Original nose punch here for reference:
RITR motti nose punch (1 int) (75/400/400)
Interdictor Suppression Refit (90 + 36: 126) + Admiral Ozzel (20) + Captain Brunson (5) + Disposable Capacitors (3) + G7-X Grav Well Projector (2) + Grav Shift Reroute (2) + Leading Shots (4)
Victory II-class Star Destroyer (85 + 26: 111) + Flight Commander (3) + Weapons Battery Techs (5) + Disposable Capacitors (3) + Leading Shots (4) + Dual Turbolaser Turrets (5) + Harrow (3) + Fighter Coordination Team (3)
Raider I-class Corvette (44 + 15: 59) + Iden Versio (6) + Ordnance Experts (4) + External Racks (3) + Corvus (2)
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 6: 29) + Admiral Titus (2) + Comms Net (2) + Vector (2)
Gar Saxon (23)
Mandalorian Gauntlet Fighter (20)
Ciena Ree (17)
Zertik Strom (15)
Surprise Attack, Rift Ambush, Minefields
A little backstory first; I've been wanting to get on the "nose punch" train for a little while now. Mostly because it messes with your opponent in a way that I sincerely enjoy. (I might be a horrible human being, that's still open for debate). I'm still short an interdictor (waiting for my lgs to get one in stock) so I can't run the list proper. But RitR gave us some very nice goodies, and I think I may be able to get away with just the one interdictor (at least until I can do it properly).
(And as a by-product can bring the goodness of nose-punching to others who can only muster a single interdictor.)
This is obviously not quite up to the original, but I think I've been able to compensate & create a list that should work. Testing should commence in earnest soon but in the meantime I offer it up to the community for ritual defenestration 🙂