New imperial ship list: 1 Interdictor and 2 Vic walk into a bar.

By Sobonis01, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

The goal of this fleet is to have the dictor act as a medic/slow down fast ships while the victory’s close in and damage the ships. I need some ideas for dealing with squads and large ship fleets.

Test Fleet (397/400)
Empire - Author: Sobonis

Commander: Moff Jerjerrod

[flagship] Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
- Moff Jerjerrod (23)
- Interdictor (3)
- G7-X Grav Well Projector (2)
- G-8 Experimental Projector (8)
- Heavy Ion Emplacements (9)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams (6)
- Taskmaster Grint (5)
- Projection Experts (6)
= 152 total points

Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85)
- Leading Shots (4)
- Disposable Capacitors (3)
- Gunnery Team (7)
= 99 total points

Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85)
- Leading Shots (4)
- Disposable Capacitors (3)
- Gunnery Team (7)
= 99 total points

Squadrons (47/134):
1x Mauler Mithel Tie Fighter Squadron (15)
4x Tie Fighter Squadron (32)

Edited by Sobonis01

You probably want to move the admiral onto a VSD so the Interdoctor can send shields to help it. Konstantine could be fun for speed control or Motti for extra hull. Jerjerrod is fine though and great for the sluggish VSD turning.

I would change to Target Scrambler and Grav shift and put D-Caps on the Interdictor to fire the HIE's at long range. No point firing HIEs at a target at medium range when 2 VSDs have D-Capped the previous turn at long range and stripped away most of the shields. With your 3 point bid you have 9 remaining so add 2 QBTs and shave a point or three off the fighters.

Try to go for 3 ace squadrons rather than 5 regulars. That way one VSD can controll the lot and the defence tokens will keep them alive just as long. Cienna, Valen and Mauler or howlrunner would be good or Whisper if you can shave a few more points from somewhere. A SFO on this controlling VSD will help with slicers and to switch to doing non-squadron commands as and when your fighters are swept away.

What's your thought on missions?

Edited by Mad Cat

I have not really thought of missions. The tractor beam and the x8 was mostly to stop smaller rebel ships so I could catch them :) My goal is to stop being flanked by cr 90s w TRCS. Is the grav shifts purpose to make people run into the objects? Thank you for your advice!

21 minutes ago, Sobonis01 said:

I have not really thought of missions. The tractor beam and the x8 was mostly to stop smaller rebel ships so I could catch them :) My goal is to stop being flanked by cr 90s w TRCS. Is the grav shifts purpose to make people run into the objects? Thank you for your advice!

Grav Shift does everything. You can deny areas of the board unless they like hitting asteroids, trigger Captain Brunson more easily, pull dust fields into or out of defensive positions, yank the Contested Outpost or Doomed Station towards you for easier points, and force collisions like you mentioned. It’s a tremendously flexible upgrade once you’ve had some practice with it.

Objectives are really important to this game, because they counter the advantage of first player. Wanting first, second or either is often a big part of a fleet’s identity from the very start.

A while ago I had almost exactly that list, when I tried to make Konstantine work for me (couldn't as I suck in speed management for my own fleet, not to speak of enemy ships...)
But apart from my total inability to do so, the fleet itself did pretty well. Would switch LS on the Dictor to HIE now and also put the command in Jerry's capable Hands. Can confirm, the squads do well against small to medium sized bomber / fighter screens and keep em off for a round or two after engagement. Long enough to pop a carrier (popped an MC80 early in one game by luck, but utterly devastated a Yavaris based list and one with two AF MK2 as it's main carriers).

Name: Interdictory
Author: R4Pi3R
Faction: Empire
Points: 387/400

Assault: Station Assault
Defense: Contested Outpost
Navigation: Dangerous Territory

Interdictor Supression Refit (90)

  • Admiral Titus (2)
  • Projection Experts (6)
  • Disposable Capacitors (3)
  • Grav Shift Reroute (2)
  • Targeting Scrambler (5)
  • Leading Shots (4)

[flagship] Vicotry II Star Destroyer (85)

  • Admiral Konstantine (23)
  • Captain Brunson (5)
  • Gunnery Team (7)
  • Disposable Capacitors (3)
  • Leading Shots (4)

Vicotry II Star Destroyer (85)

  • Support Officer (4)
  • Gunnery Team (7)
  • Disposable Capacitors (3)
  • Leading Shots (4)

Squadrons ( 45)

  • Ciena Ree (17)
  • Valen Rudor (13)
  • Mauler Mithel (15)

What objectives would be useful for this type of list?

The choice to make with objectives is as @The Jabbawookie said:

13 hours ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Objectives are really important to this game, because they counter the advantage of first player. Wanting first, second or either is often a big part of a fleet’s identity from the very start.

With a list like this, going second and forcing the opponent to come to you probably will be advantageous. The thing here is, a List like this almost screams "I wanna go Second!". So if your opponent doesn't really care and has a bigger bid, you might get in a situation, where he intentionally goes second just to screw with your plans.
The list isn't crap if you go first, but it plays a little different.
I chose the objectives above as they all play around obstacles I can manipulate and funnel the enemy into a position where i want him to be.

As a ground rule, the Objectives (for the most part) tell you whether you want them or not. For example, If your ships aren't mobile and you don't have squadrons, Precision Strike and Superior Positions will hurt you more than you gain. Also, A 2 Ship list will not gain as much from Opening Salvo as a MSU fleet. Read the Effect on the objective and then try to imagine a List that would benefit the most from it. Is your List close to that? Good. Is your list the exact opposite? Don't take the objective but try to anticipate, that you might play against it, if you see a list like it.

Edited by R4Pi3R

I would swap out one of your vic 2s for a vic 1 with Harrow, engine tec and ordinance. This will give you a faster good turning short range brawler.