Looking for Concept art/illustration of the 3 bosses (Villains Eriador pack)

By shade666, in The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

Hi folks,

So I was working on creating some custom figures/boards using the 3 main bosses of Villains of Eriador (Gulgotar, Atarin, etc)

The mini-box doesnt include any.

But I was surprised, nerding a bit on the net, not finding any nice drawnings shots of the 3 characters.

Yet, I have the feeling I saw some in the app, playing it.

Does anyone have nice images/concept of the 3 bosses?

Thank you smile.gif

Edited by shade666

On the Campaign’s “Select Difficulty” screen, the “Normal” option is a picture of Gulgotar . He’s got the same pose and detail as the miniature.
That is the only official artwork of the 3 bosses currently available.


I feel like the concept art for Gulgotar went a bit over-the-top for the Tolkien universe. If you're looking for concept art ideas that fit the Middle Earth theme, I'd suggest perusing the encounter card art, especially the enemies, for the Lord of the Rings LCG. You can find and search all encounter cards on Hall of Beorn: http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR .

For Coalfang , you can browse the art for wargs: http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR?Query=warg&CardType=Enemy .

For Atarin , you can browse the art for either Harad: http://hallofbeorn.com/LotR?Query=harad&CardType=Enemy

or browse through the unique enemies (some good options for Gulgotar here as well). For Atarin, specifically, you might look to: