Villains of Eriador Figure Pack in Bones of Arnor

By starman1014, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Quick question - while attempting keeping this spoiler free. I'm about to start a new play through of the Bones of Arnor campaign, this time with the Figure Pack enabled. Unfortunately, I won't have time to paint these guys before I kick my campaign off next week. I'm hoping none of them pop up in the first journey map scenario of the Bone of Arnor campaign. I hate using unpainted minis.... they make my eyes bleed.

Anyone use the figure pack in the Bones of Arnor campaign yet? Any idea when one of them first pops up? Again, try to keep it spoiler free if you can.


Not in the first, but one will show up in the second.

Thank you , that's great news.