Standard Crew on Huge ships

By player3719000, in X-Wing Epic Play

Looking at the conversion kit and other expansions I saw that there were some crew coming with them. Which got me thinking. Sure we can use those crew options. But what about ones we already have? This is a place to discuss using standard crew on epic.

Ill start with nien numb on rebel CR-90. he could make a lot of the maneuvers white (like the 0 and 3 speed bank). Including making the 1 speed bank blue.

Leia could do a lot of the same stuff and more as well, but with a 3 turn cool down.

I am guessing they will all have a crew slot or two. Perceptive Co-pilot will be a nice card to provide more modded shots with all of the bonus attacks. Sloane might be a good one too, with such a big footprint an epic ship could take advantage of her abilities. Tua could be great on an epic ship to make it a bit more survivable. Going really far out on a limb, maybe Gonk droids could be decent on epic ships with 2 actions? Saw Gerrera could be a real nasty card, too!

A crew that can take advantage of calculated will be very useful. Based off the white linked calculates that appear to be on all the team cards.

I feel like Perceptive Pilot on Dodonna could be great. Makes him like a souped-up Esege Tuketu (who would incidentally make a phenomenal wingman)

Hotshot gunner is going to be good on these ships, especially vs. the other bug ships.

Scum has quite a few excellent Crew options for the C-ROC.

Boba Fett basically puts a C-ROC at infinite initiative during setup, making it impossible to plan on where your huge ship will be. Any "get to X location" objectives will be in your favor since you can just drop the C-ROC as close to it as possible at the start of the game. It might even work as a nasty Turn 1 surprise attack, starting the C-ROC as close as possible and then diving into the enemy with Deadman's Switch and as much AoE/close range attacks as possible to exploit grouped enemies and disrupt the enemy's game plan.

Tobias Beckett on any other crew carrier could support a Boba Fett C-ROC by giving you more control over where exactly the C-ROC gets placed.

Qira trivializes navigating around obstacles.

Lando Calrissian will be great paired with any team card providing a link to Calculate and/or IG-88D/Perceptive Co-pilot. Rerolls for days. And speaking of IG-88D...

IG-88D buffs Calculate (such as the linked Target Lock > Calculate from Bombardment Specialists), providing extra mods, Lando Calrissian (Crew) reroll fuel, Calculate passing via IG-88A, free Cannon shot on miss via IG-88B, etc... I'm without a doubt that Iggy Pop-D will be stapled to the C-ROC. I'm not sure how the rules for Huge Ships work, but it seems like they have no limit for bonus attacks? Hopefully FFG has planned for bonus attacks triggering from bonus attacks, otherwise IG-88B + C-ROC with IG-88D, Point Defense Lasers and any Cannon (C-ROCs come with HLC so they definitely can equip cannons) will be able to have 4+ attacks that will infinitely chain into another attack if they miss, effectively making every shot impossible to dodge. If they didn't, prepare for the biggest NPE in X-Wing history.

Jabba and Vizago will provide fun jank, even with the nerf to Vizago preventing silly things like a cloaked C-ROC. We also haven't seen what the new illicits included with the C-ROC bring yet either.

L3-37 will be incredibly valuable against Turbolasers, a single 4pt card potentially preventing 4-6 damage is worth its weight in gold, and it provides improved banks as a really nice bonus.

Trouble is though that IG-88D is just absurdly efficient, and if IG-88D is onboard then I bet Lando (Crew) will be too to take advantage of the extra tokens, so unless the C-ROC can hold 3 crew, IG+Lando would be the standard build unless Boba Fett C-ROC shenanigans turn out to be really effective.

The point you made about IG-88D crew and IG-88B pilot. Is very true. As far as we know. That could be very nasty. Vary nasty indeed. And boba Fett crew too. Just rush straight in. And try to run over as many as you can before you are destroyed.

I think crew that provide Force will be very valuable on huge ships. Kylo Ren is a pretty affordable Force point for the First Order. Petty Officer Thanisson will be a real pain on a Raider or Gozanti creating a big 'no fly zone' in front of the huge ship, especially because he basically just costs an energy to activate. For that matter, Captain Phasma can also set up a 'no fly zone' at range 1 to prevent enemy turn around maneuvers.

Who's ready for Grand Inquisitor on the Raider, 1 energy for a 3rd action? I'll take that trade any time.

