I’ve been working for some time now on an expansion for Star wars Outer Rim. Really fond of the game so far, the only con I have with it being that it has “not enough content” : I want more jobs, more cargos, more characters, more starships and more galactic tiles variety. Surprisingly FFG doesn’t seem in any urge to release an expansion for once.
So I threw myself in the making of an expansion, a fan made expansion which meant in the end a lot of work.
What does it bring to the table?
-6 New Crews/contacts (cards, tokens, encounters etc)
- 7 New playable characters (Kyle Katarn / Dash Rendar / Sidon Ithano / Liana Korr / Darth Maul / Talon Karrde / Unkar Plutt)
- 5 Brand new starships (QuadJumper / Yt-2400 / Transport Action VI / Sith infiltrator / Corellian Star Shuttle CSS-1)
- 3 New planets spread amongst two tiles (Yavin IV / Dathomir / Scarif ) with all the related cards (cargos, jobs, encounters, starting jobs).
- Two brand new nav point type (Imperial Checkpoints and Asteroid Cluster), each with their own mechanic and encounter deck.
Total amount : 82 new cards (double sided for some) / 2 new galactic tiles / 5 new ship dashboards, 6 new contact tokens and 8 new standees.
Why am I talking about this in here?
Because now that I’ve done the initial rush of creating the templates, missions etc, the long journey of balancing begins. I need the feedbacks of people who played my expansion (not only read it, that’s important) to get a sufficient amount of data to make my tweaks. Don’t hesitate if you have idea for new encounter, cargo, jobs etc.
What do I need?
Now that I’ve done the initial rush of creating the templates, missions etc, the long journey of balancing begins. I need the feedbacks of people who played my expansion (not only read it, that’s important) to get a sufficient amount of data to make my tweaks. Don’t hesitate if you have ideas for new encounters, cargos, jobs etc.
Downloads and contact.
You can send your feedbacks here : fanmade.feedback@gmail.com
In order to test the expansion without printing it, there is a dedicated TableTopSimulator mod available here with the base game and the mod for this expansion here . Thanks to Sesran for the mod integration, don’t hesitate to rate his mod please.
And to conclude, you can download the V0.4 files here .
This is the release 0.4, released on 19/10/19
- V0.3, released on 12/10/19
- V0.2, released on 08/10/19
- V0.1 released on 06/10/19
Created by Captain_Kiwii.
If you like what i’m doing and would like to make a donation; it’s possible through this paypal address : captain_kiwii@gmx.fr
Patch Note:
V0.4 Patch note :
- Some minor corrections on encounter cards (Yavin 05 and Imperial Checkpoint 08).
- Some minor corrections on the Sith Infiltrator / Scimitar Dashboard.
- Balancing : Scimitar goal has been simplified, now you only need to beat one player, but it has to be in a ship combat.
Thanks for reading that far