RITR Unique Squadrons

By Kelorn, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Working on starting up a RITR Campaign and had a question regarding unique squadrons. Page 12 of the RITR Rules reference (Under Creating commanders and task forces) states:

"Each player may have up to two squadron cards with unique names in each fleet."

There are two interpretations of this statement in our group.

1) Up to two unique squadrons may be taken in a starting fleet, but there can never be more than two in your fleet ever.

2) Up to two unique squadrons may be taken in a starting fleet, and additional uniques may be purchased via the upgrade rules while contesting planets.

Thoughts are appreciated, thank you.

Number two is correct, IMO.

It's the 2nd. If you play campaign objectives, thats how you get points to get uniques.