I was thinking about builds that can defend against squadrons. I came up with the build bellow. After a few practice maneuvers it is doable to keep in close range of an Imperial Star Destroyer and provide anti-squadron defense. Two Assault Carriers with Quad Laser Turrets and Repair Crews hanging out in the back would give five activations for a 400 point game. All ships in this list have black dice for Anti-squadron. This should provide a cloud of flak that makes even Aces wince. I am debating leaving this as is or dropping the Assault Carriers and adding one more Raider with Ordnance Experts and Flechette Torpedoes leaving a bid of 22 points. Still not sure if the TIE Fighters are just a waste of points at this point as I could almost get another Raider (forming a box around the ISD) . Either way I am pretty confident that I can keep fighters "Activated" and use the ISD to punch any Rebels pretty hard. The big weakness I see is at long range, an Akbar gun line could chew the Raiders up pretty good and then fighters could make life interesting for my ISD and carriers. Assuming there are enough turns/objectives left. Another possibility that comes to mind is using a Raider to seize objectives while the rest of the smaller ships defend the Flag Ship. If I can get my raiders to encircle the fighters and stay with them I should be able to lock them up. Has any one played with something similar? I am looking for thoughts. Not that I am a squadron hater, I just prefer capitol ships. I have not found a regular game so I end up spending time looking a rules and cards to come up with builds and doing test maneuvers. Thank you for sticking with me please leave a comment I value your points of view.
Raider I-Class Corvette
(40 points)
Two black dice for anti-squadron.
- Agent Kallus ( 3 points)
Gives an extra black die to attack with against aces.
Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
Allows for re-roll of dice during attacks (
does not say ships only so I assume I can use against squadrons.)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
Grants one blue die against a squadron that attacks this ship
- Flechette Torpedoes ( 3 points)
Allows a black crit to shift activation slider to activated (denying use of that fighter this turn)
Unless I missed something this should allow for two (Three against Aces) dice re-rolled in an attempt to get one Crit, shifting the activation slider and denying that fight use during this turn.
Raider I-Class Corvette
(40 points)
Two black dice for anti-squadron.
( 4 points)
Gives and extra
against one squadron.
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
allows for re-roll of dice during attacks (
does not say ships only so I assume I can use against squadrons.)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
Grants one blue die against a squadron that attacks this ship
- Flechette Torpedoes ( 3 points)
allows a black crit to shift activation slider to activated (denying use of that fighter this turn)
Unless I missed something this should allow for two dice re-rolled in an attempt to get one Crit, shifting the activation slider and denying that fight use during this turn, and one attack against a single squadron.
Gozanti-class Cruisers
(23 points)
( 4 points)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
- Repair Crews ( 4 points)
total ship cost
Gozanti-class Cruisers
(23 points)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
- Repair Crews ( 4 points)
total ship cost
[ flagship ]
Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit
(112 points)
- Admiral Screed ( 26 points)
( 3 points)
- Minister Tua ( 2 points)
- Fire-Control Team ( 2 points)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
- Redundant Shields ( 8 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
- Heavy Turbolaser Turrets ( 6 points)
total ship cost
Black Squadron
( 9 points)
TIE Fighter Squadrons
( 32 points)
total squadron cost
"Surrender in the name of the Emperor, We have you under our guns"
Admiral Ro