1. Can a player in a tree(shadowcloaked) attack himself if he is darkcharmed?
"A figure with the Shadowcloak ability is only affected by attacks made by adjacent figures. The figure does not suffer any wounds or effects from attacks originating farther than one space away." Seems strange if he cant attack himself, but since he isnt adjacent to himself......
2. A player has a Guard order, is dark charmed and forced to attack another hero. Does the dark charmed hero lose his Guard order?
"A guard order stays with a hero until removed by one of
the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more
wounds, 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, or 3)
the hero uses the order to make an interrupt attack." JitD page 15.
Our guess is no, he will not loose it, since he is not using the order to make an interrupt attack . Are we correct on this?
3. Can the OL use dark charm to kill a hero and then spawn(killing the hero can/will give better spawnpoints)? Both events(spawn and dark charm) happens at the start of OLs turn.