Why limit yourself to just 3 actions? Can’t you take more using his ability? It just says “after an enemy ship at range 0-2 reveals its dial you may perform a white action treating it as red”. You could take as many extra actions as you want, provided you have enough energy.

It also requires force charges (my bad should have stated that), on that note Tua. As soon as you get a damage card free red reinforce. 4 actions for 2 energy and a force charge (if the Raider has 2 crew slots), doesn't get much more efficient imo.

Edited by AegisAngel

I mean hate?

Wait nvm probably not an option outside casual play. You can always just put all the force crew you have in the ship

There are some crew that are just OK in normal games, but get better with Epic.

- Gran Moff Tarkin: one time use to let everyone in your list TL your target. Sensor Teams make this fantastic. Double mods for ordnance and for ships that can't even TL in the first place!

- Agent Kallus : hunt an enemy huge ship and get unlimited Force like ability!

- Minister Tua : spend an Energy for the stress and get a free Reinforce token!

- Moff Jererrod : everyone can do a red Boost. Situational, but possibly perfect for a scenario, or just edge closer to the enemy big ship.

- Admiral Sloan : Every friendly ship with R3 makes someone stressed. If anyone is stressed, you get rerolls on them? More better with more ships.

- Gonk : 1 action to get 1 shield back? For a huge ship? Just might be worth it.

- Perceptive Copilot : One action gives you 2 Focus? Sign me up!

1 hour ago, heychadwick said:

Gran Moff Tarkin: one time use to let everyone in your list TL your target. Sensor Teams make this fantastic. Double mods for ordnance and for ships that can't even TL in the first place!

I'm interested to see how Tarkin works if the ship he's on holds multiple locks in the first place. Does that mean that all the other ships gaining locks can pick from among the locked ships, because that opens up the fleet's ability to hit multiple targets, and means if you're split up and not all of them are within range 3 of the one target you're more likely to make use of it on multiple.

If Huge ships have 2 crew slots the build I'm looking at for my raider is Ordinance Tubes for Cluster Missile, Sensor Experts for multi locks, Grand Inquisitor, Perceptive Co-Pilot, and maybe the Corvus title. Token stack with GI proc would be 2 Focus, 2 Calculate, Up to 3 locks, and a reinforce. This is all speculation however as we don't know what all upgrades the Raider can fit.

On 9/27/2019 at 3:23 AM, Enigami said:

Scum has quite a few excellent Crew options for the C-ROC.

Boba Fett basically puts a C-ROC at infinite initiative during setup, making it impossible to plan on where your huge ship will be. Any "get to X location" objectives will be in your favor since you can just drop the C-ROC as close to it as possible at the start of the game. It might even work as a nasty Turn 1 surprise attack, starting the C-ROC as close as possible and then diving into the enemy with Deadman's Switch and as much AoE/close range attacks as possible to exploit grouped enemies and disrupt the enemy's game plan.

Tobias Beckett on any other crew carrier could support a Boba Fett C-ROC by giving you more control over where exactly the C-ROC gets placed.

Qira trivializes navigating around obstacles.

Lando Calrissian will be great paired with any team card providing a link to Calculate and/or IG-88D/Perceptive Co-pilot. Rerolls for days. And speaking of IG-88D...

IG-88D buffs Calculate (such as the linked Target Lock > Calculate from Bombardment Specialists), providing extra mods, Lando Calrissian (Crew) reroll fuel, Calculate passing via IG-88A, free Cannon shot on miss via IG-88B, etc... I'm without a doubt that Iggy Pop-D will be stapled to the C-ROC. I'm not sure how the rules for Huge Ships work, but it seems like they have no limit for bonus attacks? Hopefully FFG has planned for bonus attacks triggering from bonus attacks, otherwise IG-88B + C-ROC with IG-88D, Point Defense Lasers and any Cannon (C-ROCs come with HLC so they definitely can equip cannons) will be able to have 4+ attacks that will infinitely chain into another attack if they miss, effectively making every shot impossible to dodge. If they didn't, prepare for the biggest NPE in X-Wing history.

Jabba and Vizago will provide fun jank, even with the nerf to Vizago preventing silly things like a cloaked C-ROC. We also haven't seen what the new illicits included with the C-ROC bring yet either.

L3-37 will be incredibly valuable against Turbolasers, a single 4pt card potentially preventing 4-6 damage is worth its weight in gold, and it provides improved banks as a really nice bonus.

