Help needed with list.

By garchilajr, in Star Wars: Armada Fleet Builds

Could I get your opinion on the following list?

Executor List (208/796/800)
Executor II-class Star Dreadnought (411 + 98: 509)
+ Moff Jerjerrod (23)
+ Intel Officer (7)
+ Lira Wessex (2)
+ Director Krennic (8)
+ Emperor Palpatine (3)
+ Gunnery Team (7)
+ Shields to Maximum! (6)
+ Expanded Hangar Bay (5)
+ Rapid Launch Bays (6)
+ Leading Shots (4)
+ NK-7 Ion Cannons (10)
+ Spinal Armament (9)
+ XI7 Turbolasers (6)
+ Executor (2)
Gozanti-class Assault Carriers (28 + 21: 49)
+ Minister Tua (2)
+ Bomber Command Center (8)
+ Suppressor (4)
+ Electronic Countermeasures (7)
Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 + 7: 30)
+ Darth Vader (1)
+ Repair Crews (4)
+ Vector (2)
Maarek Stele (21)
Colonel Jendon (20)
Soontir Fel (18)
Ciena Ree (17)
Major Rhymer (16)
3 x TIE Defender Squadron (3 x 16)
4 x Tie Bomber Squadron (4 x 9)
4 x Tie Fighter Squadron (4 x 😎
Advanced Gunnery
Fire Lanes
Intel Sweep

I'm not sure about an Executor II as a super carrier. It needs to squadron a lot for the fleet to work so this means no navigating. That's fine as you have Jerjerrod so a nav token banked turn 1 for an emergency speed change will probably see you fine for the rest of the game.

If squadronning however you are not repairing which for this huge ship is 4 shields replaced per turn, maybe upto 20 in the course of a game (makes Mottis 3 extra hull for a large ship pale in comparrison). No repair commands and no comms net to pass tokens means Lira and Executor are wasted too and STM isn't great even if you could fuel it as the flotillas tend to pop rather than take shield damage and survuive long enough to repair. Brunson or Dam Con Officer will be better. Krennic if you aren't CF Command is also useless so ditch him. Leading shots and the emergency Officer choking from Vader should be enough dice control.

Spinals are expensive and only work out the front and rear. QBTs are better to work out of all the arcs. You can also use Leading shots at long range with QBTs onboard. If the enemy go speed 1 to avoid them then great as they should all be in your front arc for most of the game and your GTs will toll. XI7s are ok if you have lots of them in a fleet. Just the one when half of your fleet firepower will come from bombers (who can easily be redirected) isn't so hot. The new LTTs are a perfect choice here and work for Flak.

NK7s have always been overcosted and poor. HIEs could be good or Overload pulse. The latter doensn't exhaust so can be used on all 3 of your shots turning all defence tokens red on three enemy ships. Point out to each of these 3 ships that you have Palpataine on board now each has to dicard 1-2 tokens to shoot at you. If you can double arc a target OL Pulse is also fantastic and your bombers will apreciate bombing targets with all red defence tokens.

Flotillas are great. Against 800 points of opposition if they want Supressor dead it will be, but at least this costs them lots of firepower to achieve. The new reserve hangar bays could be a good thing so get 2-3 to keep the swarm capable fighters recycling. Better than rappid launch bay I think as your fighters are usually fast enough to get where they are needed and Rhymer extends the range too.

Fighters. You have 208 points at the moment so fix that (max 25%). Fel works well with Escort but you don't have any. Even with Expanded hangar you are still over your squadron activation numbers so replace some quantity with quality. Firesprays replacing TIE bombers recovers this ratio very well reducing the activation count by 2 and replaced by a rogue that can do his own activating. Fighters replaced by interceptors or defenders also works. Get some intel like Dengar or 2 jumpmasters (who can be recycled though reserve hangars).

Objectives. Advanced gunnery won't work with Gunnery Teams on your big ship. The word "Cannot" on the GT card can't be overridden by anything, even the scenario. Most wanted will be better. Firelanes can be risky especially if you add up the frirepower of 3-4 enemy large ships which can easily over come the dice output of a single SSD. Intel Sweep is bad too. You cant make the executor the objective ship as it cant afford to loose positioning against the enemy just to secure a token. The gozantis can do it but it is an 800 oppoints game so that is a lot of firepower to disrupt them. Contested outpost or Planetary ion cannon and Solar Corona are good bets.

