Card Recycling

By Eisley, in Horus Heresy


Do cards with the recycle symbol which have been executed as an order get placed in your reserve?

Cards with the recycle symbol that are discarded during the Orders special phase do get placed in the player's reserve, but the rules seem to conflict with themselves about what happens to cards that have been executed. I found more mentions of executed recyclable cards being added to a player's reserve but it's not clear. (Also, it felt strange that an executed card can be recycled so easily). I think the confusion stems from the rules using the word discard to refer to cards that have been executed and cards willingly removed from the player's hand (special orders phase or just playing them without executing the order).



"After an order has been executed, the corresponding card
is discarded. A discarded order card is placed in its owner’s
discard pile unless it bears a recycle symbol, in which case it is placed in its owner’s reserve instead (see “Recyclable
Orders and the Reserve” on this page)." (p. 19-20)

Unless specifically mentioned (and there are some cards IIRC), order with a recycle icon that is discarded goes into the reserve pile.