Fear rules

By Kelno, in Rules Questions

Hi all, am I missing something or there are no fear rules in the corebook?

Descritption of meditation skill says that it can be used in situations where fear applys, but even for shadowlands "horrors" creatures I could not find any fear skills ?

It's like even a young samourai that sees for the first time a goblin, skeleton or an Ogre will fight fearless against it?

Yes, seeing that the very image of the samurai is "standing with one foot in the grave at all times", the game doesn't force the giant crab bushi to flee at the sight of a hoblin because he doesn't meditate enough, like other games do. Fear is either something the players play themselves (especially through anxiety disadvantages) or is handled through Strife, which can lead to Paniched Retreat. The GM is always free to either give Strife directly in narrative scenes or call for rolls to avoid strife.

Tl;dr: Strife is the fear mechanique.

That all said, a GM could certainly call for a Meditation check when the PCs face something truly terrible. A goblin? Probably not. A horde of them? Perhaps. A pack of rotting hungry dead? Sure! An ogre, probably the first time, and an oni should always be pants-soilingly frightening.

Don't make the TN so high that they're likely to fail, but high enough that they'll probably need to take some Strife to succeed.

If they character fails, I would hit them with the Dazed condition. Do NOT force them to flee in fear. The player gets to decide how his character reacts to his terror. I rather like the idea of a courtier letting out a blood-curdling shriek as he draws his wakizashi and begins stabbing furiously at some Shadowlands horror, leaving even the stoic Hida fairly impressed.

Edited by The Grand Falloon

Natural animals often have "flee" as their unmasking response, so it's fair to say that fear is a source of strife.

I prefer to use meditation checks rather than throwing circumstantial strife at characters. I make the TN appropriately high, with earth approach usually getting a TN reduction. Failure results in gaining strife equal to the net difference. This is more of a passive effect, giving creatures who wish to intimate using fire, another action to throw strife.

And an example Unmask for a PC is "Panicked Retreat". I think I like your style @T_Kageyasu if I was running a more fear focused game, I would use that if it came up, as it reminds me more of Fear from SWRPG/Genesys (which yes, can involve rolling Threat to take strife from a test which will primarily get you strife). An ability to Disorient or Daze might also work if an enemy is specifically intimidating.