Where to start?

By Batei, in A Game of Thrones: The Board Game (1st Edition)

Background:I picked up the base game and both expansions in an auction a while back. I have played the core game once, long ago and barely remember how it played out. I have an event coming up where I would like to play this wonderful game.

My question is what is the best combination of components from all three boxes to throw together for the first couple of plays? The reason I ask is that I know some games are always better (and sometimes clearer) when used with expansions as expansions are often created to help balance games. E.g., I would never play Kingsburg (one of my favorites) without the expansion.

Clash of Kings:the board and Martel only for six players. Some like how Tyrell and Baratheon can expand elsewhere, but that limits the confrontation and all but hands the game to the Lannisters. I wouldn't bother with the seige mechanic but fortresses work well. I'd leave out the ports for the first game too since I've found it leads to lots of rule arguements from new players. I personally prefer these house cards over the others but I know people on the forums seem to like Storm's better, which I don't think adds anything to the base game beyond leaders, which are not needed unless you play a death match or something. I'd leave out one time orders too since they, again, cause new players grief and get them worked up if someone else's seems better. The Wilding cards are a great addition and so are Storm's cards that makes having the throne/sword/crow more useful, but if you don't play with leaders "Swing the Sword" is useless for the sword holder so I'd ignore them.

I recommend playing the core game only for the first run on westeros (except playing with 6 players then add CoK board and Martel as Gatha said). Basic mechanics will be well understood and the tactical elements of the exp.s will become more clear when introduced.

Our setup:

Base Game

CoK: -Fortresses -Siege towers -One time orders (except of course special house orders) -Ports

SoS: - House Cards -Westeros Cards -Heroes (make the game a lot more thrilling)

If playing with 4 players, it has also proven worthwile to gather all of Pykes's units on Pyke (combat strength 6 or 7 with heroes) that makes it hard to get a stand there and focusses the Stark/ Lannister conflict somewhat around there, but leaves also more room by freeing the sea territory.

Good luck and have fun

Thanks so much for the advice! I hope to put it to good use this weekend.



We played just the basic game. And we had so many games to play over the weekend we never had time for a second game with additions from any expansions. I think it wore the guys out, however. LOL! We had a lot of treaties and bs going on back and forth. I loved it, but again I think it mentally wore my friends out. I hope they will try again with the expansions.