batlle fleet gothic art

By the 8 spider, in Fan Art

from france

a short question.

does any one use this bordgame to show players the look of the ships or just stay with the pictures of rt?

Most of the books for Battlefleet Gothic, as well as pictures of the ships, are nicely avaliable from GW's website . Look under 'Specialist Games'. I happen to own a couple small fleets (with some home-made escorts), which make nice markers for when we do a space combat that really reqires that level of visualization.

I definitely use them, as it adds a lot to the overall feeling of the game. I happen to have been playing BFG, so everything's already here, and also GW's Rogue Trader Escort kit (obviously) makes for a great choice of possible Explorers' ships - especially because a lot of the basic hull types presented in the RT core rulebook are based upon those models.

I'd definitely recommend using the models!