Cleaning PVC?

By allistorpreist, in Painting

So I am completely unhappy with my snow troopers. I had an idea, it failed. Have any of you stripped and repainted the pvc models of Legion? Never did that particular type before.

Soak them in Simple Green then use a toothbrush . Took most of the paint right off

I've gotten the best results with LA's a Totally Awesome. You can get it at Dollar Tree.

Either if the above suggestions work great. I would recommend roughing it up a bit with a toothbrush when you start and using a sonic jewelry cleaner if you have it. This really speeds up the process and reduces the amount of scrubbing - which will scratch up the model if you’re rough. I use a soft baby toothbrush left over from my kids’ younger days. You can get the sonic jewelry cleaner for $25 or so off Amazon and if you ever get an airbrush it’s great for cleaning that as well.

But all you really need is a cup, your solvent of choice (Simple Green, Totally Awesome, methylated spirits - which you can get in the paint section of a hardware store like Lowe’s or Home Depot) and a soft brush. Soak for a few hours then scrub gently. If it’s not coming soak some more.

Having said all that, I generally recommend stripping your models after you have painted your whole backlog. I have been stuck in a “never happy” loop with some models and it’s really demotivating to keep painting the same thing over and over again. When you come back later you might realize you aren’t so unhappy with the original paint job after all. Just food for thought.