For the Devs Venom hero pack ideas and suggestions

By LordvaderCQ, in Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Hello! I am seriously in love with the concept of this game so far and the potential of cool stuff that can come with it in the future. One thing I am very concerned about however, is how literally every tabletop or card game has handled my all time favorite character, Eddie Brock/Venom. I am hoping and praying that the devs of this game check up on this forum often because I would like to put some input into how I think that Venom should play in the game.


First and foremost however, please when thinking about artwork for this hero, PLEASE draw your influence from the 90’s art and prior. Preferably Mark Bagley’s version of the character during the very first Carnage appearance which I would also like to mention his version of Carnage in that era imo is the definitive version of the character as well(duh he created Carnage). If not Bagley, then Erik Larsen’s version of Venom was always awesome and looked so menacing during the 80’s and I actually liked that version sometimes more than even Bagley’s work. Please do not do artwork of either symbiote with the “clawed toes”. Carnage does not have a tongue or spider symbol on his chest I hate that some artists depictions of the character displayed him in this way, that was Venom’s thing to spite/mock Spider-Man. I bring this up because it’s been done before and it’s such an eyesore for me when I see these things on the artwork that I never purchased any game containing these elements of my 2 favorite symbiotes. You want to do it to any other symbiote go for it. But please stick to the original design for both of these characters when you decide to release them. I will try to leave images for reference if my phone allows me to. Both Bagley and Larsen gave Venom the right amount of bulkiness and height it wasn’t overly massive for no reason.


Early Amazing Spider-Man/Lethal protector Era- I really want to see Venom themed around protecting innocents it was and still kind of remains his thing even though I stopped reading comics after Venom became a demon and grew wings and a “space knight”, I still observe in the shadows on preview pages to see what is up with him and notice that they at least kept that in tact with his character somewhat. This should be the main focus of his set. Not sure how you’d be able to implement it in game with no bystanders around or whatnot, but if I come up with further ideas I will drop them here.

His powers and abilities should center around his symbiote mimicking Spider-Man being able to generate tendrils in the form of WEBS like Spider-Man only a little weaker, camouflage and being able to shape shift his alien to mimick clothing etc, brute strength being able to lift gigantic objects like trucks, construction vehicles etc., haymaker punches, web tossing or just simply throwing an enemy into a wall/object since he is much stronger than Spidey he can probably do it to any character in the Marvel Universe. He was able to track Carnage using his symbiote for a short period(Just an idea if you decide to do Maximum Carnage as a villain scenario for Carnage). Just please keep the tendril attacks/moves to a MINIMUM, that is what made Carnage unique from Venom is that he used tendrils so much more in weapon form. Maybe one tendril attack or defense move is fine.. but no weapons. They didn’t start doing that until the modernized version of Venom when Flash Thompson acquires the symbiote. Leave all that mess out of this please I beg of you. A simple tendril choke or throw is fine I guess. No mind control, no wings/flight, no weapon tendrils, no vampirism/life steal mechanics, blasters, guns none of that please. Just brute force and Spidey mimickry, camouflage etc for the most part with a tiny bit of tendril attacks/defenses.

As a villain he is able to mute Spidey’s Spider Sense just an idea if you decide to make a villain pack for him also but I think he is better as a hero

Weaknesses/ideas for obligations

-his ex wife Anne Weying

-Fire and Sonics

-his tendencies to protect innocents get in the way sometimes from his goals

-hatred for spider man

MINIONS TO FIGHT this one is a little hard

-The Jury

-Maybe Jack O Lantern although he was more Flash’s nemesis he did fight Eddie as Venom recently

-The spawns he originally had in the Lethal Protector series Phage, Scream, Lasher, etc

- sin-eater

- Any Maximum Carnage sub-villain: Shriek, Carrion, Doppleganger, Demogoblin, etc.




Black Cat





Iron Fist?

i put question marks next to characters I think are probably going to get the hero pack or already have the hero pack treatment in case you’re trying to make them unique which I completely am fine and would agree with anyway

that is all for now as I have a busy day ahead of me if I missed anything I’ll post it later! I love Venom and I really want to get this game, but games like legendary and vs system and heroclix never got the darn character right FULLY there was always something that turned me off so I never bought any of them. Please make my 2 favorite symbiotes the right way! Thanks!

EDIT: below is an image of Bagley’s Venom for reference


Edited by LordvaderCQ
Added some text

They wont be reading this. Pretty sure they cant legally speaking.

Also the 90s aesthetic you are shooting for doesnt fit the tone of the game.

Not sure why it wouldn’t fit the tone of the game... classic Cap and Spidey are in the game just fine along with their most original of abilities and costumes/artwork with the exception of “scientist” Parker. It would work perfectly fine.

and why legally wouldn’t they be able to read the post? That just sounds silly. I’ve posted on dozens of forums where the devs responded to me and read my feedback.

1 hour ago, LordvaderCQ said:

Not sure why it wouldn’t fit the tone of the game... classic Cap and Spidey are in the game just fine along with their most original of abilities and costumes/artwork with the exception of “scientist” Parker. It would work perfectly fine.

and why legally wouldn’t they be able to read the post? That just sounds silly. I’ve posted on dozens of forums where the devs responded to me and read my feedback.

Was your feedback a game design? It is a legal thing not to take unsolicited ideas.

4 hours ago, Radix2309 said:

Was your feedback a game design? It is a legal thing not to take unsolicited ideas.

Interesting because it’s been done in plenty forms of media for ages now. But ok if you insist then you must be right.

I’m sure somewhere there’s a legal “rule” of sorts that you can’t do that. But I haven’t seen anyone follow it in any game I’ve played or participated in the design process with. There was a transformers game that I as well as others had input in on their forums and they’ve implemented, as well as a game called Marvel Heroes which I and thousands upon thousands of others have done the same just to name a couple ofc the top of my head in recent times. And those are video games which in most cases overall get more media exposure than tabletop card/board games...

I mean, now that I think about it... there’s even Kickstarter, lol where that’s literally the hook. I digress...

I’ll just wait and see if a dev responds, or reads it and doesn’t respond. Or if they don’t do either that’s fine too. Idk what the big deal is lol... always gotta be that one guy

Edited by LordvaderCQ
More rant for fun
16 hours ago, LordvaderCQ said:

I’ll just wait and see if a dev responds, or reads it and doesn’t respond.

They won't respond, as FFG Designers/Devs don't participate on these boards (or at least haven't in any of the other game boards I've followed here). Probably a company policy, as companies don't want to have to worry about the PR nightmares that surround having anyone with any sort of official capacity trying to communicate with a broad public community wherein it's impossible to please everyone.

Does that mean they won't read it? Who knows, but they are probably very busy people that (1) aren't getting paid to sift through forum chatter all day and (2) probably don't want to do anything involving the game on their off hours.

Edited by AllWingsStandyingBy

There are companies which I know of who explicitly don't read unsolicited fan submissions for legal intellectual copyright reasons. This is after somebody said "This new thing you published is just like what I posted on your forum, now I want recognition and a fee."