Laurel of Bloodwood - power clairfication

By gilfaim, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

ok so got a question about Laurel's power, it reads:

After rolling a Ranged attack, Laurel may spend 1 fatigue to convert any extra range she rolled into damage on one-for-one basis.

Bold added by me. My question is, does she convert range to damage on the 1-1, or does she cover range to damage on a fat 1-1...

So does she have to spend 1 fat for 1 damage so long as she has the range, or she spends 1 fat ro convery all extra range into damage?

Example, if she has hit something and has 7 extra range, who 1 fat convert all that into +7 damage, or would 1 fat only convert +1 damage from that 7 range?

1 fatigue would convert all 7 range into 7 damage.

"...may spend one fatigue to convert any extra range..."

One fatigue converts everything. "One-to-one basis" refers to the ratio of range to damage.

gilfaim said:

ok so got a question about Laurel's power, it reads:

After rolling a Ranged attack, Laurel may spend 1 fatigue to convert any extra range she rolled into damage on one-for-one basis.

Bold added by me. My question is, does she convert range to damage on the 1-1, or does she cover range to damage on a fat 1-1...

So does she have to spend 1 fat for 1 damage so long as she has the range, or she spends 1 fat ro convery all extra range into damage?

Example, if she has hit something and has 7 extra range, who 1 fat convert all that into +7 damage, or would 1 fat only convert +1 damage from that 7 range?

1 Fatigue converts any (all) extra range into extra damage. On a 1-1 basis means 1 extra range becomes 1 extra damage (otherwise we have no indication as to how much range becomes how much damage) and has nothing to do with fatigue. Note that the 'a one-for-one basis' can only logically reference a conversion . The conversion is range->damage. The Fatigue is a cost ('spend').

So in your example she would pay 1 fatigue for 7 extra damage.

It is a powerful ability, though largely through what it can do in conjunction with other skills she has (eg Marksman) rather than purely on it's own. But she is otherwise a very bad hero (8 wounds and 1 armour for 3 CT) and needs a strong ability to compensate.

Thanks all... it's as I thought, but the one-for-one got me a little worried...

Strong power, yes, poor health. I wouldn't say she is a terrible Hero, just needs to be played carefully!

gilfaim said:

Thanks all... it's as I thought, but the one-for-one got me a little worried...

Strong power, yes, poor health. I wouldn't say she is a terrible Hero, just needs to be played carefully!

Having played Laurel myself I can vouch for the fact that she's not overpowered. Yes she can do a lot of damage, but she has to get close to the front line to really take advantage of it, and she is pretty squishy. When I played her, I also had the skill card that makes both damage and range on power dice count (Lucky?) so she was a great little glass cannon. Still not brokenly powerful though.

She seems to be the Mad Carthos of ranged attackers but with even more damage and more pain when she dies. I don't think I'd want her in a standard game, she's just too expensive to be that squishy and the extra damage doesn't usually matter enough. But she'd kick ass in Sea of Blood and only slightly less ass in Road to Legend.