Tatooine cliffs

By Alan Noir, in Terrain Building

Built a cliff/arch of sorts last week. Quite happy with how it turned out. Nothing fancy, just polystyrene, PVA, sand and paint. Wanted it red so it could pass for Geonosis, but we ran out. Inspired by the original Battlefront 2004 Tatooine level (



Nice! How do you like it for gameplay?

6 hours ago, SFC Snuffy said:

Nice! How do you like it for gameplay?

Its only been used twice but it worked fine. Most of our terrain is accessible at height 1, this comes in on the low side of height 2. I wanted the right side to be gradual and difficult terrain, and the left side to be more of a sheer drop. In this game we were fighting for the centre of the board, not just the top of the hill so most action took place below the arch. Tbh in the second game we tried it was off to the side so i had pathfinders deploy on it and remain more or less unchallenged. We're still figuring out how to expand to 800 pts and a 6ft board (space issues) but i think it will work better then.

Edited by Alan Noir

Looks great!