600 point imperial fleet

By chr335, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

So threw this together and wanted everyone's thoughts on how to make it better. Yes I know there are not objectives wasn't sure which ones would fit.

Placeholder name (133/600/600)
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer (120 + 55: 175)
+ Admiral Sloane (24)
+ Intel Officer (7)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer (110 + 32: 142)
+ Minister Tua (2)
+ Boarding Troopers (3)
+ Hardened Bulkheads (5)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
+ Avenger (5)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54 + 21: 75)
+ Wing Commander (6)
+ Flight Controllers (6)
+ Boosted Comms (4)
+ Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54 + 21: 75)
+ Wing Commander (6)
+ Flight Controllers (6)
+ Boosted Comms (4)
+ Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
4 x TIE Defender Squadron (4 x 16)
Tempest Squadron (13)
Tie Advanced Squadron (12)
4 x Tie Interceptor Squadron (4 x 11)

I asume the wing commanders are for slicer tool insurance. They counld be changed for SFOs to save points. A slicer flotilla shouldn't last long enough to do it to your carrier twice. If there are no slicers amongst the enemy just plot alternate nav/squad commands until you have to use the SFO.

10 more points of fighters gets you:

4 TIE-P, 5 TIE-Int, JM-5000, Mauler, Black Sqn

You could then change Hardened bulkheads for reserve hangar bays on each of the ISDs if you can find one more point: (downgrade a TIE-P for Valen Rudor or change XI7s for XX9s as BT Avenger shouldn't be getting redirected too often).

Maarek and Jendon are worth including at the expense of anything else in the wing (probably Tempest and the Advanced to start, because there’s nothing worth protecting.)

Hateful 8 + Zertik is my recommendation for the wing overall though. More flexible, fewer commands needed and better quality of activation.

Lastly, the destroyers may as well push squads. You could drop both Quasars to fit a third, maybe even upgrade to three ISD-2s.

27 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Lastly, the destroyers may as well push squads. You could drop both Quasars to fit a third, maybe even upgrade to three ISD-2s.

Honestly the star destroyers and quasars are to force the opponent to pick between credible threats

17 minutes ago, chr335 said:

Honestly the star destroyers and quasars are to force the opponent to pick between credible threats

If they kill the Destroyers they reduce the credible threats. Killing the Quasars isn’t nearly as appealing because the Destroys will just take over as carriers.