More Politics

By NeroEv, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

With your permission I would suggest an alternative use of politics to make this more usefull for high influence race.

There are a lot of politics cards so, althougt I could have many influence, it's very probably I cannot have a useful law to prupose to council.

Moreover, the use of politcal strategy card is not so frequently.

I propose to permit to all players, before the start of the game in order of turn, to choose 2 political cards from all the political deck, whitout woarry about you playng with old or new strategy cards.

What you think about this?


Many folks want to add more politics to the game.

I would play test your idea to see if you like it. One potential problem is that there are certain agendas that can really hurt certain races. These would always get put into to play.

Another variants folks like to use is everyone places an agenda face up in the beginning of the round. Then during assembly 2 or 3 agendas are picked.

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Yes, I like it. If you want, report your results after testing: I'm interested.

If some card are too hurting It's possible to select a standard set of card from the deck. In this set was been choosed the two (or more) initial card.