Trouble is though that IG-88D is just absurdly efficient, and if IG-88D is onboard then I bet Lando (Crew) will be too to take advantage of the extra tokens, so unless the C-ROC can hold 3 crew, IG+Lando would be the standard build unless Boba Fett C-ROC shenanigans turn out to be really effective.

Yup, Scum crew has some rediculous Huge ship options.

And to add to the list:

Cad Bane ... we already know that the C-Roc comes with device (or whatever the slot is called nowadays) slots thanks to the newly revealed "Saboteur's Map" Illicit. So can you drop mines and then boost the C-Roc?

Edited by Bort
8 hours ago, heychadwick said:

- Gonk : 1 action to get 1 shield back? For a huge ship? Just might be worth it.

Nope, 2 actions now. 1 to charge the GNK, 1 to spend the charge to recover the shield:

GNK “Gonk” Droid

8 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Nope, 2 actions now. 1 to charge the GNK, 1 to spend the charge to recover the shield:

Yeah, somehow I think just taking a focus and or reinforce will safe you more than one shield.

Guess it works if you are panicked about crits, but with 2 actions I think there are better things to do.

14 hours ago, Hiemfire said:

Nope, 2 actions now. 1 to charge the GNK, 1 to spend the charge to recover the shield:

Yeah....2 actions, but one can be done the first turn when you probably don't need that action. What I'm saying is later on you can do that one action and get a Shield back when in the thick of it. That's not bad.

5 hours ago, Bort said:

Yeah, somehow I think just taking a focus and or reinforce will safe you more than one shield.

Guess it works if you are panicked about crits, but with 2 actions I think there are better things to do.

Not so sure on Reinforce now. You will always take one damage from a hit. It all depends on what is shooting at you that turn. As with everything else in X-wing, it will all depend on what's going on.

35 minutes ago, heychadwick said:

Yeah....2 actions, but one can be done the first turn when you probably don't need that action. What I'm saying is later on you can do that one action and get a Shield back when in the thick of it. That's not bad.

Not so sure on Reinforce now. You will always take one damage from a hit. It all depends on what is shooting at you that turn. As with everything else in X-wing, it will all depend on what's going on.

Certainly, and I'm not saying Gonk can't work. Was just thinking that for 10 points, 2 actions and a crew slot you can probably do better. Especially since you will be regaining shields automatically every turn anyway.

As for reinforce... I think huge ships will probably be focussed fire, which is where reinforce shines.

Edited by Bort

We've talked about Scum and Empire... what about Rebels?

Chewbacca might be good for durability, furthering the ship's ability to bounce back from damage. Leia, of course, is gold in this format. She's always better the more ships she affects. There's no particular reason to put her on a Huge ship specifically, though. Jyn at least gets to benefit from the Huge ship footprint.

For benefits to the huge ship itself, Magva might be nice for free locks. No limit on her ability, either. And... I hesitate to say, but... Saw? If you're regenerating two shields a turn, maybe you have a turn or two where he's "free"?

Or you could do C-3PO for an extra calculate when you do all those linked actions from teams.

For Resistance, we should adjust expectations because they only have access to the Medium Transport. So Chewbacca is maybe not the slam dunk he should be, since he's modifying whatever pea shooter the Medium has instead of a CR90's broadside.

That said, Resistance C-3PO is a no brainer. Free calculates when I coordinate, yes please. Kor Sella has serious potential given how huge ships activate last. Even Holdo seems worth trying, although standard play suggests she's not as easy to abuse as we'd like.

The First Order has even fewer crew options than Resistance, although it has a stronger platform in the Raider. Phasma with a Huge footprint could be nice, though I suspect if multiple ships are at R1 your huge might not be long for this world. Thannison has potential, though it could just be an energy hog and is even more limited in arc than Phasma. Will Hux finally shine in Epic play? Maybe! With the natively high Ini, stress resistance, and footprint of a huge ship, as well as the plethora of candidates... if he can't thrive in Epic, he never will.

Snoke and Ren are still out.

I just looked at hux’s card. He essentially gives the triple coordinate from Comms team for just one extra energy rather than 2. Might not seem like a lot but you always want to conserve those energy. So you were right ChahDresh, that does seem pretty good especially with a tie/fo swarm

Edited by player3719000
Forgot to give credit for idea.