Shadowcloak + Dark Charm

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. Can a player in a tree(shadowcloaked) attack himself if he is darkcharmed?

"A figure with the Shadowcloak ability is only affected by attacks made by adjacent figures. The figure does not suffer any wounds or effects from attacks originating farther than one space away." Seems strange if he cant attack himself, but since he isnt adjacent to himself......

2. A player has a Guard order, is dark charmed and forced to attack another hero. Does the dark charmed hero lose his Guard order?

"A guard order stays with a hero until removed by one of
the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more
wounds, 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, or 3)
the hero uses the order to make an interrupt attack." JitD page 15.

Our guess is no, he will not loose it, since he is not using the order to make an interrupt attack . Are we correct on this?

3. Can the OL use dark charm to kill a hero and then spawn(killing the hero can/will give better spawnpoints)? Both events(spawn and dark charm) happens at the start of OLs turn.

Moneseki said:

1. Can a player in a tree(shadowcloaked) attack himself if he is darkcharmed?

"A figure with the Shadowcloak ability is only affected by attacks made by adjacent figures. The figure does not suffer any wounds or effects from attacks originating farther than one space away." Seems strange if he cant attack himself, but since he isnt adjacent to himself......

2. A player has a Guard order, is dark charmed and forced to attack another hero. Does the dark charmed hero lose his Guard order?

"A guard order stays with a hero until removed by one of
the following events: 1) the hero takes one or more
wounds, 2) the beginning of the hero’s next turn, or 3)
the hero uses the order to make an interrupt attack." JitD page 15.

Our guess is no, he will not loose it, since he is not using the order to make an interrupt attack . Are we correct on this?

3. Can the OL use dark charm to kill a hero and then spawn(killing the hero can/will give better spawnpoints)? Both events(spawn and dark charm) happens at the start of OLs turn.

1. I honestly don't know, but my guess would be yes he could attack himself. It seems to me that Dark Charm is a special case since I don't think a hero could normally target himself anyway, but I'm not really sure.

2. No the hero would not lose his Guard order. The reasons you listed are the only ways he could, also note he is allowed to use Guard order after the Dark Charm is played but before the Dark Charm attack occurs.

3. Yes he could, from the JiTD rules, pg. 9:

Important: The overlord may play cards that say "Play at the start of your turn" any time before activating his first monster for the turn.

Since the overlord turn is 3 steps:

1. Collect Threat and Draw Cards

2. Spawn Monsters

3. Activate Monsters

The overlord could play the spawn card between steps 1 and 2. Also I believe there is a FAQ ruling that if two effects are supposed to both take place at the same time the active player decides the order they go in. Actually I believe that ruling applied to Heroes and lingering effect tokens, but you could probably apply the same principle here.

Kartigan said:

2. No the hero would not lose his Guard order. The reasons you listed are the only ways he could, also note he is allowed to use Guard order after the Dark Charm is played but before the Dark Charm attack occurs.

Not true if I recall correctly. Check the rules for orders in general, and I think you'll find that any order is lost if you move or attack.

I'd also disagree with the " after the Dark Charm is played but before the Dark Charm attack occurs", but I'm not sure I can back this up officially. I suppose my thinking is the rules only specifically state that you can interrupt an attack declared by a monster which occurs later in the turn, but I can see the arguments the other way as well.

FYI, a PDF of the rulebook can be downloaded from the Descent Support Page , so you can actually look up the rule and quote it if you want, rather than just going from memory. The rules for orders are on page 14:

"When a hero chooses to take a ready action at the beginning of his turn (see “Hero Player’s Turn,” page 8) he may place one of his four orders (aim, dodge, guard, or rest) face up next to his hero on the board.

A hero can only have one order at any one time. A hero that has already been issued an order cannot receive another order until the first order is used or removed (see below).

Once an order has been used or removed, it is returned to the player’s supply of orders. Each order may be reused throughout the game."

In this case, you're mistaken: there are general rules preventing you from having two orders at once, but no general rules causing them to be removed under any circumstances. All the removal rules are unique to the individual order types.

Only the Aim order is lost due to movement. No order is lost when you make an unrelated attack (even if you have an Aim order placed, you can choose to save it). You'll lose any order other than Dodge if you are wounded by a Dark Charm attack, but making an attack doesn't automatically cost you any kind of order.

Interrupting the Dark Charm card with a Guard order is specifically addressed in the FAQ, page 7:

Q: How does the timing of Guard interact with Dark Charm? Can I use my Guard order to attack when the overlord plays Dark Charm on me so I don’t lose it? Can I use a Guard order to attack the hero the overlord is using Dark Charm on? In either case, can I do so before or after the die is rolled to see if the card takes effect?
A: Guard orders can interrupt the overlord at any time. However, each action should be resolved in its entirety once it’s been begun. (For example, although you can interrupt the overlord if he declares an attack, if you choose not to the attack is resolved in its entirety before you have another chance to use your Guard order. You can’t wait to see if the attack missed or not before deciding to Guard.) So, for Dark Charm, once the overlord has played the card you must immediately decide whether to interrupt it with a Guard order. If you choose not to, the overlord proceeds to roll dice and you must wait for the card (and its attack, if any) to be completely resolved. If you interrupt the Dark Charm and kill the target hero, then the card is canceled without further effect.

The last sentence is a bit unclear and has caused some argument in the past; I believe the majority opinion is that "canceled" should mean "returned to his hand, as if he never played it," in order to be consistent with other precedents for how Guard works. But it's very clear that you can choose to use the Guard after the overlord reveals a Dark Charm card.

I never noticed before that the FAQ question presumes the guard order is lost in the OP's question:

Can I use my Guard order to attack when the overlord plays Dark Charm on me so I don’t lose it?

This part of the question is not addressed at all in the FAQ answer. I agree with the reasoning above, though, that there is no reason for the dark charmed hero to lose the guard order.

mahkra said:

I never noticed before that the FAQ question presumes the guard order is lost in the OP's question:

Can I use my Guard order to attack when the overlord plays Dark Charm on me so I don’t lose it?

This part of the question is not addressed at all in the FAQ answer. I agree with the reasoning above, though, that there is no reason for the dark charmed hero to lose the guard order.

I believe that the question in the FAQ is assuming that the Dark Charm is not only selecting the hero with the Guard order, but that it is also targeting him. Thus if it hit and he took wounds he would in fact lose his Guard order. I don't think it is referring to a case where Dark Charm is played on someone with a Guard order and it is targeting someone else.