So, moving onto my 4th wrote out storyline, POW's. This is another 4 mission story.
The mission is in Neutral Territory, 4x3 space mat, 12 turn time limit.
There are 4 asteroids, and 10 proximity mines on the other side of where the asteroids are, placed in a 3x4 grid (with 2 of those in the last line gone), showing the 2 spots where the disabled HWK is located at.
The West most (left side) is the rebel infiltration zone, while the INITIAL imperial forces show up on the East (right) most side, going from the South-east corner, up to the North-east corner, 3 range rulers marking spot 1 to 9.
For the 3 Reinforcement squads, they come in on Tab 1 or 2, on the north side (placed mid range 2 or 4 along the north/top edge), or tab 3 or 4 (same spots on the south side.).
At 3 rebel fighters, the imperial forces contain
Alpha squad - two Tie fighters starting out
Beta squad - 2 more tie fighters starting out.
Round 3 - Delta squad, 2 Tie bombers, with a Strike AI, focusing on the rebel YT-2400, that's coming to rescue the HWK.
Round 3 - Epsilon squad, 1 Lambda shuttle, with +2 shields. It focuses on the HWK, trying to dock with it.
Round 6 - Gamma squad. EITHER 1 tie Striker elite, OR one Tie interceptor Elite.
The HWK is disabled, has lost its engines, weapons and hyperdrive, and is suffering from a damaged sensor array critical. IT has 1 shield, +1 per 2 players (rounding up here, gives it +2 shields). ONCE A ROUND, at the end of the round, ONE person rolls 1 attack dice. ON a critical result only, 1 of the 4 damaged systems are repaired, going in order of Hyperdrive, Engine, Sensors and Weapons. Once the Engines are repaired, it can move, but till the sensors get repaired, it can't act or shoot.
IF THE YT Docks with it, roll 1 attack AND one agility die. IF the net result is a hit OR critical hit, the main drive is fixed. THIS IS ON TOP of what the HWK gets. IF the net result is 1 evade (Via the YT), the engines cannot be repaired. This means the YT must then take the pilot off, and escape after de-docking in the following round.
IF the Lambda docks with the HWK, it must remain docked for 2 rounds, to succeed in A) Capturing the rebel pilot, and B) downloading the stolen information. IF THIS HAPPENS the mission is a loss. IF THE HWK Gets destroyed, the mission is a loss for BOTH the empire and rebels.
For the runnings at 3 players.
First running– will use 2 X-wings, Chaka, Jinn and the A-wing Gruff.
Second running – will use 2 X-wings, Squeaky, Tin-bok, and the A-wing Drogo.
Third running – will use all 3 Y-wings, Cmoz, Crack and Dozer.
Fourth running – will use all 3 Y-wings, Unca, Imo-thep and Snoopy.
Fifth running – will use all 3 B-wings, Twitch , Wilt and Spot.
Sixth running – will use all 3 B-wings, Shunt, Grood and Doc.
IF has to do a 7 th or 8 th running
Seventh running – will use the X-wings of Shatter, Shrek and the A-wing of Drogo.
Eight running will use the Y-wing Dozer, the B-wing Doc and the X-wing Tin-bok.
Edited by LTuser