Edited by Mad Cat
9 hours ago, Mad Cat said:


You can drop the Assualt Gozanti's to the cheaper version and lose only the blue anti squad and red anti ship to black and blue respectively. I'd remove Lira from the SSD and put Brunson to help keep it alive, or Grint with a Repair token stapled to him. I would replace StM with IF! - will help for the SSD and whenever the Gozanti's are in range. You'll get more use out of Comms Net with Executor, but that means you'll have to drop Repair Crews. Both are really good for your list, but I think Comms Net wins out since with 33 Hull repairing one from the Gozanti may be worse than the utility of choice. You won't need Rapid Launch Bays, better to have Boosted Comms so your Bombers can reach those ships trying to get away.

On 9/16/2019 at 6:10 AM, Mad Cat said:

I'm not sure about an Executor II as a super carrier. It needs to squadron a lot for the fleet to work so this means no navigating. That's fine as you have Jerjerrod so a nav token banked turn 1 for an emergency speed change will probably see you fine for the rest of the game.

If squadronning however you are not repairing which for this huge ship is 4 shields replaced per turn, maybe upto 20 in the course of a game (makes Mottis 3 extra hull for a large ship pale in comparrison). No repair commands and no comms net to pass tokens means Lira and Executor are wasted too and STM isn't great even if you could fuel it as the flotillas tend to pop rather than take shield damage and survuive long enough to repair. Brunson or Dam Con Officer will be better. Krennic if you aren't CF Command is also useless so ditch him. Leading shots and the emergency Officer choking from Vader should be enough dice control.

Spinals are expensive and only work out the front and rear. QBTs are better to work out of all the arcs. You can also use Leading shots at long range with QBTs onboard. If the enemy go speed 1 to avoid them then great as they should all be in your front arc for most of the game and your GTs will toll. XI7s are ok if you have lots of them in a fleet. Just the one when half of your fleet firepower will come from bombers (who can easily be redirected) isn't so hot. The new LTTs are a perfect choice here and work for Flak.

NK7s have always been overcosted and poor. HIEs could be good or Overload pulse. The latter doensn't exhaust so can be used on all 3 of your shots turning all defence tokens red on three enemy ships. Point out to each of these 3 ships that you have Palpataine on board now each has to dicard 1-2 tokens to shoot at you. If you can double arc a target OL Pulse is also fantastic and your bombers will apreciate bombing targets with all red defence tokens.

Flotillas are great. Against 800 points of opposition if they want Supressor dead it will be, but at least this costs them lots of firepower to achieve. The new reserve hangar bays could be a good thing so get 2-3 to keep the swarm capable fighters recycling. Better than rappid launch bay I think as your fighters are usually fast enough to get where they are needed and Rhymer extends the range too.

Fighters. You have 208 points at the moment so fix that (max 25%). Fel works well with Escort but you don't have any. Even with Expanded hangar you are still over your squadron activation numbers so replace some quantity with quality. Firesprays replacing TIE bombers recovers this ratio very well reducing the activation count by 2 and replaced by a rogue that can do his own activating. Fighters replaced by interceptors or defenders also works. Get some intel like Dengar or 2 jumpmasters (who can be recycled though reserve hangars).

Objectives. Advanced gunnery won't work with Gunnery Teams on your big ship. The word "Cannot" on the GT card can't be overridden by anything, even the scenario. Most wanted will be better. Firelanes can be risky especially if you add up the frirepower of 3-4 enemy large ships which can easily over come the dice output of a single SSD. Intel Sweep is bad too. You cant make the executor the objective ship as it cant afford to loose positioning against the enemy just to secure a token. The gozantis can do it but it is an 800 oppoints game so that is a lot of firepower to disrupt them. Contested outpost or Planetary ion cannon and Solar Corona are good bets.

Thank you so much for your feedback!

On 9/16/2019 at 3:28 PM, eliteone said:

You can drop the Assualt Gozanti's to the cheaper version and lose only the blue anti squad and red anti ship to black and blue respectively. I'd remove Lira from the SSD and put Brunson to help keep it alive, or Grint with a Repair token stapled to him. I would replace StM with IF! - will help for the SSD and whenever the Gozanti's are in range. You'll get more use out of Comms Net with Executor, but that means you'll have to drop Repair Crews. Both are really good for your list, but I think Comms Net wins out since with 33 Hull repairing one from the Gozanti may be worse than the utility of choice. You won't need Rapid Launch Bays, better to have Boosted Comms so your Bombers can reach those ships trying to get away.

Thank you for your feedback!