Standard Crew on Huge ships

By player3719000, in X-Wing Epic Play

On 10/2/2019 at 10:45 AM, AegisAngel said:

If Huge ships have 2 crew slots the build I'm looking at for my raider is Ordinance Tubes for Cluster Missile, Sensor Experts for multi locks, Grand Inquisitor, Perceptive Co-Pilot, and maybe the Corvus title. Token stack with GI proc would be 2 Focus, 2 Calculate, Up to 3 locks, and a reinforce. This is all speculation however as we don't know what all upgrades the Raider can fit.

Just going to say that The Grand Inquisitor on a Raider is the coolest image ever. Double points if his escort fighters are all TIE/v1s.

(Which, since their wings can fold, could actually FIT in a Raider, unlike TIE Fighters...)

With the new article it gives us the age-75. What good crew options do we have for that? It’s a support ship and not meant to be in direct combat unless all else fails. So it would be a good place to put Leia Or Jyn Erso for the rebellion. And for the resistance C-3po will being doing great if you can get comms team. White coordinate to friendly ship.—> gain a calculate token—> link into white calculate—>gain additional calculate token. Leaving you with 3 calculates to spend on whatever you choose.

Resistance is going to have interesting interactions, take Holdo for example being able to pull stress off ships which then just exchanged for an energy. Also being able to coordinate and then pass off tokens (like calculate) other ships. Everybody has been upset that the Resistance isn't getting the CR90, but honestly they don't need it. They have one of the most flexible and efficient ships in the game, the T70. Dreadnaught Hunter Poe is going to be a nightmare for huge ships, Wings of T70's carrying HLCs, Jessica Pava "The Great Destroyer" is going to live up to her name being able to have a wing. They don't need the CR90 IMHO. Just use the GR-75 to make the T70's better.

Edited by AegisAngel