Community driven campaign

By Jukey, in Runewars Miniatures Game

I want to give the community something to participate in. I am working on putting together a campaign of sorts for the community of runewars. Rather than a contained campaign played in a group over a few weeks, this is a grand scale epic.

My plan is to present a mission each month. There will be parameters for each mission (Army size and unit restrictions), and many will be the result of a previous missions outcome. As we go forward, we will see the world of Terrinoth raging in endless wars, which are played out and determined by you, the players.

The way it would work is this, there is no limit to factions you can play in the month, but only play one battle for each faction. Then post the results. Based on how each faction performs each month is how they fare in the war. Basically an MMO style take on it.

Does this interest anyone?

Great idea! I have three armies to play with. Able to field anything but uthuk up to 500 points. I understand that It would be useful to post results of me and my opponent?

Yeah I would need the wins and losses of each faction played to determine the results of that month. I am working on getting a map of Terrinoth divided into small regions which can be fought for over the months.

No reason we can't start right away. I'll get the fancy bits worked out as we go.

For the first month, which will go until Oct. 31st, we'll keep things simple.

Border skirmish

Objective: Break their Defenses

Deployment: Maelstrom

No Heroes. Core units only. Siege max of 3.

It should be interesting limiting the units but not upgrades. If anyone is a good fluff writer PM me, I'm terrible at good creative writing.

Just to chime in, I will be helping where needed but Jukey is the main driver of this. I’m not gone, just quiet for the time being.

Edited by Church14

I am working on dividing the map of terrinoth into control sectors. These will be the regions which are fought over each month.

I'm trying to figure out if it should be 1 section each month that all factions fight over, or if each faction can gain and lose ground each month.

Also debating on how big to make the control sectors. I can make them big, like whole landmasses as 1, or I can up the granularity all the way down to individual cities. Feedback appreciated!

Once I get the map sorted I'll make an official post to track the campaign results going forward.

Siege max of three but: 1. May more worms be included as upgrades?

2. Core units only means 3 types of units per faction? Can we use heroes as upgrades? May command squads be included?

Yes, sorry, this first round has not been thought thru well yet.

Command packs yes. Heroes, not yet.

3 sieges means no more than 3 individual trays, so we'll say embedded dont count. This was mostly to prevent thresher swarms.

So 2 and 1 or 1,1,1 plus possible upgrade support or front.

And three core set types like archers cats and treefolks only for Latari?

Edited by Skaflok

Each tray of seige aside from embedded counts. This avoids big trundle-bus units of seige.

Daqan: Oathsworn, Spearmen, Golems

Waiqar: Reanimates, R. Archers, Worms

Latari: Deepwoods, Leonx, Scions

Uthuk: Berserkers, Rippers, Threshers.

The factions will be fighting over the resource no mans land below the Dunnwar territory (map in progress).

On Wednesday I will be playing, by Sunday I should create some AAR.

This sounds like fun! I just moved across the country from California to Maryland, and I decided to cart my whole collection of Runewars with me. With any luck, and can find some people around here to play with - once a month isn't a huge commitment at all.

So we have hollow's eve and time to finish first season. What next? conditions, army composition restrictions?

Sorry this week has been super busy, I'll have the next update up shortly.