I'm using Gorgol to reposition a bombardment drone to launch/drop friendship tokens more accurately. You can't place payloads on the same turn you decloak, but you can Gorgol-tractor the ship before it places its payload in the system phase, and that is fantastic fun.
However, we had a rules discussion on whether you have to be able to do everything the ability says in order to do it at all, or if you can do the ability as long as you can do part of it. After some research I'm no longer so confident. Here's his card:
What's simple is the tractor token is not a cost: that's the disarm token. The effect is two parts: gain a tractor token, and repair a faceup damage card.
I can see it ruled one of two ways:
No, Gorgol cannot choose an undamaged ship because every step of his ability has to succeed.
Precedent: Dalan (kimogila) cannot remove a shield to gain a shield if his shields are full. Both effects must successfully resolve or neither can.
See this official ruling
- edit: Possible counter-argument: Dalan's ruling is extremely specific and we haven't seen anything else like it. His ability works like transferring a focus token; you cannot transfer a token from a ship that doesn't have one, or to a ship that cannot receive one ("If a ship involved in a transfer is not able to remove or gain the token involved, the transfer cannot take place."). So FFG's ruling may simply be treating Dalan as transferring a shield token, with no wider-reaching implications.
Yes, Gorgol can choose an undamaged ship because at least some of his ability can resolve. Both the cost (disarm) and the the condition (if you do) succeed, and at least some of the ability can resolve. The ability resolves even if one part cannot.
- This is an argument that the Dalan ruling is very specialized: it has two very connected effects and they have to succeed together because they're interrelated, and they emulate the Token Transfer rules (but without a general rule because a shield is not a token). If the enemy doesn't have a shield left to lose, you don't gain a shield. If you don't have capacity to gain a shield, you can't take one from the foe. This thus shouldn't affect something like Gorgol or Deathfire.
Related rules question with the same fate: Can Deathfire use his ability to drop a mine on death even if he's already fired cluster missiles this round (so he cannot make another bonus attack).
- The question here is, do you resolve as much of the ability as possible, and it only fails to add to the queue if it has no effect, or is the Dalan ruling more universal than just itself?
- In other words: If Gorgol cannot do his ability on an undamaged ship, then that has implications for deathfire and any other multi-step effects too.
- Counter-counter argument: Deathfire is a "may" ability, so it might be reasonable to separate each step from each other because both are presumably elective. But it may be structured that way simply because it's a triggered -- instead of activated -- effect. Typically a ship doesn't choose to die, but it does choose whether to use an ability like Gorgol or Dalan.
- Tenuous Precedent of doing as much as possible: Han Solo and Saturation Salvo etc reroll as many dice as possible when some dice cannot be modified (RR pg 26). I really thought there was a general rule that said you resolve as much of an effect as possible, but I can't find it.
- edit: Note that the Nantex ship ability ruling is unrelated to this question. Gaining a tractor token is a cost to perform the rotate action; it's a cost and effect (which must unwind if the ship cannot perform the effect), not a two step effect like Gorgol's ability.
From what I can tell, the No answer is unfortunately the probably-correct one, but I may be missing some other precedent that's relevant here. Thoughts?
Edited by Wazatadding more info