Nose punch revisited

By namdoolb, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Original nose punch here for reference:

RITR motti nose punch (1 int) (75/400/400)


Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 36: 126) + Admiral Ozzel (20) + Captain Brunson (5) + Disposable Capacitors (3) + G7-X Grav Well Projector (2) + Grav Shift Reroute (2) + Leading Shots (4)

Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85 + 26: 111) + Flight Commander (3) + Weapons Battery Techs (5) + Disposable Capacitors (3) + Leading Shots (4) + Dual Turbolaser Turrets (5) + Harrow (3) + Fighter Coordination Team (3)

Raider I-class Corvette (44 + 15: 59) + Iden Versio (6) + Ordnance Experts (4) + External Racks (3) + Corvus (2)

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 6: 29) + Admiral Titus (2) + Comms Net (2) + Vector (2)

Gar Saxon (23)

Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter (20)

Ciena Ree (17)

Zertik Strom (15)

Surprise Attack, Rift Ambush, Minefields

A little backstory first; I've been wanting to get on the "nose punch" train for a little while now. Mostly because it messes with your opponent in a way that I sincerely enjoy. (I might be a horrible human being, that's still open for debate). I'm still short an interdictor (waiting for my lgs to get one in stock) so I can't run the list proper. But RitR gave us some very nice goodies, and I think I may be able to get away with just the one interdictor (at least until I can do it properly).

(And as a by-product can bring the goodness of nose-punching to others who can only muster a single interdictor.)

This is obviously not quite up to the original, but I think I've been able to compensate & create a list that should work. Testing should commence in earnest soon but in the meantime I offer it up to the community for ritual defenestration 🙂

Would be nice to see more squads in there, but alas points.

I know where I see control, and there's certainly that, but with your vsd kit it looks like you have invested far too much in squad activations for not enough squads to activate.

I'd also sub in something for minefields. It's the soft objective here. Something like hyperspace migration would probably end up better as you stay speed 0 in the corner and make the trip across the board to reach you as miserable as possible.

5 hours ago, BrobaFett said:

Would be nice to see more squads in there, but alas points.

I know where I see control, and there's certainly that, but with your vsd kit it looks like you have invested far too much in squad activations for not enough squads to activate.

I'd also sub in something for minefields. It's the soft objective here. Something like hyperspace migration would probably end up better as you stay speed 0 in the corner and make the trip across the board to reach you as miserable as possible.

Yeah, me too on the squads.

In an ideal world I'd have enough points for Jendon & rhymer.... it could be done, but would need some base-level changes to the fleet.

The squadron command upgrades on the vsd are a tricky one, but you need something to get those gauntlets across the table as quickly as possible; they need to be raiding asap. Ordinarily that would have been a carrier,...

Feels possibly like a switch back to the carrier might still be the way to go, even if it costs me the raider & the flotilla.

I agree on Minefields being the softer objective, some of these ritr objectives are a little bit difficult for me to evaluate until I've seen them in action. After I've had the chance to get a game or two in the objective may well change.