[FanExpansion] Outer Rim : Hotshots

By NydoHorth, in Star Wars: Outer Rim


I’ve been working for some time now on an expansion for Star wars Outer Rim. Really fond of the game so far, the only con I have with it being that it has “not enough content” : I want more jobs, more cargos, more characters, more starships and more galactic tiles variety. Surprisingly FFG doesn’t seem in any urge to release an expansion for once.

So I threw myself in the making of an expansion, a fan made expansion which meant in the end a lot of work.

What does it bring to the table?

-6 New Crews/contacts (cards, tokens, encounters etc)

- 7 New playable characters (Kyle Katarn / Dash Rendar / Sidon Ithano / Liana Korr / Darth Maul / Talon Karrde / Unkar Plutt)

- 5 Brand new starships (QuadJumper / Yt-2400 / Transport Action VI / Sith infiltrator / Corellian Star Shuttle CSS-1)

- 3 New planets spread amongst two tiles (Yavin IV / Dathomir / Scarif ) with all the related cards (cargos, jobs, encounters, starting jobs).

- Two brand new nav point type (Imperial Checkpoints and Asteroid Cluster), each with their own mechanic and encounter deck.

Total amount : 82 new cards (double sided for some) / 2 new galactic tiles / 5 new ship dashboards, 6 new contact tokens and 8 new standees.

Why am I talking about this in here?

Because now that I’ve done the initial rush of creating the templates, missions etc, the long journey of balancing begins. I need the feedbacks of people who played my expansion (not only read it, that’s important) to get a sufficient amount of data to make my tweaks. Don’t hesitate if you have idea for new encounter, cargo, jobs etc.

What do I need?

Now that I’ve done the initial rush of creating the templates, missions etc, the long journey of balancing begins. I need the feedbacks of people who played my expansion (not only read it, that’s important) to get a sufficient amount of data to make my tweaks. Don’t hesitate if you have ideas for new encounters, cargos, jobs etc.

Downloads and contact.

You can send your feedbacks here : fanmade.feedback@gmail.com

In order to test the expansion without printing it, there is a dedicated TableTopSimulator mod available here with the base game and the mod for this expansion here . Thanks to Sesran for the mod integration, don’t hesitate to rate his mod please.

And to conclude, you can download the V0.4 files here .


This is the release 0.4, released on 19/10/19

- V0.3, released on 12/10/19

- V0.2, released on 08/10/19

- V0.1 released on 06/10/19


Created by Captain_Kiwii.


If you like what i’m doing and would like to make a donation; it’s possible through this paypal address : captain_kiwii@gmx.fr

Patch Note:

V0.4 Patch note :

- Some minor corrections on encounter cards (Yavin 05 and Imperial Checkpoint 08).

- Some minor corrections on the Sith Infiltrator / Scimitar Dashboard.

- Balancing : Scimitar goal has been simplified, now you only need to beat one player, but it has to be in a ship combat.

Thanks for reading that far cool


Edited by NydoHorth

Ok so I have taken some criticism into account and I'm correcting things at the moment. Update should be uploaded tomorrow once I finish it.

Patch note :

- All heroes now havea correct setup card
- Darth Maul now refers to syndicate instead of cartel

- Corrected wording on Dash Rendar card

- Corrected wording on Unkar's plutt card
- Coruscant have been replace by scarif, since as some of you made me notice it is not in the outer rim even though the planet is cool.

- Corrected the yavin and dathomir tile to reduce the nebula effect on the edge of the tile.

To do :

- Less navpoints on Scarif Tile / Better edge line
- Unkar's Thugs need better wording and reward is gain E5 Unkar's Crew instead of E56.

Balancing : Is the personnal goal of Kyle Katarn too hard? Gaining Rebel rep AND losing imp rep.

Edited by NydoHorth

Okay, THIS has me excited :D my friends and I play the game pretty regularly, so we KINDA burned through most of what the game has to offer. Forgive me if this was mentioned, but do the new space sectors replace existing ones or can they just be snapped into the existing map?

The new tiles are supposed to be added to the existing one, making the galaxy bigger ^^


Edited by NydoHorth

OK so I finally corrected everything, V0.2 is uploading at the moment. I'll also make a secondary link for people having issues with Gdrive.


