Interdictor Escort list. Thoughts?

By Admiral Ro, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds


I was thinking about the proper use of Interdictors. Admiral Konstantine instantly came to mind. With Konstantine, Q7 Tractors, and G-8 Projectors I should be able to slow down a Rebel ship 3 speeds. Using the title I can do it again with the second Interdictor, and smack em hard with the ISD Cymoon. HVT to force only a brace, and XI7 to counter redirect and QLTs for some squadron defense (Got to love those Black dice! I think the extra die from QLTs has to be blue?) . I know that with no squadrons I have to make this battle quick. Target Scramblers should be able to work against Squadrons... I hope. As far as deployment/Formation is concerned I would put the ISD in the middle with an Interdictor on either side slid back until the side shield wheels were even with the back of the ISD base distance of 3 between them (for Projection experts and Target scrambler coverage for all). I am fairly new to Armada so I am not sure if I missed anything big, if I did please let me know.

"Surrender in the name of the Emperor, We have you under our guns"

Admiral Ro

Interdictor Escort
Author: Admiral Ro

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 398/400

Commander: Admiral Konstantine

Assault Objective: X-Custom Objective
Defense Objective: X-Custom Objective
Navigation Objective: X-Custom Objective

[ flagship ] Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit (112 points)
- Admiral Konstantine ( 23 points)
- Admiral Titus ( 2 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
- Heavy Turbolaser Turrets ( 6 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
= 161 total ship cost

Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Interdictor ( 3 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- SW-7 Ion Batteries ( 5 points)
- G-8 Experimental Projector ( 8 points)
- Targeting Scrambler ( 5 points)
= 123 total ship cost

Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- SW-7 Ion Batteries ( 5 points)
- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)
- Targeting Scrambler ( 5 points)
= 114 total ship cost

Problem with this and all speed control fleets is

A) it does nothing against squadrons.

B) it requires you to be in combat range of them before you can have any effect, so while you are focused on changing their speed, they are destroying you.

C) You can't get them speed 0 for your shot so even if they stay in place from G8 they still get to shoot and use defense tokens fully.

Unfortunately, speed control usually ends up in a kinda lame game where your opponent is mildly annoyed by the fact their ships can only move spd 1 and you end up mildly annoyed that you cant prevent that speed 1 move and without that they are still basically effective at destroying you while you invested all your points into slowing them down. It's fairly common to try the speed control shenanigans, but unfortunately the way things are design it's basically purely there for flavor and doesn't really help you win games because you cant get it to the point where that mechanic is worthwhile because even on the ship you g8 theres a good chance they can throw it a nav token with coms net to go up 2 spds and still get a move off.

I second the you need an answer to squadrons. Also if your opponent likes to stay at red range, say an Ackbar list, only your Cymoon will be effective, to counter this DCap those Interdictors. But the speed control shenanigans really struggle to win games by them selves.

Hmmm... I guess I did forget about having a max speed 2 on the dictors. I think I would get cut to pieces by Aces...... I guess the tokens makes the Dictors pretty much "story game" only.

Oh well....

No list is without use! If you are looking for a trial of Konstantine and interdictors I'm about the only advocate about:

Author: Alpharius

Faction: Galactic Empire
Points: 400/400

Commander: Admiral Konstantine

Assault Objective: Surprise Attack
Defense Objective: Hyperspace Assault
Navigation Objective: Salvage Run

Victory I-Class Star Destroyer (73 points)
- Harrow ( 3 points)
- Captain Needa ( 2 points)
- Ordnance Experts ( 4 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- Reserve Hangar Deck ( 3 points)
- External Racks ( 3 points)
= 96 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Interdictor-class Suppression Refit (90 points)
- Admiral Konstantine ( 23 points)
- Interdictor ( 3 points)
- Captain Brunson ( 5 points)
- Engine Techs ( 8 points)
- MS-1 Ion Cannons ( 2 points)
- Grav Shift Reroute ( 2 points)
- G-8 Experimental Projector ( 8 points)
= 141 total ship cost

Imperial Star Destroyer Kuat Refit (112 points)
- Avenger ( 5 points)
- Governor Pryce ( 7 points)
- Boarding Troopers ( 3 points)
- Electronic Countermeasures ( 7 points)
- Leading Shots ( 4 points)
- External Racks ( 3 points)
= 141 total ship cost

2 TIE Interceptor Squadrons ( 22 points)
= 22 total squadron cost

The effectiveness of speed control is not to be underestimated. The trick is treating your ships like skirmishers until the trap is ready I have found (weird for a fleet with no small ships but just my thoughts.) and objectives certainly help but are not essential (if you see a contested outpost or anything obstacle related in your opponents choices, pick it no questions asked). You'll generally only be hunting for one kill a game maybe against a standard list, but MSU's are your friend. Lots of stuff to mess about with, and if you play smart they'll have to sacrifice something to you. Personally don't think the regular tractor beams are worth it, the G-8s have always served me better due to their reactionary ability over the phylons having to activate, as well as getting a double tap with Interdictor (or you can double tap brunson when on the defensive).

