Is allowing Moralo Eval to attack 13 or more times per turn intended by the game design?

By Kelorn, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

An opponent I was playing on Table top simulator brought the following list:

Name: Broken poop
Faction: Imperial
Commander: Admiral Piett

Assault: Targeting Beacons
Defense: Fire Lanes
Navigation: Salvage Run

Interdictor Suppression Refit (90)
• Admiral Piett (22)
• Fighter Coordination Team (3)
• Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
= 120 Points

Victory I (73)
• Admiral Ozzel (2)
• Harrow (3)
• Fighter Coordination Team (3)
= 81 Points

Quasar Fire I (54)
• Squall (3)
= 57 Points

• Moralo Eval (22)
• Tempest Squadron (13)
• Zertik Strom (15)
• 3 x Lambda Shuttle (45)
• Dengar (20)
• TIE Advanced Squadron (12)
= 127 Points

Total Points: 385

His stated intention was to make Moralo attack 13 times per turn. Every time FCT or squall activates, he has a lambda move a token slightly, which lets Moralo move and attack. 9 FCT activations, plus 3 squad activations from the Lambda, plus Moralo's rogue attack add up to 13 attacks.

I have a hard time believing this was intended by the game designers, could we get a ruling on if this is acceptable?

Edited by Kelorn

What specific part of his fleet concept/combo do you believe is against the rules? If the token moved, was distance 1-2 of him and also not on an obstacle, Moralo triggers. How many times was he actually able to get Moralo to trigger? 13 is possible, but I would think it's pretty difficult.

Edited by JauntyChapeau

While i can see that it *could* happen, But as mentioned it would mean that a token would need to stay near him at all times.

But look at that list, no ship to ship firepower, no ECM, no boosted Comms, only 3 activations?

How does that list beat an SSD? How does it beat Raddus? How does it beat double vader cymoons or other dedicated pure ship or pure squadron lists?

Just because you *can* do a thing, doesnt make that a good thing. You murder Eval and that whole list falls apart.

Counter and snipe murder him easily.


Not saying there isn't counter play, there absolutely is. But having played against it, it feels pretty awful.

The point of the bid is to take 2nd player, force you to play an objective with tokens. He's second player, so puts the station near his side, deploys behind it. Uses ozzel before first turn, then uses FCT to activate the 3 lambdas, they slowly move themselves and a token and moralo. They stay near the token, if you do damage to moralo, but don't kill him, he uses one or more of the 13 times he moves per turn to step on the station and heal.

It maxes out at 26 blue dice from Moralo alone per turn, plus whatever else he takes from his other squadrons and/or ships.

If you play against it with a fleet that wasn't tailor made to kill it, and still feel it's fine, then that's your call I guess. Having seen it, I respectfully believe its game breaking

Post here when it wins a regionals and then I'll acknowledge that it's broken

I'm of two minds about this. First off, you're looking for something that makes this combo illegal. It's not.

In terms of whether it should be illegal... First off, it's far from the best fleet out there. The aforementioned SSD, Snipe, and angry Imperial Aces can pop Moralo and tear the rest of the list to shreds, which makes it competitively bad. Even Rebels can engage the shuttles, which stops FCT and Squall , making Moralo much weaker. It also loses without the bid. Straight up loses. And LTT will make it worse still, and Advanced Transponder net will lock down the Lambdas completely and shut down Moralo for good. Even Grav shift Reroute can pull the station back toward their deployment zone, making Moralo work hard for any healing.

That said, if you can't do any of those things to easily beat it you're doomed against anyone who knows what they're doing. Too much hull to have a good shot at tabling and Moralo doing his thing with Targeting Beacons is a very deep hole to crawl out of. So while the list might not be good, it can certainly make other lists have a bad time, and it makes for binary matchups. I don't like it, but it's there, and it's legal, so I suggest you start bringing Sloane, or a bigger bid, or Annihilator , or LTT and QLT, or play against nicer people if this list is giving you a bad time.

And eventually, if it's causing enough negative play experiences, it'll probably get nerfed.

Edited by The Jabbawookie

There are some lists (Three ISDs with Motti, for example) in the game that are potentially difficult to play against (depending on your list) but aren't necessarily good.

Moralo Eval has kind of divided the Armada community; some people are already saying he's broken, but others (including playtesters) are saying that he's good, but if you make a list that allows him to attack 14 times you're hampering yourself in other areas.

Is it intended by the game design? I think so. Are they going to nerf Moralo with the first FAQ that comes out? I doubt it. If anything, it will get people to play Targeting Beacons more often. Will he be fun to play against? I dunno. I haven't played anything from RitR yet. I think a lot of the RitR stuff looks super fun, but I'm not sure about getting hit with four dice 14 times in one game. However, keep in mind that some of the other cards in RitR can potentially counter Moralo (Reserve Hangar Deck, Advanced Transponder Net).

2 hours ago, Bertie Wooster said:

can potentially counter Moralo

... ignoring him completely, and locking down Lambdas with basic stuff...

Intended? Very likely.

Broken? Maybe, only time will tell.

Are there ways around it? Yes.

On 9/20/2019 at 2:58 PM, Drasnighta said:

... ignoring him completely, and locking down Lambdas with basic stuff...

Well exactly. The Moralo thing only works if he can keep his shuttles alive. The player is spending 67 points on a janky combo with a single point of failure.

2 minutes ago, flatpackhamster said:

Well exactly. The Moralo thing only works if he can keep his shuttles alive. The player is spending 67 points on a janky combo with a single point of failure.

*385, in this case.

I can't work out WHAT he's going to attack 14 times in a round and how one could achieve that.

"Quick, send Moralo on his own against the enemy flagship" - OK but he's unescorted and the flagship has fighter escort.

"Quick, launch Moralo against the enemy squadrons" - OK but they have counter and even with an imaginary 14 attacks he's still going to be receiving 28 blue dice in counter. Brace that away, chum.

"Oh but he can go back to the space station to heal" - Yes, spending at least 1 of his 14 attacks on a move - then he has to spend ANOTHER one moving back to attack.

And this fleet relies on going second. It HAS to go second or it won't work. So first player will get a crack at the Moralo squadrons. 6 TIE Interceptors launched from Quasar with Flight Controllers, here's 30 blue dice against your escort wings and your Lambdas.

Will he be circumstantially useful against people who haven't heard of him? Oh yes. Is he an OMGLOLWTFGAMEBREAKER? I just can't see how.

Edited by flatpackhamster