Any online programs ?

By Skullkid, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Is there any online prgrams to play War Except LAckey ?

Hey, I use LackeyCCG too but there is never any players just hanging in the main server. PM me if you want to arrange to play...

To answer your question, there is OCTGN (windows only) but similarly, unless you arrange to play with someone beforehand, you'll most likely be waiting a loooong time for a game.


Thanks for the answers i downloaded OCTGN but they only play MAgic there mostly..... for lackey i still need war patch

Yes, Im afraid the plugin that is included in the auto update within LackeyCCG is well out of date. You can get the more recent plugin from the lackey forums (doesnt have Arcane Fire yet):

main plugin from the link in post 31 (gonzo007) and the higher quality images from post 32 (darleth) but you'll just have to manually replace the plugin folder with these files.

Im in UK and *generally* on lackey most nights between 10:30pm and 5am (don't ask). My name on there is also ruminant8. If you do find any WH:I players on lackeyCCG my two cents is get their MSN/AIM/Yahoo! cos it just makes scheduling games that much easier.