Info about player actions:
Info about player actions:
So we have card based action phase. Cards have positive and negative effects and players need to chose what action cards to chose and what is needed to done and van They handle the negative effects. Nice way of ”punishing” powerfull actions vs less usefull with less negative effects.
The bad iMHO is that you can not chose the cards, They Are random, you can only chose what part you will use from the cards. I would prefer somekind of limited pool where to chose from...
The cards effects Are played based on priority cards. And players can not discuss their choises! So They do their desision of priority cards blindly. Is someone use low priority, he claims that his top part card is important. If he playes low priority card he most likely prefer the low part of his action card. No other information is for rest of the players...
and those priority cards comes back hounting later at reconing phase. That is interesting mechanic!
so this is not pure coop or coop without common planning! So no alpha Gaming, but planning is hard... every player has to have good picture of whole situation and what player is is tight spot and chose their own priority based on what other players chose...
players can Mess up other players plans completely! So this have a coop with roborall rules and that can be really annoying to some gamers. I have friends who really hate roborally because someone else screw up and that causes that your turn screw up... very likely to happen in this game. We don’t need traitor mechanics,because it is build in the game mechanic