tournament it’s looking like January 11. Are you planning to go to Raleigh’s Prime? Some how all the family plans landed on other days so I’m debating on going
Edited by TheRedScourgeTheRedScourge I have not planned on going to Raleigh Prime. It would be cool to go but I just started a new job and there is some Saturday work but not too often. Have to try to catch you on another Saturday