The advantage of playing konstantine is a simple one; no one really knows how to deal with him. It can be said that all he does is slow you down, but a ship trying to limp away suddenly becoming speed 1/0? big impact I can assure you. Even better is sending your opponent hurtling off an objective, into a rock, or or even off the board. He takes some serious getting used to and when you play Konstantine you have to commit the entire list to his ability. Objectives have to be centered around keeping your opponent where you want them or setting yourself up. Surprise attack can put them in the open, and let you swoop in, placing station as far forward as possible and some asteroids immediately in front, and use the grav shift for adjustments. Hyperspace assault throw some rocks there way, keep your tokens closeish and push them into position to drop harrow both where he can strike and get the Konstantine effect on your kill of choice. Salvage run is your best friend, readjust basically the whole map to hamper your opponent, hide your ships behind well rearranged dust fields, and strike whenever suits you! Squadron lists are a tough one for sure but its pretty much the same with everyone you fight; kill the carrier or leg it I suppose.

I'll stop my pro-Konstantine rant for now, but he can put the work in he just requires a lot of ground work and psychological warfare! Happy flying.

On 10/3/2019 at 6:43 PM, Alpharius18 said:

No list is without use! If you are looking for a trial of Konstantine and interdictors I'm about the only advocate about:

The effectiveness of speed control is not to be underestimated. The trick is treating your ships like skirmishers until the trap is ready I have found (weird for a fleet with no small ships but just my thoughts.) and objectives certainly help but are not essential (if you see a contested outpost or anything obstacle related in your opponents choices, pick it no questions asked). You'll generally only be hunting for one kill a game maybe against a standard list, but MSU's are your friend. Lots of stuff to mess about with, and if you play smart they'll have to sacrifice something to you. Personally don't think the regular tractor beams are worth it, the G-8s have always served me better due to their reactionary ability over the phylons having to activate, as well as getting a double tap with Interdictor (or you can double tap brunson when on the defensive).

The advantage of playing konstantine is a simple one; no one really knows how to deal with him. It can be said that all he does is slow you down, but a ship trying to limp away suddenly becoming speed 1/0? big impact I can assure you. Even better is sending your opponent hurtling off an objective, into a rock, or or even off the board. He takes some serious getting used to and when you play Konstantine you have to commit the entire list to his ability. Objectives have to be centered around keeping your opponent where you want them or setting yourself up. Surprise attack can put them in the open, and let you swoop in, placing station as far forward as possible and some asteroids immediately in front, and use the grav shift for adjustments. Hyperspace assault throw some rocks there way, keep your tokens closeish and push them into position to drop harrow both where he can strike and get the Konstantine effect on your kill of choice. Salvage run is your best friend, readjust basically the whole map to hamper your opponent, hide your ships behind well rearranged dust fields, and strike whenever suits you! Squadron lists are a tough one for sure but its pretty much the same with everyone you fight; kill the carrier or leg it I suppose.

I'll stop my pro-Konstantine rant for now, but he can put the work in he just requires a lot of ground work and psychological warfare! Happy flying.

Wow, as someone who is trying really hard to get Konstantine to work, this was a great read. What are your thoughts on the Gravity Rift objectives?

On 10/6/2019 at 1:07 PM, ThatAsianKid1 said:

Wow, as someone who is trying really hard to get Konstantine to work, this was a great read. What are your thoughts on the Gravity Rift objectives?

They have a lot of potential! In terms of red objective I would still take surprise attack just so you can get to grips with their capital ship and hamper their ability to re position in quick succession. I like the look of Rift Ambush and Doomed station however. I think I might still prefer Salvage run but I'll try them out next week!

Happy to report that a Konstantine boosted Harrow VSD I can indeed outrun and successfully destroy a CR90 at close range. The end of the rebellion is near!

Also, a triple Interdictor Konstantine list is currently in the lead (10-1, 400 MOV first game) in the Autumn Vassal Tournament. Looks like it's got a deep bid for second player; Surprise Attack is one objective.

Alpharius18 is spot on about speeding your opponent up as well as slowing them down. Ackbar Conga? Drop the front one's speed, and speed up the ones behind. Now your opponent is in a real mess. He HAS to activate the front one to avoid ramming it but he also has to break up his nice orderly conga and that weakens it. MC30s lining up for an attack run? Oh no they're not, they're going past you at speed 4 and then off the board. I am also a fan of Konstantine. My regular opponent is a fan of larger battles, and Konstantine at 500pts is a lot of fun. You can squeeze in a Quasar to give you four medium base ships and give you some redundancy, as well as a decentish fighter wing.

Edited by flatpackhamster