Epic play is different enough from Standard that our valuation of things changes. Some things are proportionally better or worse when you scale them up. We know from 1.0 experience, for example, that generics/numbers are better in epic than standard play, and that arc dodgers are worse (since there are so many more arcs to dodge).
What else? What other ships, pilots, and upgrades might thrive in an epic environment? Let’s take a look.
Multiple targets : if it can hurt more than one target, it’s going to be better when there are more targets to hit. Prepare to see a lot of Diamond Boron Missiles and Tragedy Simulator bombs. Prepare to see the Electro-proton Bomb go from meme to tactical nuke. Conversely, beneficial effects that can help lots of allies are also more valuable—the more targets, the better.
Bullseye effects : few and far between are pilots that can maximize bullseye effects in standard play. Accordingly, most bullseye effects are priced aggressively. In Epic play, things are different. Not only are there more targets (and thus more chances of accidentally bullseying something), but Huge ships and Wings are particularly vulnerable to giving up bullseye shots. As examples, the Heavy Laser Cannon seems an ideal tool to knock down Huge ships’ regenerating shields, and follow-up attacks with Marksmanship can be particularly harsh.
Things that help Huge ships : the preview materials thus far suggest Huge ships can be tremendous forces in battle. Any support ability that’s useful on your typical ship is that much more powerful boosting a Huge.
As we go faction-by-faction, I’ll be pointing out potential stars of Epic, based largely on these two principles. I’ll avoid crew, as there’s an excellent discussion of good epic crew in this thread , except for one which demands mention…
Leia (crew): You knew she’d be here. The more ships she can affect, the better she gets. Unlimited range, unlimited targets, no arc requirement, no questions asked. What’s not to love?
Gavin Darklighter: unlimited friendlies turn a hit to crit when shooting as long as the target’s in Gavin’s arc. Nice.
Saw Gerrera: Saw synergizes nicely with the Wing mechanic of damage-spreading. Any opponent that tries to force damage onto a wing leader risks spreading it to the wingmen—which, in turn, lets Saw boost those attacks. Saw also works great with Huge ships, passively boosting every single shot they take—which can be a lot. And he does this with a solid body himself, while filling his usual coordinating/Leia-carrying U-Wing role. As a more defensive option, Magva has great potential for nerfing lock-based alpha strikes.
Roark Garnet: what’s scarier than a CR-90’s broadside battery plus bonus attacks? A CR-90’s broadside battery plus bonus attacks shooting first . Can’t drain my energy if I used it all on bonus attacks at Ini7, fools! And Roark can carry Leia to boot.
Fenn Rau: not every Epic opponent is going to bring a Huge ship, and among those that do not every Huge ship is going to be a Raider/CR-90-level menace. When those Raiders and CR-90s do hit the table, though, the last thing they want to see is someone saying, “Nah, you can’t use tokens.” Tee-hee.
Colonel Jendon: Jendon is great in standard, where he affects 2-4 ships. Imagine him in Epic affecting three times that many, then coordinating your Huge ship. The only reason I don’t consider him an auto-include is because…
Captain Kagi: …his inverse exists. There might not be a ship in the game that can do more to shield your Huge from powerful attacks than Kagi. Remember, he doesn’t have to be in range of the people locking, he just has to be in range of the ships that got locked —meaning he can be tucked safely away, helping from afar, denying the ability to use those attacks altogether, yielding action advantage on a huge scale.
Maarek Steele: Give him Marksmanship and FCS and point him at a huge ship with its shields down. Then cackle.
Gideon Hask: not that he’s likely to be an All-Star or anything. Still, in a world where huge ships will take damage that they nurse for several turns, Gideon has the chance to be an extremely cost-efficient nuisance.
Punishers: what was that about Tragedy Simulator bombs? You want how many Tragedy Simulator bombs? All of them? Can do!
Torani Kulda: remember how bullseying fools is a lot easier in epic? How does a super-strong bullseye ability sound to you? I thought so. Add Cluster Missiles to proc it twice.
Ahhav: like Gideon, less of a game-changer and more a piece who can punch way above his weight class. Alas, Seevor (and his jamming, which Huges hate) is probably still better.
Drea Renthal: Huge ships aren’t limited. Just saying. Plus, generics are a lot more common in Epic anyway.
Kath Scarlet: if you can’t force her ability in Epic, it’s just not happening.
Emon Azzameen/Sol Sixxa/Captain Nym: who needs Tragedy Simulator when you can just throw bombs wherever you want? Bonus points for Boba Fett crew allowing even kookier shenanigans.
Black One: we need to see the rules for how wings work to understand just how silly this might be. As-is, we know that a Wing forms up on the Wing leader, no matter what they did to get to their new position—meaning Black One just went from a limited upgrade to a Wing-wide one. Temmin Wexley with Black One can go from his deployment zone to just outside the enemy’s in one activation, and now he can drag a full wing of T-70s with him. Sounds fun to me!
MG-100 Starfortress: falls into the same category as Kath where, if they’re not good here, they never will be.
Avenger: I guess?
Lieutenant Dormitz with Hyperspace Tracking Data: remember when this guy was broken? Remember when he was forcing turn-one jousts with a token advantage? Remember how FFG fixed it by upping his price point so the rest of the squad didn’t have enough beef to abuse Dormitz? Yeah, there are more points available in Epic. This guy will be a jerk.
Sinker: He’s already really good. Now he can affect even more friendlies. Cool.
Padme: potentially. Unlimited targets is nice, and you can use Bravos to protect her in a wing more cost-effectively than using Handmaidens. Huge ships relying on Calculate (and thus being able to affect only one eyeball at a time anyway) might devalue her a bit.
Everything. The whole faction, pretty much. The faction that’s designed to swarm is built from the ground up to scale infinitely. Okay, Kraken doesn’t. But the other Relays do, as do Sear (!), DRK-1 probe droids, and tractor abilities. Separatists in epic will be gross.