What are the age requirements for being in a OP event?

By jhh3, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

The box says 14+ so is that the requirement with adult supervision?

If anyone knows that would be helpful. Thanks.

There are two things to consider for youngsters attending a tournament. Competence and legal requirements.

  1. Competence means the youngster should be reasonably able to play the game. They should be able to play their own fleet, know their upgrades and be familiar with the game rules for movement, squadrons, commands, combat etc. They don't need to be expert or know what all upgrades they may face are capable of. Armada awards better victories for crushing an opponent so you want to be sure you aren't giving away too many 10-1 victories to moderate or poor players who get drawn against a young beginner with no idea what they are doing. If this happens the child will drop to the bottom tables so shouldn't effect things near the top tables fighting for overall victory.
  2. Legal will depend on where the event is being held. Speak to the tournament organiser. If you are the organiser speak to the owner of the venue. The FLGS or Gaming Club should have their own policy on unaccompanied youngsters. Our club has a policy and the committee members are police checked and has public insurance etc. It will depend on what country you are in and you have to consider such things as what happens if the child decides to leave, are you responsible for anything that then happens etc.

From the Fundamental Event Document:

• Minors are ineligible to participate unless they have the permission of their legal guardian. A minor and their guardian declare that this permission has been given by allowing the minor to attempt to enroll in an event.
