So much freehand to do on this model! And I'm not a freehander - so this was a real challenge for me.
I'm also not a Rebels watcher, so it took me far too long to figure out which version of her armor FFG was going for here - but I finally settled on Season 3.
• Checkerboard pattern on her right shoulder pad - but in this season, she added the "S" symbol on a shield.
• low-contrast orange and purple color scheme on the helmet, so the Owl design has to be outlined in silver to even see it
• she has a hand-drawn owl on her left shoulder
• the Rebel logo on the breastplate is yellow on top of red/orange. That's fun to get solid coverage on
• And then all of the paint-spatter/random color splotches all over the rest of the armor.
Plus, I magnetized her arms and head so that she can switch back and forth for her alternate loadouts.
That said - I absolutely loved every step of the process!