I was thinking about the proper use of Interdictors. Admiral Konstantine instantly came to mind. With Konstantine, Q7 Tractors, and G-8 Projectors I should be able to slow down a Rebel ship 3 speeds. Using the title I can do it again with the second Interdictor, and smack em hard with the ISD Cymoon. HVT to force only a brace, and XI7 to counter redirect and QLTs for some squadron defense (Got to love those Black dice! I think the extra die from QLTs has to be blue?) . I know that with no squadrons I have to make this battle quick. Target Scramblers should be able to work against Squadrons... I hope. As far as deployment/Formation is concerned I would put the ISD in the middle with an Interdictor on either side slid back until the side shield wheels were even with the back of the ISD base distance of 3 between them (for Projection experts and Target scrambler coverage for all). I am fairly new to Armada so I am not sure if I missed anything big, if I did please let me know.
"Surrender in the name of the Emperor, We have you under our guns"
Admiral Ro
Interdictor Escort
Admiral Ro
Galactic Empire
Commander: Admiral Konstantine
Assault Objective:
X-Custom Objective
Defense Objective:
X-Custom Objective
Navigation Objective:
X-Custom Objective
[ flagship ]
Imperial Star Destroyer Cymoon 1 Refit
(112 points)
- Admiral Konstantine ( 23 points)
- Admiral Titus ( 2 points)
- Gunnery Team ( 7 points)
- Quad Laser Turrets ( 5 points)
- Heavy Turbolaser Turrets ( 6 points)
- XI7 Turbolasers ( 6 points)
total ship cost
Interdictor-class Suppression Refit
(90 points)
( 3 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- SW-7 Ion Batteries ( 5 points)
- G-8 Experimental Projector ( 8 points)
- Targeting Scrambler ( 5 points)
total ship cost
Interdictor-class Suppression Refit
(90 points)
- Projection Experts ( 6 points)
- Phylon Q7 Tractor Beams ( 6 points)
- SW-7 Ion Batteries ( 5 points)
- G7-X Grav Well Projector ( 2 points)
- Targeting Scrambler ( 5 points)
total ship cost