Are there any plans to reprint this game soon?
It's completely impossible to acquire at the moment, unless "you" want to pay a heavy overprice (60-70$Above normal price).
Are there any plans to reprint this game soon?
It's completely impossible to acquire at the moment, unless "you" want to pay a heavy overprice (60-70$Above normal price).
Any chance of this ever receiving a reprint ?
A. Please reprint Twilight Imperium 4th Edition
B. Please, at least reply to people's requests, either with a "h e l l , no" or a "We're on it!".
C. All of the above
Created an account just to bump this thread. FFG, please show your love and respect for your first original game series and announce reprint dates/plans.
Edited by atTAGGPrice update, TI4 is selling for over $300 on the secondary market, TWICE it's original price. This game NEEDS a reprint or new edition.
Same. Instant purchase.
I would also like to see this game printed again. A status update would be nice.
Is there somewhere I can sign up to get an email if it is reprinted?
Thanks in advance for any reply.
FFG currently lists Twilight Imperium as in stock so no need to wait to get an email.
On 1/17/2020 at 8:29 AM, Gamer said:FFG currently lists Twilight Imperium as in stock so no need to wait to get an email.
...except no, it doesn’t?
Confirmed in stock - my copy has just shipped.
I just checked - 4th Edition is still out of stock on this website - were you seeing a different game? I'd dearly love to actually get it.
I bought 4th edition on Amazon - yet now I find that it's apparently out of print and actually available only through price gougers. I am... unamused.
Update - found a copy from an online vendor who is not Fantasy Flight, so I guess that's that. They really should do another run.
According to Amazon, it'll be back in stock by the 30th. Not ideal, and I'd really rather support a local game store, but I think Asmodee has maybe forgotten that game stores exist based on their recent undershipments/sellouts of Arkham Horror LCG, Marvel Champions, and this.
It will never be reprinted, at most they may do a 5th edition...maybe. I really am tired of hunting down games I want but can't seem to get because FFG wont print or stock enough for late comers to purchase. I refuse to pay the price gougers outrageous prices for games.
On 1/22/2020 at 10:00 PM, flyingcircus said:It will never be reprinted, at most they may do a 5th edition...maybe. I really am tired of hunting down games I want but can't seem to get because FFG wont print or stock enough for late comers to purchase. I refuse to pay the price gougers outrageous prices for games.
SO said you dont know you are talking about.
Reprints for all languages of game are happening in same factory as same time. Poland just got restocked with reprint so it means that other copies of TI in different languages are coming to shops by now.
22 hours ago, Dreathan said:SO said you dont know you are talking about.
Reprints for all languages of game are happening in same factory as same time. Poland just got restocked with reprint so it means that other copies of TI in different languages are coming to shops by now.
While it did get a reprint (I'm looking at the rules of my copy right now) it would be asinine to ignore the fact that PAI Partners is actively driving Asmodee into the ground, and not fulfilling demand is a huge part of that. The reprint appears to already be sold out most places - it certainly isn't showing as in stock on Asmodee/FFG's own site. Tie that in with a bunch of other popular games where it's currently impossible to get the latest content (Arkham Horror LCG, Marvel Champions LCG, many game accessories), and the fact that PAI is totally gutting FFG (their RPG division is totally gone as of a couple weeks ago) and it's pretty easy to see why people are a bit pessimistic. Private equity firms are a parasite and I don't expect Asmodee to really recover in any meaningful way.
It's unfortunate that TI4 hasn't been reprinted, I'm embarrassed to say but I pre-ordered so I have a brand spanking new copy on my shelf. For what it's worth, there are no reprints of any kind on the schedule at the moment according to the website and rumor is FFG may be going out of business entirely.
TI4's reprint wasn't announced but it's been back in stock for a few weeks now. It shows as in stock here on FFG's website and Amazon and Cool Stuff have it in stock at their usual discount.