Are there any Legion players in the West Chester, PA thru Newark, DE area?
Some of the local stores I frequent are Days of Knights, Showcase Comics & Games, and The Games Keep?
Are there any Legion players in the West Chester, PA thru Newark, DE area?
Some of the local stores I frequent are Days of Knights, Showcase Comics & Games, and The Games Keep?
Anyone? I heard there’s a group in northern Maryland @ Critical Hit Games on Thursday nights. Is that still going strong?
What days are you available to play? I play at the Games Keep.
I can make myself available.
I actually shop there all the time ironically. I didn’t think legion had taken off there.
I think that Showcase Comics in Swarthmore (not the one in Bryn Mawr) has a Star Wars miniature gaming night every Tuesday.
I will be playing either there or at the Games Keep.
Edited by barajayCool, thanks for the heads up.
It looks like there’s a consistent group on Thursday nights at Critical Hit Games in Northern Maryland. I might check that one out. It’s probably the closest store to my house, about 45 minutes or so.
Played at Games Keep Wednesday night. Great time
I work at the Showcase Comics and Games in Bryn Mawr, and we're looking at doing SWL on Saturdays from 3pm til close! I'm there every week, and there's usually 1 or 2 more players, but we'd love to have you come by! We've got 4 tables, ample terrain, and are hoping to develop a robust community! We're also available to get your pre-orders and regular orders in, and have mini painting events every Saturday at noon if you need to get your armies battle ready!
Cool, thanks for the info!
So far Games Keep in West Chester has been a great spot to play at!