V0.2 Patch note :

- All heroes now havea correct setup card
- Darth Maul now refers to syndicate instead of cartel
- Corrected wording on Dash Rendar card
- Corrected wording on Unkar's plutt card
- Coruscant have been replace by scarif, since as some of you made me notice it is not in the outer rim even though the planet is cool.
- Corrected the yavin and dathomir tile to reduce the nebula effect on the edge of the tile.
- Scarif and and Yavin / Dathomir tiles have been reworked : less nav point and routes, for better patrol positioning.
- Unkar's Thugs have been corrected (reward issue and wording)
- Corrected a typo onto Asteroid Cluster Cards.
- Liana Korr artwork have been reworked, she now is inside her ship.

If you have spotted typo, bad wording or else, don't hesitate to share wink.gif

(same goes for balancing feedback of course).

So, I downloaded everything, but one thing I would like to ask be added:

With the contact tokens, could you add the backing image (for white, green, and yellow).

I plan on printing these out this week and should have a test game played out within the next couple weeks! (time is limited with my group).

No problem, i'm adding that with the v0.3 that i'll be uploading any minute now with corrections ;)


V0.3 Patch note :

- Minor Corrections about data bank cards ( more details like “get this back into th deck” or “get this card out of the game”).

- Nerf of some encounter cards (Mara Jade for example).

- Tiles corrections.

- Reward correction for Unkar’s Thugs.

- Correction of some Coruscant naming leftovers on encounter cards.

- Crew cards corrections and nerf (to make them less violent in case of fail).

- One encounter cards still had Corruscant artwork on it. Now replaced by Scarrif.

- A cargo was directing to coruscant instead of another planet, is now corrected.

- Added contact token back in the contact folder.

If you have spotted typo, bad wording or else, don't hesitate to share wink.gif

(same goes for balancing feedback of course).


Edited by NydoHorth

Upcoming changes in v0.4 :

- Some minor correcton on encounter cards (Yavin 05 and Imperial Checkpoint 08) and scimitar dashboard.
- Balancing : Scimitar goal has been simplified, now you only need to beat one player, but it has to be in a ship combat.

Edited by NydoHorth

As someone who will be making physical printouts, any suggestions on what to adhere the contact tokens to so they aren't obviously the new contacts?

That's a good question. Personnally I'm gonna print them and stiick them on 3 Printed false token. But yeah it could be fairly recognizable. I think the best way would be to put all the same color tokens into a bag and draw one once you are on a planet, so you can't recognize it by view?

I'm honestly thinking of taking a few extra bomb tokens from my X-Wing kits, pasting on the fronts and backs of your new contacts, and cutting them to size.

Could be a solution. If you don't want any token to be recognizable, the best it to redo all of them, even the one I didn't do. So they won't be differentiable. You see what i mean ?

2 hours ago, NydoHorth said:

Could be a solution. If you don't want any token to be recognizable, the best it to redo all of them, even the one I didn't do. So they won't be differentiable. You see what i mean ?

Yeah, I don't think I'll go THAT far... where we usually play doesn't have the best lighting, so hopefully no one will look too closely :D

On 10/15/2019 at 1:19 AM, Kehl_Aecea said:

Yeah, I don't think I'll go THAT far... where we usually play doesn't have the best lighting, so hopefully no one will look too closely :D

I found that guy that could print double sided token, you should give it a look : http://azaogames.com/

V0.4 Patch note :

- Some minor corrections on encounter cards (Yavin 05 and Imperial Checkpoint 08).

- Some minor corrections on the Sith Infiltrator / Scimitar Dashboard.

- Balancing : Scimitar goal has been simplified, now you only need to beat one player, but it has to be in a ship combat.

French translation should begin next month depending on feedbacks and balancing

Really great idea. May check it out this weekend with the kids

Nice, did you have anytime to test this out? 😃

We have not. I have some time with them this weekend, and hopefully some of it will be used on Outer Rim!

Sweet!!! Can’t wait to try this with my son!!! Quick question, having a tough time getting them to print to scale. Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry. Late to the party. Looking at the ships, you can't put them back to back for each individual ship type. Was this the idea? print each ship separately and place the second card when flipped? Just curious.

Love the additions. I always thought that more card options are very much needed in this great game
