Descent Quick Reference (PDF) - Download

By The Inn's Keeper, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


I created a Quick Reference for Descent a while back – especially for starting Players/Overlords: It can be quite annoying if you have to flip through the whole manual to look up a specific piece of information. This can be very distracting and time consuming in the middle of the heat of a game session. This Quick Reference compresses the rules of the core game to 2 sheets so you can keep it next to you while playing.

It's released under a Creative Commons license (BY-NC-SA) and can be downloaded for free from my website:
Descent Quick Reference 1.0 (PDF, 74 KB)

I hope you like it and really would appreciate some feedback – happy descending!

( Note: This is not an official FFG release but released with their permission. Thank you, guys!)

You may want to stick it up in the files section at, and browse the other offerings there to see if there's anything you missed.

Here are a few immediate things I noticed:

- Consider altering shading on the tables to increase readability.
- Consider specifying that the a figure's command bonus also applies to its own attacks.
- Consider changing "damage/range" to "damage OR range" (Sorcery) to make it more explicit that you do not get both.
- In the p.2 footnote, consider specifying that the re-roll affects all figures, not just the ones that were dodging. Also, consider mentioning that abilities like Blast and Breath are optional.
- Perhaps mention overlord's starting cards. This would probably make sense in the section with the heroes' starting gold.

- "thread" should be "threat" (OL player's turn)
- "names" should be "named" (Conquest Tokens chart)
- "Effects" should be "Affects" (Sweep)
- ""on" should be "one" (p.2 footnote)

- The option to sell treasures immediately for face value was removed in the FAQ/Errata.
- The "Breath" description isn't actually correct, though it may be good enough for a quick reference sheet.
- The "Burn" description is simply wrong. It describes the condition required to place a burn token rather than telling what the burn token actually does.
- The "Reach" description is wrong. Reach basically gives melee attacks a range of 2 (not 3) instead of 1.
- The "Sweep" description should clarify that LoS is required.

Also, on a more general note, I couldn't tell who this "Quick Reference" is written for. Is this supposed to be a "Cliffs Notes" version of the rules that a new player could read before his first game, or a reference sheet that experienced players could use to look up miscellaneous details? I think there's not enough info for the former but too much for the latter.

@mahkra: Wow, thanks for the feedback. I'll go though your findings in detail and update the document. I'll also check the most recent errata, thanks.

This project dates back quite some time when I started playing Descent and I found the sheet being quite helpful ("What was special about Pico again?", "What bonuses do I get for …?"), especially if you're not a regular player. So it's not especially designed for new or experienced players.

EDIT: File updated.

Actually I think Mahkra made a mistake...

Rightfully Sorcery allows players to CHOOSE either or BOTH enhancing of damage as well as range. The only time that the player may boost one factor in this case is when Sorcery level is 1. (Eg. Sorcery 2 allows for +1 damage AND +1 range if the player so wishes)

Wanderer999 said:

Actually I think Mahkra made a mistake...

Rightfully Sorcery allows players to CHOOSE either or BOTH enhancing of damage as well as range. The only time that the player may boost one factor in this case is when Sorcery level is 1. (Eg. Sorcery 2 allows for +1 damage AND +1 range if the player so wishes)

I meant that each point of sorcery is either/or.

This seems pretty useful ;)


Start Equipment: Consider removing ";healing/vitality potion: 50 coins each" from the heroes line, the shopping list is right below.


Vitality Potion Price: As the FAQ states, they cost 50 coins instead of 25. This leads to my suggestion, to either write "Any Potion" in the Shoppping List or include all Potions from all expansions.

hope this helps ;)