Guidlines in Deck Construction

By Broadway_Punk, in Gummi Garage

With all the people and their vast knowledge of the game on these forums, you'd think there would be some kind of post about general deck construction rules. If there already is, I haven't found it.

Is it possible for someone to give us newbies an approximate number/ratio of how many of what cards to put in (like Friends vs Magic Friends; For X# Level 1s, you should have Y# Level 2s; etc.) just to get us started? Obviously, the list would be subjective and be able to be bent, or even broken, based on the cards and strategy used. The least we could do is start a discussion to find the answer to this question.

Personal Example: I had a friend get myself and my younger brother interested in the game very recently. I have, so far, only been able to play against him (my brother), and have no idea what the rest of the world is running. He runs more attack cards than anyone here on the forums. I have tried friend control, but it doesn't protect me from his two/three held Divine Rose . I always end up running a world rush (whether I want to or not) simply because I can't bring down his HP enough.

I also don't know what is considered "general purpose" in the game. People keep saying that Phil is unpleasent, but I have yet to have a need for him; if fact, I think he would hinder me more than my brother. And so on it goes.

Isn't there anyone who can help me?

Broadway_Punk said:

With all the people and their vast knowledge of the game on these forums, you'd think there would be some kind of post about general deck construction rules. If there already is, I haven't found it.

Is it possible for someone to give us newbies an approximate number/ratio of how many of what cards to put in (like Friends vs Magic Friends; For X# Level 1s, you should have Y# Level 2s; etc.) just to get us started? Obviously, the list would be subjective and be able to be bent, or even broken, based on the cards and strategy used. The least we could do is start a discussion to find the answer to this question.

Personal Example: I had a friend get myself and my younger brother interested in the game very recently. I have, so far, only been able to play against him (my brother), and have no idea what the rest of the world is running. He runs more attack cards than anyone here on the forums. I have tried friend control, but it doesn't protect me from his two/three held Divine Rose . I always end up running a world rush (whether I want to or not) simply because I can't bring down his HP enough.

I also don't know what is considered "general purpose" in the game. People keep saying that Phil is unpleasent, but I have yet to have a need for him; if fact, I think he would hinder me more than my brother. And so on it goes.

Isn't there anyone who can help me?

Ratios are really nothing with this game, it depends on what you're game statgey is.

PS: Easy way to stop his attack cards is a sea neon.

The interesting thing about this game is that there really isn't a set ratio of what one should and shouldn't have in a deck. In a lot of cases how you build your deck will depend on who your playing against or as it is commonly referred to: The MetaGame.

For example, say your playing against a group of people who predominantly World Race. You'll want to augment your deck with lots of heartless to stop them better. In your case, your playing against people who like to spam attack cards in challenges; to counter this you can use cards like Sebastian, Sea Neon, or Fairy Harps.

I will admit though that amongst some of the top tier players we've leaned towards what I call the "Friend Pyramid" when deck building. You want a good amount of level 0s and level 1s (Or the pseudo level 1, King Triton)...followed by a slightly smaller ratio of level 2s...then an even smaller grouping of level 3s...then finish it off with one or two level 4s.






As for everything else in your deck that really will depend on what you want to go for deck wise. If your running Phils or Owls, then your not going to want to include a lot of Magic and Magic/Friend cards. If your World Racing you'll want a lot of worlds and lots of things to help you clear Dark and move...while if your going Aggro then you'll want very few worlds and lots of ways to win that challenge and control your opponent.

As I said...I believe the reason that no one has made a thread about this is because there isn't a set way to go about deck building and something I always tell people is to just playtest, playtest, playtest and you'll eventually learn what works and what doesn't in your situation. Hope I've helped! ^_^

~Mr. Dawn

-__- apparently no reads my threads....

anyway I guess I will just post my newest thread here rather than make a new one

There isn't a set number of things you should run as certain decks require certain things but there are certainly guidelines one can follow in order to make their run as smoothly as possible.

1.) Search Power. search cards like the Destiny Islands, The King and specific search cards will fit in almost every deck. Search power is good negative deck space but can also serve as good fodder for Simba or a gravity spell. if you need it, you can find it. Good search cards are Destiny Islands, The King, specific search cards, search worlds...any search card is good

2.) Answers to threats. If you have a problem, you need ways to address that problem with it be Tidus to get rid Owl or Sebastian/ Sea Neon to stop attack cards, if something stops you from winning, then you will need an answer to that problem, not matter what it is. good answer cards are Tidus, Tinker Bell, Sebastian, Owl, Phil and Simba.

3.) Game Winners. "Fatties", "trumpers whatever you want to call it, you need to make sure you have a card that will greatly improve your chances of winning as soon as it hits the board whether it's cloud sephiroth Stopra Disney Castle, you need something that can help you win greatly. Power cards are nice.