So me and my friends have been playing some casual four player skirmish(Hombrew) mission(we only have two copies of the Core set and a few ally and Villain packs), Special rules are thus: Droids can't bleed, Vps don't count toward Victory, you just have to be the last person standing. One of these friends of mine is using a team I made and painted for him, one of them printed out a team from the IA Wiki, and one is using a team including Thrawn, Hondo, The Royal Guard Champion, and two squads of storm troopers, and I am using a Force user Squad using Luke(jedi Knight) With Motivation, Ahsoka Tano, Kanan Jarrus, and Ezra Bridger, and Rebel High Command, Doubt, Balance of the Force. Any Tips for how to take down Thrawn?
Edit: I also Forgot to mention, running out of command cards doesn't end your game.
Edited by ArcticJedi