2 SoB rules questions - movement

By --JP, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Ok, have acquired SoB and after reading the ruels, we've 4 questions (at least for now):

1) The Secret Path from Cerridor Sea to Narrows of Gracor does not have a threat level. This is the only path at sea that does not have threat. Should this path have "0" threat (like the land paths) or should it show a "Red 2" like every other Secret Path on the map (Great Maelstrom excepted)?

2) What is the interaction between exploring a location and moving to it for the first time (for a gain of 1 conquest token). There is no way to indicate which locations have been occupied. I see where you mark off a location being explored.

For instance:

A) Party enters Mount Orrik for the first time. They gain 1 conquest token, but choose not to explore the dungeon. Can they choose to return at a later time and explore the dungeon then? If so, how do you indicate that they received the conquest token? With the campaign lasting a long time, this seems easy to forget.

B) Overlord's Keep is in Stagwood Forest (for instance). Can the party enter the location in order to gain the conquest token, even though they cannot enter the dungeon (at least until the end game)?

3) Orris and Dallak indicate penalites when the party enters or passes through these cities. I understand entering - you get to utilize the buildings. What is 'passing through"? Do you pay the penalty only upon arrival, regardless of whether you visit? Or do you pay the penalty upon arrival and again when you leave the city? Just trying to understand what is meant by 'passing through".

4) What was the final ruling on Divine Favor and hero conquest value? Can conquest values be reduced to 0 or is the minimum value 1?

Thank you very much for any help on these.


1) The Secret Path from Cerridor Sea to Narrows of Gracor does not have a threat level. This is the only path at sea that does not have threat. Should this path have "0" threat (like the land paths) or should it show a "Red 2" like every other Secret Path on the map (Great Maelstrom excepted)?

It's 0, just like the other, non-secret, trails that have no encounter level on them.

2) What is the interaction between exploring a location and moving to it for the first time (for a gain of 1 conquest token). There is no way to indicate which locations have been occupied. I see where you mark off a location being explored.

I don't know if there's an official way to mark it, but we circle a dungeon if we've visited but not entered, and x it out if we've entered.

3) Orris and Dallak indicate penalites when the party enters or passes through these cities. I understand entering - you get to utilize the buildings. What is 'passing through"? Do you pay the penalty only upon arrival, regardless of whether you visit? Or do you pay the penalty upon arrival and again when you leave the city? Just trying to understand what is meant by 'passing through".

I can't think of a reason why you'd want to enter and leave those two cities on the same week, but "passing through" would mean you put the prty marker in it but didn't visit (maybe you were sent there by a TPK or used the elven sails to move two trails that week).

4) What was the final ruling on Divine Favor and hero conquest value? Can conquest values be reduced to 0 or is the minimum value 1?

The final ruling was that it didn't make it into the FAQ as we were told it was. Whether that means ou should or shouldn't use it is completely up toy our group. It might make it into the next iteration because leaving it out was a mistake, or it might never again see the light of day because FFG changed their mind. We have no way of knowing.